CH : 5






"Where are you going? Hey!" 


Thanks to the wide parking lot, Yeri can still catch up with Jungkook who's walking fast.

"It's none of your business."


Jungkook is completely angry, he's talking in a firm intonation even though he's trying so hard not to show his anger in a public place, it’s obvious that he’s really annoyed.


"if it has something to do with me and my job this weekend then it's my business."


Yeri knows that she is right, judging from how Jungkook becoming nervous about what she said.

 He walks to her and stand in front of her while roaming her bag. Rude


"What are you doing?"


"I'm borrowing this." 


He takes her car keys and stop when Yeri is pulling herself from him. This is so typical of him.


"It’s yours anyway."


"You're coming with me."


Yeri can not escape from his grip when he started to hold her hands and dragging her, he opens the car door for her and tell her to get in. She's not actually refused because staying with him is so much better than acting in front of Mrs. Jeon.

Jungkook started the car without saying anything, and being in this situation is making her feeling some sort of weird emotion, she doesn't remember when was the last time he's willing to drive her around in one car like this. 

They never interact or arguing before last week. Everything is so different and it makes her feels scared. What if she's actually not done with Jungkook yet?


"Why are you getting so worked up over this? It's not your first time."


That's a fact and Jungkook knows it well too.


"You're the one who told me that I don't deserve this, that i need to fight, right?"


He's talking while staring at Yeri who definitely looked uncomfortable and shut right away.


"Where are we going?"


It takes her long enough before she finally opened again, asking him a question.


"Your work will be hard this weekend, so I'm taking you for a rehearsal, we can't afford to make mistakes, at all."


He stopped the car in front of a resort, not far from town but in a so much more quiet location. The entrance is huge and one of the waitress is opening her car door. She has no choice but to get down following Jungkook from behind.

Jungkook is holding her hands slowly, and also her waist, she's looking around to see what makes him do that, and the answer is clear when few pairs of eyes are focusing on him, even some hotel staff are giving him a bow. It's natural for her to go along with him, so she gives everyone a smile.


"Good Afternoon, Mr. Jeon."


The hotel manager is welcoming them in front of reception table with a wide smile.


"I want to check the preparation for the party."


"We're still working on it, it will be ready tomorrow, a day before the event, Sir."


"It's ok, i just want to check."


"Surely, Sir. Follow me."


Jungkook is still holding her hands when the hotel manager told them to enter a huge backyard with so much flower at the other side of the hotel. It looked so pretty.


"I thought miss Jieun will be the one who will check the venue."


"She'll be here tonight, she'll check too."


Yeri is totally stunned when the manager told them to stop, the garden and backyard already 80% decorated with so much things. There's also a small stage at the centre, full with ornaments, Jungkook spend a lot for this party.


"I'm quite surprised because I usually discuss with Miss Jieun instead of you."


Jungkook is give the manager a smile, while taking a sit in one of the round tables near a swimming pool.


"You can continue discussing with her. Can you leave us alone?"


"Sure thing."


The manager walks away immediately when Jungkook told him to.


"Some of the guests are already staying in this hotel.."


Jungkook started to talk when the hotel manager is already far from their sight.




Yeri chose to sit in front of him while rolling her eyes, because she doesn't like to get involved with him, it was just last week when she proposed for a divorce from him.


"Your work start immediately, right now."


He asked for her hand, which makes Yeri a little bit confused and annoyed. 


"People are watching, come on."


She has no choice when Jungkook pulls her hand to his lap and play with it while she's looking around the garden and there are actually some people who's looking at them.


"My mom was playing dirty. No matter how successful the event is. All the stakeholders already signed documents about my removal from…"


"Then left your position. You've been chasing it for the past 6 years..leaving me behind."


Jungkook is totally taken aback with what Yeri said to him, after all those years, after what she said to him.


"You made me like this." 


He stares at her deeply without letting go of her hands which is getting colder.

She pulls her hand and give him an awkward smile while looking down. Yeri knows exactly what he means through this conversation. Yeri is taking a glance at him before she gets up and talk to him while looking around.


"I'll see you at the party, i know how to do my job."


"It is important."


He is following her and trying to talk it out with her in a gentle manner, even though he dislikes the way she changed their topic of conversation and trying to run away from him.


"Did I ever disappoint you?"


But Yeri is Yeri for a reason, she ignores him and turn her back from him while taking the car keys from his grip.


at one time....

