I'm The Victim But It's Okay.


"If it was just that they just needed a victim, it's a good thing it was me."
- Tablo.


Mir hugged himself at the corner of the classroom fiercely wiping his tears away.
It's painful, he cried to himself.
But all he could do was cover his own mouth, wary of any students who might pass by his class at this time.
If anyone found him, the embarrassment would be endless. 


Mir stayed back in school this day because he wanted to finish up his project which was fast reaching it's dateline.
He intended to read up some books and then figure out what he's gonna present for his teacher. 


Just as he was about to clear things out, a group of guys whom he had only seen in the hallways during school hours, came strolling in his classroom.
It was only Mir and those guys now.
Mir isn't the kind who would fight or retaliate so he does what he does best.
He tried to leave the room as swiftly and as quietly as possible. 

He wasn't lucky. 


After gotten pushed onto the wall, he had to withstand the strength of all of them.
All five of them, even for the fit Mir, it was tough going.
And simply like that, his ity was lost.

Shamefully, taken away by five boys his own age in his own classroom.


Mir heard shuffling of feet from outside the classroom door and he painfully held the shame and horrendous pain, continually trying to calm himself down.
He's a guy.
How could he even be gang , it opened him up to a whole different world that he was forced into. 


In the midst of all the crazy change, he was thankful still.
That this kind of tragedy happened to him and not anyone else.
If it was that they needed a victim, it's a good thing that it was him.

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karaHarith #1
Thank you. I really, really liked it. This was so..... I can't put it in words. (:
omg mir. D:
that was soo.... omg.
omg taeyang and jonghyun.
so sad TwT
karaHarith #4
I like the tittle and Tablo is my role model, his quotes are just so inspiring. I have request for Choi Seunghyun [T.O.P]
omg i love this :'D
i love the way you chose the title too!
Keep it up :3
Could chu please write about Song Seunghyun (FTIsland) too? Thanks x'3