Chapter Seventeen

Reincarnation II : No Time Left
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Joon Myeon’s POV

The ringtone of a phone was what woke me up. Upon opening my eyes I looked around to look for Song Eun Bi. Damn, I didn’t realize I fell asleep while waiting for her to calm down.
I looked at the time on my phone and it was already afternoon. How long did I even sleep damn it! I called for Eun Bi, but there was no answer, I even looked around but it seems she had already left my house, when I was asleep. Just my luck… how the heck did I even fall asleep when we had so many things to talk about.

I took my phone in my hands yet again and saw who was the one to call me and that was certainly my best of friends. I had three missed calls, one from Minseok and two from Chanyeol. I immediately called Chanyeol back, after all I had to tell him of what happened.

“Joon! How are you why aren’t you answering man?” I could tell he was worried about me, and right now I’d really want to have some of their support. I really don’t know what to do with this situation and I certainly don’t know why Eun Bi got so angry.
What did I even do?

“Chanyeol… I feel like I’ve ed up real good.”

“Why did you find out something?” I nodded even though he could not see me. I just couldn’t bring my voice out.

“You were right… she’s pregnant and I’m the father… but I got her angry and I don’t even know what to do now” I sighed and just laid back on the couch, my head leaned back on the pillow.

“For real though? Damn… we’ll be right there Joon” he closed the phone without saying a goodbye. I knew they would be over very soon. That’s how they always are and I love them for that.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling, taking out a cigarette from my pocket I lit it up and thought of the things that had happened the past month.
How Song Eun Bi and I slept together, I was drunk and I don’t really remember a lot of things other than the sensation it all left. Then we didn’t speak for a while until I realized how valuable of a friend is to me. We talk a lot together even though we’re employer and employee, not only that but when we go to events together I’d rather go there with her rather than my ex.
I’m glad we made up when it comes to that but now… the situations is not something we can overlook. She’s pregnant, we’re having a child together, it came unexpectedly, but I want this child and I’m going to take responsibility no matter what.

But one thing doesn’t leave my mind… why did she get so angry? It’s rare for her to be mad, so what did I even do?

The doorbell rang, how are they here so quickly? I got up and opened. Min Seok came inside holding a bag full of beers, Baekhyun was behind him with boxes of pizza and Chanyeol was the last to enter having that foolish smile on his face.
I’m glad they’re here, I do need some advice from them.
They sat on the couch and waited for me to follow suit. I did and sat between Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

“We heard from Chanyeol what happened” Baekhyun said and brought a piece of pizza out for me. “We bought your favorite pizza”

“Damn Joon, how many have you smoked today?” I looked at the ashtray, there were at least six cigarettes, that’s how much I smoked? Damn I didn’t even realize. How could my mind be so occupied by thoughts.

“I didn’t realize guys.” I paused taking a beer can from inside the bag and chugged it down. “I just… I just don’t know what to do, or as a matter of fact, I don’t know what I did wrong either.”

“Tell us what happened, and take it slow on those beers.” I lowered my head and told them everything.

I told them how I took her to the hospital, how the doctor told us that she was pregnant and how we came back home and she got angry at me after I proposed to her.
Although I’m retracing all those things, I still can’t understand why she’s so mad. Is it that bad that I want our child to grow up in a healthy environment that includes both of it’s parents? How is that bad, what else should I even do damn it?

“So, you proposed to her and she said no?”

“She didn’t say not Baek, she got extremely angry” Chanyeol sat down on the floor and started eating the pizza inside the box. “Joon, how did you propose to her”

“How the heck do you propose to a woman Chanyeol? You give her a ring and tell her to marry you” I might have sounded ironic or whatever but I couldn’t act calmer. I wasn’t calm after all.

“Maybe she doesn’t want to marry you, or maybe she thought that she didn’t want to be tied down to you just because she’s pregnant. A lot of things could indicate the reason why you know” I looked at Min Seok, he had a point. Maybe she doesn’t want to marry me and me proposing to her, I’d be tying her down from her dreams.

Baekhyun got up from the couch and he went over to the kitchen in order to bring water, in stead of that though he brought something else.

“Did you propose to her with this Joon?” I looked at the ring in his hands and I nodded my head without thinking much of it. It’s just a ring after all. “Then you stupid fool I know exactly why she’s mad at you”

I raised my eyes at him. Why would Eun Bi get mad at me for the ring? It’s just a ing ring, why would it get people angry? I sighed and waited for Baekhyun to explain his train of thoughts.

“This is Yeonmi’s ring. You proposed to her with this ring and your secretary is the one who helped you pick it out. Do you think any woman would tolerate being proposed to with an ex’s ring?” he came and sat back beside me, leaving the ring on top of the table just beside the pizza boxes.
There’s no way it’s because of that.

“Song Eun Bi is not that kind of woman who would get angry for such a trivial reason. It’s just a ring guys”

“Not to woman Joon” Min Seok spoke up this time “Even if she’s not that type of woman, she’s still a woman. Imagine this” he came in front of me and looked me right in the eyes. “Supposedly you and her are in a relationship and on your birthday she gifts you a watch of her ex, would you feel nice about it?”

“I admit, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with it, I might have even been a bit frustrated”

“Why? It’s just a watch” and here it is I realize I’m stupid as . Of course she’d be angry at me. Even though we don’t have feelings for each other it’s still not fine… Why the am I so stupid!

“! What do I do now? I don’t wish for my child to be raised that way. It’s the best way for me to marry her and if the ring is the problem then I can definitely fix that, right?”

“With an apology and a new ring it could perhaps work.” Chanyeol said with a smile. Of course it would, why have I stopped thinking after all these things have happened.
I’ll have to make up to her somehow.

Eun Bi’s POV

“What the did you just say?!” I was just sitting

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Chapter 30: we’ll be waiting! :)
Chapter 30: Good luck! We’ll be waiting ;)
Chapter 18: I'm surprised that neither of them realized the bad timing of their story. But I guess in this lifetime, he doesn't believe in love because he doesn't seem to love her as much as he did in the other lifetimes. It seems that he's with her because he's obligated to, like if he had the choice he wouldn't be there with her. Or at least that's the vibe I'm getting. I wonder if Eun Bi feels I guess not happy sometimes? Because she knows everything about the past? And that she cannot change her fate to be with someone else other than him? Would she get tired because of it? I feel like this lifetime of hers is the hardest because 1) he doesn't seem to love her 2) he's forced to be with her and 3) she doesn't have a choice. And the list goes on I think but I'll stop here XD because I love and appreciate this beautiful and amazing story so much! It's simple but the storytelling technique and the story itself is just... great! I can't even think of words that I can use to describe it because no word is good enough. ;)
Chapter 3: Wow, it took them 3 years to get that comfortable with each other? Either that or he never noticed her...
Chapter 28: :’-))))))) eunbi please save him I can’t bare you guys being apart in this lifetime ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: Ah I'm just reading this now... and it's amazing so far. I should probably go and read the prequel :)
Chapter 26: Gosh, every chapter im holding my breath waiting for a drama but joonmyeon is really something
Chapter 22: Thw girl got emotional just like my mood today
Chapter 21: Im still wondering why yeonmi is calling