"Your mother made me participate in table manner lecture today."


"You're pretty when you eat, you don't need that."


More than anything Jungkook feels bad to Yeri if getting married with him cost her so much freedom, it's two months before the wedding but she already spending time with his family and all their antics for more than 3 weeks. Yeri doesn't really talk in detail about what Jeon family gave her as training and lectures. He just know that if it's something came out from his mom then it doesn't necessarily a good thing.


"No, it's fun, i learned a lot."


She looked fine regardless, and he is thankful for how hard Yeri worked for this.


"What's wrong?"


Jungkook's expression is not good, she knows that she is busy with her wedding preparation, all the schedule and work she needs to do for Jeon's family and she rarely meeting him or talk to him. But from one stare only, she realized that something is not right for him too.


"If I wasn't rich, will you still agree to marry me?"


It's such a random question, she feels embarrassed receiving it since the answer is not exactly good. 


She's only 23 years old, a college student with one year left before graduation. Her parents is not loaded with fortune and their lives is hanging in a coffee shop profit. Gaining Jungkook as his boyfriend and even better, as a husband is totally something she never imagined in her life. It will be a lie if she said yes to his proposal about getting married without considering that aspect of him. She is not that naive.


"I don’t know, maybe.. But i won't say yes immediately like what I'm doing right now, i'll finish my study first, I'll find a job, I’ll work on something to help my sister and my family first."


And Jungkook is aware about it, she never lied about this.


"So you aim my money too."


"I'm not aiming, it’s a coincidence that you are rich. I still love you even if you're not loaded."


She's trying to make a joke about it, but Jungkook's expression is still dark and he's not laughing or smiling.


"What is happening?" 


She asked him again while holding his hand slowly, and Jungkook is finally looking at her eyes. There are sadness and frustration on his big eyes.


"I'm tired. You know that.. this fight I'm doing with my family will never become my victory."


Jungkook is already exhausted for trying and looking for mercy from his family. He knows his life is already messed up since he was a kid, but he decided to stay since he was afraid to leave. He is proud of what he did because better than his expectation, he grows up quite well, without turning into some weirdo just because his younger life was hard.

He can go to a good school, getting a good grade, and making his family left with no choice but to acknowledge his existence for how good his quality as a businessman, he was used as tools to makes the Jeon's family getting more money and better reputation. He is becoming their representative, and also the one who gets hit the most everytime someone from his family made a mistake.

And this marriage too, they don't care about it at all, they just thought this as another gig to make people pay attention to him and his business. He drag Yeri into a mess she never aware of.


"Don't say that. You were treated really bad and you finally have a chance to fight back now, you're not alone anymore. Whatever happened, I'll be on your side. You know, once your family came to accept me, i'll act as a spy for you.."


"You don't know how messed up they are."


"I know your mother, and i know how crazy she is."




"Well, i'm still learning about her but i'm not stupid to actually aware what kind of person she is. Parents, no matter how bad they are..i never saw anyone treated their kids so badly, like how they treated you. It will make sense if they act like that to everyone, but they're outcasting you. Only you. It is not fair."


"I want to stop, staying with you is enough. I'll be happier."


"You probably will, but I don't want my husband treated like that by others. I want him to take a stand for himself and receive credit for something he had done."



Yeri decided to pull over her car on an empty road, when she realizes that she's not driving in a straight line. She's holding the wheel with her shaking hand and everything feels like yesterday, all the flashbacks, things she said to Jungkook regarding his family.

All those couraging words..




"I heard you came here with your wife earlier today." 


Jungkook is watching Jieun and all the hotel staff working on decoration and interior design at the party venue for tomorrow. It's almost midnight, and he's been staying at the hotel since this afternoon. His brain is so full with his conversation with Yeri from few hours ago.


"Don't you think the stage is a little bit too simple?"


 He purposefully avoid Jieun's question about Yeri because it will just make him frustrated and confused. It reminded him to the divorce, their past, and other things.


"I think it's ok."


He stares at Jieun and she seems aware that he was only saying that to dodge her question about Yeri.


"Mr. Jeon, i hope you and your wife will do a great job tomorrow. You know how important it is for the company."


"She will do a good job. She never disappoint."


"Who? Yeri-ssi? Of course she is, but what about you? Honestly, i'm feeling uneasy about you."


Jungkook doesn't even want to know her reasoning for saying that to him.

He changed his focus to the hotel lobby.


