
Book Club Chronicles

Irene had been taking a leisurely stroll far away from her office and anyone who might possibly know her well on campus. She didn't feel like making conversation with anyone, and she simply just wanted a moment to herself. All day students had been in and out asking her questions about their final research paper and concerns about grades, and other professors just happened to be popping up to chat when she was obviously busy behind the computer.

So that's how she found herself on the far side of campus where the athletic fields were located. There were people in passing to leave campus or come back for class or work, but it was more peaceful than the main campus where she usually spent time.

Irene rarely explored and this was probably one of the few times she had come across this part, except for when she watched Wendy's game (without Wendy knowing, of course LOLOL). The athletic fields were relatively empty - there were various for the diferent sports so some teams like track and volleyball were training, but ther than that, it was almost vacant.

And that's how she spotted Wendy alone in the field, practicing alone. Irene tried not to be a creeper, but she coulnd't help but watch again in amazement, how Wendy handled the ball with ease. Her foot-eye coordination was good, and damn. 

As Irene drew closer, but still at an undetectable distance, she could see that Wendy's legs were quite muscular and the girl, in her training clothes, was slim and fit. Her whole body was muscle.

IRene heard the loud pop when Wendy kicked the ball towards the goal from a distance that she found impressive, since she wasn't athletic herself.

Anyway, she lost herself while watching the ball fly and bounce off teh goalpost, only to be heading in her direction. Luckily it had hit the ground a coupel times and was losing its momentum as it rolled towards her.

It must be destiny that the soccer ball came to a stop at her feet.

Irene didn't know what the hell she was thinking when she picked up the ball and started heading over to Wendy. This was ok, right? We're just talking. Irene had seen lots of students and their professors walk down the halls in friendly academic conversation. 

Is this even the same?

So now they were walking together to the athletics shed so Wendy could drop off the soccer ball she had borrowed, and Irene had no idea what they were going to do/talk about now that they were both walking away from the field.


There was now an awkward silence between the two, neither knew what to talk about - not even Irene, who was the one that had asked Wendy to walk with her in the first place. 

"So...how're your classes?" Irene finally said after she racked her brains for something substantial to talk about.

"Oh, they're alright. Lots of projects mainly," Wendy replied. "And papers." She paused before adding briefly. "You must be swamped too, with all your students' work...and teaching?"

"Yes, but I've gotten used to it so it's not as bad as it was when I first started teaching. It's kind of second nature by now."

Wendy wished she still had the soccer ball in her hands because at least she had something to fidget with. Now, she was like an awkward hot dog, standing straight and stiff with her hands in the pockets of her shorts. The locker room was still a ways from them, and Wendy felt a little self conscious that she was dressed in her sportswear and walking with a beautiful professor.

"Ah, how is soccer going?" Irene picked up the conversation again. "You have a game this week, no?"

"Right!" WEndy burst out a little too eagerly in an attempt to sound less awkward. "It's one of the last ones we're having so it's important that we try to win them so we can get in the top ratings in the system."

"You play really well," Irene complimented her.

"Er...thanks." Wendy blushed and a cool wind fortunately blew against her face to cool her off. "I do my best." 

"I know you do."

Finally, they made it to the locker room and Irene faced Wendy with a smile on her face. "See you next week?"

"Yes. Good luck on your conference!" Wendy replied.

"I wish you the same at your game."

The younger thanked her and turned away first, leaving Irene standing there alone.


That night in the Seulgi&Wendy household, Seulgi was ecstatic that a wenrene moment outside of bookclub had finally occurred. "I WISH I HAD BEEN THERE TO SEE IT WITH MY OWN TWO EYES!" she gushed, clasping her hands and her eyes shining big and bright like an anime girl.

Wendy gave her a weird look. "What the hell?"


"Quiet down won't you?" Wendy smacked Seulgi's mouth shut. "Other people live in this apartment, you know."

Seulgi swatted her hands away and smirked. "Don't underestimate the power of looooove, Wendy. Sounds like Irene might miss you, hmm uwuuwuwuwuwuw?"

"Shut up. She was just taking a walk...or something."

