
Book Club Chronicles

"That was a great game," Joy praised Wendy while they sat together with Seulgi at a fast food restaurant.

Wendy glanced at her cheesburger and fries guiltily. She really shouldn't be eating like this especially when they were aiming to finish off the soccer season with a bang. They did win the game though, so she could treat this as a present for herself.

It still has some nutritional content, she tried to reassure herself - lettuce, tomate, calcium from cheese, and protein from the meat.

"Thanks," she replied and took a bite of her burger.

Beside her, Seulgi was digging in to a big meal of a quarter pounder burger, a large serving of cheesy fries, and chicken tenders. 

"How long have you been playing again?" Joy asked.

"Since I was 11," Wendy replied. "I started getting serious about playing professionally in high school."

"She was in the varsity team all four years!" Seulgi exclaimed while the soda was still gurgling down .

Joy looked impressed and she smiled brightly at Wendy. "Sounds like you've been planning for this awhile then."

Wendy shrugged. "I dunno. My parents weren't too happy about my decision. But, I got into a good university with a full ride soccer scholarship so they can't really complain. How about you? What are you studying?"

"Ah, fashion design and business," Joy said. "I love clothes."

I can tell, Wendy thought to herself. Joy always dressed in her own edgy style. It was certainly a fashion that Wendy would never choose for herself.

And she didn't think Irene was into that kind of edgy, eye-catching style either. Irene usually wore simple attire, but she could look good in anything.

"So, you're into books?"


"I guess my sister's taste isn't that bad if a college student like yourself is interested in her selections," Joy mused. "Unless...you had another reason for joining."

Wendy thought Joy saw through the plan and she cast an anxious glance at Seulgi when her friend stuffed a massive amount of fries into nervously. "Ah no," Wendy replied. "I just wanted to widen my horizon."

Joy chuckled. "I'm kidding. Sehun totally joined because he's got the hots for my sister. The problem is, she's too intelligent to settle for just anyone. After her last relationship..."

Wendy sipped on her soda. "She was in a relationship?" 

Joy seemed a little conflicted and hesitant before answer. "Yeah. It wasn't a pretty end. The guy turned out to be a control freak. When he and Irene got engaged, he didn't want her to work, and he wouldn't let her talk to anyone, including family."

"Damn, that's really bad," Seulgi said.

"I don't know how my sister did it because she was afraid of him. SOmehow, she leveled up, broke up with him, and walked out of there alive. We haven't seen her ex since then."

Wendy wondered if this information was ok for Joy to be sharing with them. Irene never really shared any information with her, obviously because they weren't close enough yet. The most she'd heard outside of school and book club was that literature convention.

"She won't be in any relationships any time soon," Joy continued matter-of-factly. "That experience has made her wary of anyone with romantic intentions, and other people generally. She's a changed woman."

"Makes sense," Wendy said. "It's not easy to have gone through an abusive relationship."

But that also meant Irene probably wouldn't be interested in her.

And...Irene had dated a guy. She was most likely straight based on this information Joy gave them.

Maybe this really was a bad idea. If Irene were to find out that Wendy joined book club only to get ot know her and possbily pursue her, Irene might lose the respect she had for her...or worse, disregard her completely and hate her for being wierd.

Who woudlnt' think this whole plan was wierd?

Wendy didn't think she would like someone trying to get close to her by somehow finding out they had a private book club group.

It was only thanks to Seulgi's connection with Taeyeon that this was possible. Seulgi was a good person, but this plan could easily go wrong.

She just hoped Joy wouldn't see through her lies, and Wendy knew she had to maek a decision soon. She couldn't stay in this book club forever. And she coudln't keep faking things.


What have I done?


Irene returned home Sunday afternoon. She was exhausted from the long hours at the convention conversing with other professors and professional writers. She couldn't wait to just wash up and curl up in bed. Tomorrow was another long day, and she was tired.

It must be my old age, she told herself as she dropped off her things and went to get new clothes to change into after showering.

Joy was gone, as usual, but Irene coudl care less right now.

