13 - I Win

Perfect Strangers
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“Wow. This suite is huge!” RM whistled as he looked around.

“This suite lives up to the reviews I read.” Jungkook looked out the window.

“This is a killer view.” V stated as he snapped photos of the view outside the window.

“Thanks for letting us come here.” Jin thanked as he sat down on the couch.

“You’re welcome. Please make yourselves at home.” Haeun placed water bottles on the table.

“Thanks for the water, but you didn’t have to. You have to pay for these, don’t you?” Jimin picked up one of the water bottles.

“You do, but it’s my brothers who are paying for it, so drink as much as you want. It’s on them.” Haeun giggled.

“Haeun, are you sure that’s alright?” Haeri asked with a smile.

Haeun looked at the older woman, “Of course it is. Since they decided that they wanted to sponsor this trip, I’m going to make them regret doing that.” Haeun pulled out a black card, “They also gave me this, so that means we can spoil ourselves.”

“They really want you to spoil yourself, don’t they?” Mikyung peered at the black card that Haeun held in-between her fingers.

Haeun nodded in confirmation, “They sure do.”

“You must be glad to have brothers like them.” V commented.

“I wouldn’t say it’s too bad, but it’s not the best either. I’m going to have to work for them after this trip and I’m definitely not looking forward to that.” Haeun heaved a sigh.

“Meaning that you’re going to be working at SMH?” Jungkook asked curious.

“I will be. I probably won’t be able to work at the hospital for a while.” Haeun wrinkled her nose in distaste.

“Aw. Really?” Mikyung frowned.

Haeun nodded, “Yeah, they already planned everything out. They’re always doing things behind my back.”

“They’re just looking out for you. Don’t be so tough on them.” Haeri stated.

“I know. Well, let’s play games and drink?” Haeun looked around the room as she got heads nodding in approval.

“Here we go!” Mikyung giggled as she placed a bottle of liquor on the table. “I hope you all are ready.”

“Whoa. You weren’t kidding.” Suga stared at the bottle in shock.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared now.” Mikyung smirked.

Suga chuckled, “Of course not, bring on the liquor!”

“Hyung, don’t drink too much now.” Jimin warned.

“Oh shush.” Suga waved the warning away. “I’ll be fine.”

“Mikyung is a heavy drinker, so you should be careful.” Haeri warned as she poured herself a glass of wine.

“Thanks, but my tolerance is pretty high.” Suga smiled.

“He’s going to get hammered.” V whispered to RM, who nodded in agreement.

“I’m not looking forward to him making a fool of himself.” RM heaved a sigh.

“You just have to watch over him.” V patted RM on the shoulder before picking up a water bottle.

“Here we go.” Mikyung began pouring drinks into cups and passing them out.

“Thanks.” Jin thanked as he accepted the cup. He sniffed the liquid and wrinkled his nose.

“Don’t drink much?” Haeun giggled as she sat on the stool next to him.

Jin turned to her, “Not really.” He saw that she was holding only a water bottle. “Are you not going to drink?”

Haeun looked down at her water bottle then shook her head, “Oh no, I have no tolerance for alcohol. It’s best for me to just stay sober.”

“So, there is something you’re not good at.” He smirked.

“I’m not perfect.” She mused.

“I don’t know, but according Jungkook, he says that you’re pretty smart. From the conversations that took place today, I’d say you’re pretty smart.”

“I’m smart, but there’s still so much to learn. My brothers and best friends sell me a little too high. I’m not all that.”

“I wouldn’t say that.”

“Is that right? If I haven’t forgotten, I believe we only met today.”

Jin chuckled as he took a sip of his drink, “You’re right. We did only meet today, but that doesn’t define the fact that you seem like an amazing person.”

Haeun narrowed her eyes at him playfully, “Is that so? Well, I don’t know many chefs in my life, so I’m assuming you’re a wonderful chef.”

Jin shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not the best chef, but I do want to be a good chef.”

“How did you decide on becoming a chef?”

“Well, my father’s actually a chef. Watching him cook as a child really sparked my interest in cooking. He taught me how to cook.”

“That’s amazing. He inspired you to be a chef and helped you cook.”

“My father’s a strict teacher, so it wasn’t all that fun. I recall the first few times he taught me, I ended up crying. My mother had to step in because she couldn’t stand me crying.”

“So then, does that mean you’re an only child?”

Jin nodded.

“Must be nice. I’m the youngest and being the only girl, isn’t that fun. My brothers h

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ffmcitygirl #1
this is wonderful
ffmcitygirl #2
this is wonderful