"Can you make a reservation for me? I'll just stay the night here."


"oh? I thought you were going to come home, at least made up with your wife before the party tomorrow."


Jieun is walking passed by him while talking to one of the hotel staff about his order.


"You know, she stayed at her parents' house..don't worry about tomorrow."


"I just saw her on your apartment. She was there earlier tonight."


"What are you talking about?"


Jieun is quite surprised that Jungkook seems no aware about this.


"I..I need to deliver some extra accessories for her dress, and she asked me to come to your apartment, and she was there. "


Jieun is back to the hotel staff when he asked her about the type of room she wants to booked.


"Mr. Jeon, the room?"


"Cancel it."


Just like how she expects, Jungkook is dashing out from the backyard and telling his driver who's sitting in the lobby to follow him. That couple is really suspicious but she can't find the reason. 




Jungkook reach the apartment at 1AM in the morning. He went straight to Yeri's room but she's not there. She is nowhere to be seen.

He decides to call her just in case something happened to her, because she is being here is something unusual. The call went through and she picked up right away, which is also unusual, looked like she's still not sleeping yet.


"Where are you?"


"Home." Her voice is thin.


"No, you're not here."


"That place isn't my home anymore, I'm at my parent's place. What happened?"


"Jieun told me that you came."


"I did."




He can hear a sigh from her and a little chuckles. Still sounds cheerful after all these years.


"What you said to me earlier was bothering me a lot.."


"It's the truth."


"I know."


Yeri just finished half bottle of wine before Jungkook called, she is drunk and this also affecting the way she said things to him. Her words are pretty and she's not angry to actually talk with Jungkook through a phone call like this. 


"If I want to escape from you,  I need to let go of everything, including all the things I said to you in the past."


"I don't really understand what you are saying, i was just asked why did you come here when you clearly ran away from me before?"


"I..don't want to run away from you, I want you to let me go. Please."


Yeri is crying when she said that and hearing this makes him feel weak, like he's done so much wrongdoing to her and this is her last pleas.

No one said anything for a few seconds when Yeri is clearing .


"I'll see you tomorrow and i hope you can fulfilled your promise regarding our divorce."


She cut the phone call immediately without waiting for his response.


"Unnie, someone is here for you."


Yeri is still sleeping soundly, when her sister wake her up while shaking her shoulder, she takes a glance at a small clock on her desk, it's still early, 7AM. She slept at dawn last night, drunk, stressed, and not exactly happy.




"I don't know, i've never seen them before."


It sounds like a trouble and she wants to stay away from it these days. She gets up from her bed and watching from her window. There are three people out there, and honestly she's not actually unfamiliar with them.


"Tell them to wait."


"Do you know them, unnie?"


"Well, yeah..sort of."


3 years ago, right before her wedding with Jungkook, Yeri spent 3 months being trained and lectured like a royal princess. Mrs. Jeon was so obsessed with her to the point that she lost 8 kg right before the wedding only for that. She knew what she went to since the first day she stepped into Jungkook's life as his bride.

and these people were basically the one who always with her around that time, she doesn't know what they want, but if she has a plan to end everything with Jungkook, then dealing with them for one last time is probably needed.


"Long time no see." 


Yeri takes time to dress up before finally deal with them.


"Good morning."


"Is there anything i could help? Does my husband knows that you are here?"


It's a habit, but Yeri is always use Jungkook as her shield every time this kind of thing happened. These people are working for him, so it's obvious that they know they limit if she brings his name into this.


"Mrs. Jeon want to see you. And no, he doesn't know we're here."


That sounds like a bad thing, it's been so long for her to actually experience this thing, summoned to Jeon's family house without Jungkook knowing, it's scary back then and it is still scary today too.


"I can't, I have an event to attend."


"That is tonight, and we won't be holding you too long, Yeri-ssi."


"What's the matter?"


"It's about tonight's party."


Yeri has no choice but to follow the order, she was trained to do that.


It's 30 minutes drive until she finally arrived at the Jeon's family resident. It's not too luxurious compared to how the other famous and rich family build their own resident. It's pretty, simple, neat, but for her this house is nothing more than just a prison.

"Mrs. Jeon is waiting for you."


She's walking slowly, following the three people who came for her earlier. The entrance of this house is still the same, the interior and the vibe is still very similar to when she came here a few years ago.