Irene switched on the shower head and stripped off before stepping into the warm steamy waterfall.


When Irene walked into her office early Monday morning, she found a mysterious piece of paper on the floor. It seemed that someone had slipped it under her door when she was out for the weekend.

Maybe it was a late assignment someone wanted to turn in but didn't make it in time before she left.

But it looked in poor condition. It was folded over into a half, and Irene for sure had warned her studnets never to slip in late work under the door.

Irene sat down at her desk and opened the paper only to feel very uneasy the moment she read the short note.

I am always watching you, Irene Bae. I will make you regret everything you've done to me.

It must be a prank. COllege students could be pesky and immature at times. Probably someone dared their friend to leave a threat message like this, right? Irene frowned as she wdonered whether or not to report this to the head of the department. This had never happened before so of course, it was a bit scary.

However, she wasn't sure how other people would handle it. They might think because seh was a woman, she was making a big deal out of a stupid note. 

But it still wasn't ok to leave threat messages like this to anyone.

"Professor?" a student popped his head into her office. Irene forgot she had left her door open. "Can I ask you a question about the final paper?"

Irene quickly put away the threat note and smiled at her student. "Yes. What is it?"


Wendy grunted as she did some ab workouts in the gym. Sweat glittered on her forehead and she felt the satsifying burn from the exercise. 

After she finished a few reps, she went to get a bottle of water and took a few sips. She wiped her forehead, and picked up her bag before heading to the locker room to change. 

"Hey, Wendy!" she ran into her teammate, Krystal. "See you tomorrow at practice!"

"See ya." She waved and went into a stall to change. The showers were public, and the dividers weren't exactly secure as she woudl have liked. That's why Wendy would change at school and go home immediately to shower.

Once she was changed into clean clothes, she shouldered her gym bag and went to retrieve her backpack before walking out of campus. Seulgi had just texxted her that she had ordered some takeout for them to have for dinner tonight. 


It was already dark when Wendy stepped outside. This time, she passed through the literature building because the campus exit there was closer to where she lived. It was a pretty easy walk home, but she decided to catch the shuttle bus because it was cold,and hse was very hungry.

However, as she walked through the halls, she noticed that it was a little emptier now. There were classes in session, and two students were conversing about an important matter to one side. 


A shady figure walked in through the doors. He was dressed in a black trenchcoat, jeans, combat boots, and wore a large fedora that concealed the upperpart of his face well. He brushed past her, his steps echoing off the walls in a hurry. Wendy glanced back, feeling a bit of uneasiness after witnessing such a character.

He turned the corner. An elevator dinged and she heard teh doors slide open.

Wendy decided to think nothing of it, glad that she had no everning classes right now as she headed out the doors.


Irene left work before dark today. The threat note was still fresh on her mind and she did not want to put herself in a situation where she might be caught alone at night. While some of her other coworkers tended to stay late, they were mostly in the floor above her. NO one woudl know if something happened to her. Security cameras were installed, but it woudln't save her life in the moment of a real scrabble. Only as evidence in a court hearing.

She was back home safely and surprised to find that Joy had baked something and left it behind on the stove top for her with a note.

Hey Irene! Here's a treat for you. I made it with love! -Joy

Irene smiled to herself and went to wash up before dinner.


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Chapter 43: Patiently waiting for their next date😊
I Missed this story
Hoping for an update soon author-nim
Narutinho1 #3
Chapter 42: Wow this story is good, thank you autornim ... but i really need to know what happened next
Chapter 43: Thank you for the long awaited update. Their first date made my heart flutter!
Chapter 32: Awww. They are longing for each other but just keep denying.
Chapter 43: Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 43: Finally author-nim comeback
I'm happy to read this again and crying :")
Can't wait for the next chapter 💙
CorLeonisAuream #8
Chapter 43: Love your story so much!! After seen the update a decided to reread the whole thing, still love it so much!!
Can't wait to read whatever comes next!!
Chapter 43: Love this story
Chapter 43: Welcome back author!! thanks for the update.

I hope their interactions will improve along the way. They're still awkward... Mainly Wendy LoL