24 - Flushed Cheeks

Perfect Strangers
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Haeun and Jin continued to walk throughout the aquarium in silence. They just didn’t know how to get rid of the awkwardness between them. They had almost kissed and the scene kept replaying in their minds.

“Oh, is this the underwater tunnel?” Jin asked breaking the silence.

Haeun looked around and her eyes sparkled, “It is! Wow. Look at all these different fish swimming by.”

“I guess you were exaggerating when you said that the underwater tunnel is the best. You really feel like you’re underwater.”

“See, I told you so.”

Jin chuckled, “I didn’t mean to doubt you, but it’s been a while since I’ve been to an aquarium.”

“I accept your apology.”

The two stood side by side as they continue to watch the fish swim by.

“That’s a shark.” Jin pointed out as a shark swims above them.

“Wow.” Haeun said in awe.

Jin turned to look at her and he sees that she has a big smile on her face. He smiles and continued to silently watch the fish.

“I would love to go snorkeling and see these fish up close.”

“You aren’t scared? What if they bite you?”

Haeun laughed, “Bite? Fishes don’t bite.”

“Maybe not the small ones, but sharks do.”

“But did you know that there aren’t that many shark attacks in the world? These shark movies are overdramatic.”

“And that’s why they sell.”

“I would love to go swim with sharks. I saw this video online and it looked so cool. I wanted to do go so bad.”

“You should plan a trip for that.”

Haeun nodded, “You’re right. I should. I’ll drag my brothers with me. I’ll get a thrill out of it to see them screaming like little girls.”

“You’re a lowkey sadist, aren’t you?”

Haeun gasped as she slapped Jin’s arm causing him to laugh, “I am not.”

Jin rubbed his arm, “But you just sounded like one, did you not?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh come on.”

“Stop before you get anymore weird ideas.”

“It’s not my fault.”

“It is your fault.”

They stare at each other before they burst out laughing clutching onto their stomachs forgetting about the awkwardness that had consumed them earlier.

“You are so weird.” Haeun shook her head as she was finally calming down.

“I’m the weird one? You’re the weird one.” Jin mused. “We should keep moving forward. Can’t keep the others waiting for too long.”

Haeun nodded in agreement, “You’re right. Oh! I think there’s an area where you can go and touch some stingrays.”

“That sounds rather dangerous.”

“Dangerous, but fun.”

“Now I see why you come to the aquarium by yourself.”

Haeun sent him a playful glare.

“I’m kidding.” Jin patted her on the head as he started walking. “Come along if you don’t want to get lost.”

Haeun puffed air into her cheeks, “I’m not a child.”

Jin glanced back at her, “With that expression, I’d say you are.”

“Now you’re being mean.”

“I’ve been fairly nice to you actually.”

“You’re making fun of me. That’s not being nice.”

“I’m laughing with you not at you.”

“Same difference.”

“Oh look, I think that’s the area where you can touch stingrays.” Jin fastened his pace causing Haeun to fasten her so that she wouldn’t be left behind.

“Hola. Hello.” A staff member greeted the two.

“Hola.”  Haeun greeted with a smile.

“Would you like to touching stingrays?”

“Yes, we would certainly like to.”

The staff smiled, “Wonderful. Please come this way.”

“We have to follow the staff member. Come on.” Haeun turned to Jin and ushered him to follow her.

Jin had no choice but to follow her as he had no idea what she and the staff member was saying.

“Right here. You two will be able to interact with the stingrays.” The staff member motioned to an open space for Haeun and Jin.

“Thank you.” Haeun thanked the staff member, who smiled and left the two. “He said that we could stay right here.”

Jin looked around the area and saw that there weren’t a lot guests in the area. “I feel like this area is for little kids to enjoy. Are you sure we can do this?” He asked still unsure.

Haeun grinned mischievously, “What? Are you scared? Do you not want to touch them?”

“I’m not saying that I’m scared, but I’m just saying that this area looks like it’s meant for kids and not adults.”

“If it was meant only for kids then the staff wouldn’t have let us in. We’re fine, plus stingrays are cool. They just swim by and you pet them.” Haeun then placed her hand in the water as a stingray swims by.

Jin watched her carefully observing her. He didn’t care to touch the stingray. He just wanted to watch her as she did what she enjoyed. He was content.

“Are you not going to try it?” Haeun asked as she looked up at Jin, who gave her a charming smile.

“I think I’m good.” Jin replied.

“Oh come on. Here.” She grabbed his hand and placed it in the water as another stingray swam by.

Jin couldn’t think properly anymore. He was just concentrating on his hand that Haeun was holding. His heart was pounding against his ribcage and his ears were turning ear. How in the world did he get himself in this situation?

“See?” Haeun beamed at him. “It’s not that bad. They’re nice and friendly.”

“…Right.” Jin swallowed and looked down at their hands.

Haeun was so into the stingrays that she didn’t notice she was holding his hand. She was just too excited. “Doesn’t it feel cool? You don’t get this kind of experience unless you’re at the aquarium or if you’re lucky while snorkeling.”

“Do you want to be a mermaid?” Jin chuckled in amusement.

Haeun thinks about it, “Maybe. I feel like I was a mermaid in my previous life because I adore the aquarium and ocean so much.”

“You probably were. Maybe you’re like Aquaman.”

Haeun laughed, “What? Me, like Aquaman? Now you sound crazy.”

“You’re the crazy one, not me.” Jin shook his head.

“Now you’re going to accuse me of being crazy?”

Jin chuckled as he leaned in close to Haeun, “Well, Miss Mermaid, do you miss the sea?”

Haeun blushed as she noticed how close her and Jin’s faces were. She swallowed and leans back, “W-Why are you so close?”

“I just wanted to know what Miss Mermaid feels.” He replied.

“I-I’m not feeling anything.” She stuttered.

“Well, well, well.” A voice chuckled causing the two to turn their heads.

Suga and RM is standing in front of them with smiles on their faces.

“Hey.” Jin greeted with a smile.

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ffmcitygirl #1
this is wonderful
ffmcitygirl #2
this is wonderful