Of Loss And Death.


"Even if every tears in the world were to pool in my small eyes, I just wish I could cry for you in your place."
- Tablo.


Wooyoung lovingly stayed by the side of his girlfriend.
He wanted to hold her and tell her that everything would be fine, that he loves her.
He eyed her hands which were both clenched tightly; they were bright red.
His naturally pulled her close to him and laid her head on his chest. 


They were both in the midst of having a shopping spree.
Wooyoung had gotten his first salary and with it, he wanted to splurge on her.
But halfway through, her phone rang and she was told that her father had left the world.


It was scary because Wooyoung saw her father himself just a few hours before and now he's no longer living. 
Wooyoung looked at his girlfriend who was in tears.
She was crying but she wasn't making a sound.
It bothers him just how much she was hurting.


He didn't want her to cry.


Today wasn't supposed to be used for tears.
It's supposed to be a day when Wooyoung would buy her things he never did before.
This isn't right. 


He wanted to tell her it's okay.
But he knew it himself that it would really take a while for her to even take the news.
She is close to her father, she's a daddy's girl, ofcourse she would hurt right now.


Wooyoung knew she wanted to run to the hospital her father's in but she doesn't because she doesnt believe it yet.
  It hurt him seeing her tear like this.
He didn't like seeing her in a state so pained.


If anything, he just wishes he could cry for her in her place.
He never want to beautiful eyes to be filled with sorrow again. 

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karaHarith #1
Thank you. I really, really liked it. This was so..... I can't put it in words. (:
omg mir. D:
that was soo.... omg.
omg taeyang and jonghyun.
so sad TwT
karaHarith #4
I like the tittle and Tablo is my role model, his quotes are just so inspiring. I have request for Choi Seunghyun [T.O.P]
omg i love this :'D
i love the way you chose the title too!
Keep it up :3
Could chu please write about Song Seunghyun (FTIsland) too? Thanks x'3