"Geez, Wendy. Don't you want to be with her?"

Wendy glanced at her and sighed. "Yeah, but this is all wrong. Even if we were both mutually into each other, Irene would have to wait like another year before we could officially be together without any consequences." (Note: Wendy's a thrid year in college. She will graduate in the fourth year)

Seulgi scoffed. "You can still be together. Just don't tell anyone."

"It'll be suspicious if I keep going to her house."

"OHHH So YOU ARE intO the IDEA?!" Seulgi leaned scarily close. "I MEAN AREN'T YOU ALREADY DOING THAT?"

"That's book club, Seul!" Wendy retorted. "How are we going to have a good relationship if it has to be secret?"

"I think that's romantic."

Wendy growled in annoyance because she didn't think her friend was seeing the point, realistically. "Goddammit... I'm gonna study. Please don't bother me."


It felt like the conversation with Wendy  passed ages ago as Irene drove to Busan in high traffic. All lights were red and she was actually getting hungry now.

Today was Wendy's game.

Irene leaned on the steering wheel as she waited for the line to move. SHe had been hoping to beat the traffic by leaving before sunset but it seemed that her luck had run out. Not that she really had any in the first place. The conference provided all attendees a room in the fancy hotel close to the convention center so at least she was guaranteed a place to stay, but food was something she would have to find on her own. 

Irene pondered what kind of dinner she shoudl get. Probably not something too big before bed since she had to be up early for the event.


The stands were getting packed on both sides as everyone gathered for the game. Joy looked around for Seulgi, but there was no sign of that crazy ravenous girl. She chose a seat in the back with the most view of the field, and waited for the announcer to start the game. At the last second, Seulgi appeared with her arms filled with water and snacks  that looked like it would last the whole game.

Seulgi, on the other hand, took a seat at the front, which somehow had remained empty this whole time. Once she was seated, she popped open a can of pringles and chomped merrily on them.

Joy wondered how Wendy could possbily have become friends with the gluttonous girl.

The teams gathered on the field, and Joy saw Wendy's number, 7. The team had their pep talk and did a little cheer for good luck before spacing out on the field. 

"YEAH WENDY!" Seulgi screamed before anything even happened.

After figuring out who had the first kick, the ball was sent flying into the air and everyone fanned out to claim ownership of it.


Wendy's eyes flicked from one player to the next, noting whcih of the enemy team seemed to be teaming up and how the formation was seemingly designed. The ball was getting too close to their goal and it would be in their best interest not to let the enemy team score too early.

The opponent passed the ball right between Wendy's teammates legs, causing them to lose their defense.

The enemy team tried scoring, but luckily, the goalie was on point and successfully smacked the ball safely from the net.

Luckily, the ball was in Wendy's team's possession and they were rapidly heading to the other side. She flanked the outer region of the running pack as her teammate made a pass to her other mate. They attempted a shot into the goal, but the goalie caught it cleanly.

Damn, this team was a tough one.


Creepy eyes glowed in the dark, a facial silhouette showing in the dim lighting as he roamed the darkened hallways. "So...this is where you been hiding from me, my love?"

His fingers delicately traced the name plaque on the locked door.

Irene Bae.



A little more drama, nooooooooooooooooooooo. 

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for ch. 37~``


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Chapter 43: Patiently waiting for their next date😊
I Missed this story
Hoping for an update soon author-nim
Narutinho1 #3
Chapter 42: Wow this story is good, thank you autornim ... but i really need to know what happened next
Chapter 43: Thank you for the long awaited update. Their first date made my heart flutter!
Chapter 32: Awww. They are longing for each other but just keep denying.
Chapter 43: Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 43: Finally author-nim comeback
I'm happy to read this again and crying :")
Can't wait for the next chapter 💙
CorLeonisAuream #8
Chapter 43: Love your story so much!! After seen the update a decided to reread the whole thing, still love it so much!!
Can't wait to read whatever comes next!!
Chapter 43: Love this story
Chapter 43: Welcome back author!! thanks for the update.

I hope their interactions will improve along the way. They're still awkward... Mainly Wendy LoL