She turned her face when Mrs. Jeon is finally showed up on the stairs near the living room, she's welcoming her with a bright smile and giving her a light pat on her shoulder. Intimidating as usual and so different from yesterday, who was friendly and cheerful.


"Did I scare you? I'm sorry."


Mrs. Jeon drag her hand to enter one room, her work room. She's standing near the door when she offers her a drink, one glass of wine . She takes the glass but not actually drinking it, she still has a bottle inside her digestive system, drinking another glass will makes her sick.


"A little bit." She decided to be honest with her.


"Do you remember what I said to you the first time you came here?"


Mrs. Jeon is taking a sit on her huge chair behind a luxurious desk, she talks to her while drinking her wine ellegantly. She's only wearing her nightgown but she looks so pretty and scary too. 

It's hard for her to act normal in front of her after all these years, after things she taught her,  and things she told her.


"I'll remember if you're being specific."


"About Jungkook."


"You said so many things about him.."


"And the way to control people like him.."


Yeri doesn't know how to respond to that question. This is the only thing she never told Jungkook about training and lecture she received from his mother.

She's not answering, so Mrs. Jeon is glaring at her and get up from her chair, she walks to her direction and stop when Yeri finally has the courage to look into her eyes.


"Can you do that tonight?"


"Why would I do that? I've never done that in my entire life.."




Yeri is becoming panic and really uncomfortable when Mrs. Jeon is talking to her with a heavy sarcasm. She even laugh at her.


"Do you think I don't know the reason why Jungkook becoming so rebellious towards me and his family? It was because of you and your method to wrap him around your finger, making him following your order and give everything you wanted."


"I..don't understand any of your words.."


"You're manipulating him, You're controlling him. You makes him feel what you want him to feel. I taught you that."


Yeri feels like she was being judged really hard, she can't escape from this when she slowly remembers her life from a few years ago, Whenever Jungkook cried and begged her about starting a new life away from his family, she is the one who always said no and pushed him to the edge to fight his weakness.  She wasn't thinking much back then, she only thinks about her own future.


“I’m not..”


“Come on..we both know what kind of person you are, Yerimmie. I saw your eyes, your ambitious eyes when he brought you here for the first time.”


“You’re misunderstand, Mother.”


“Well, it’s better for you if I do misunderstand, because that’s the only qualification from you that I like, because that’s the only reason why I treated you well.”


“What are you talking about?”


“You’re no use for me, if Jungkook is not actually controlled by you.”


“He is not.”


"You helped me get rid of Lee Chaerin because Jungkook was stupid enough to devoted his life to you. You are so much stronger than you think and you're also not as kind as you think, Yerimmie. You are a monster. Just like me."





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Keywook #1
Chapter 4: I am so eager to know what happens with this ugly marriage, in them you can see how much they know each other but also how much they were left forgotten, I just hope that in the end they can end Together and loving each other
Chapter 45: Hello author nim, I really want to thank you a lot by doing this marriage fic not just because of Jungri only. Maybe because I'm counting days in getting married so reading your fic is one whole life lesson for me. Again, you're one of amazing writer I've seen and your story never failed me. Amazing yet distress ride of the story. Did I regret in subscribing your story, nah never. God bless you and your amazing mind.
KarlaHill #3
Chapter 44: I've been reading your fic the whole day! It was really really good I mean, I cried and I think i'm not ready to let this go yet. Thank you for this ?
meyrmjk #5
Chapter 44: Thank you authornim! This is such a good story, bcs we can feel every emotion here. Please do a special eps ? will be glad to meet their little family! Thankyouu
Thank you for always providing JungRi Best stories
You are really talented one!
Will wait for your next stories, fighting diana and stay safe *^▁^*o∩_∩o
Thank you for always providing JungRi Best stories
You are really talented one!
Will wait for your next stories, fighting diana and stay safe *^▁^*o∩_∩o
Mikky_ #8
Chapter 44: Thank you for this journey..))) I don’t remember when I started reading it, but I enjoyed every part and chapter of it));)
Thank you again for this beautiful story of Jungri;3 good luck and stay safe^.^
Chapter 44: So here we get the ending that is obviously worth all the wait of their long journey. I have no more words left to explain how much I love this story and of course your writing. Im so grateful to have this story accompanied me for the last eight months, i never once get tired of reading this and despite all the complicated things that happened, i still find this story worth to follow and here until the end you really prove me right. I have nothing but thank you so much for this wonderful story, im feeling so thankful to have this as a break, i always am.