15 - Colors

Perfect Strangers
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“This is amazing.” Mikyung looked up at the church.

“It’s amazing how this place is so big.” Haeri smiled.

“There’s a lot of people here today.” RM looked around.

“This is perfect.” V stated as he starts snapping pictures.

“Are we going to walk around the church?” J-Hope asked looking around.

“We can.” Jungkook replied.

“It’s crazy to think that place has been here for a long time.” Jimin said as he took a picture on his phone.

“There’s a lot of places in the world that has been around for a long time.” Jin chuckled.

“I know, but it’s not like we’ve explored them all.” Jimin threw a glance at the older male.

“I would love to do that.” V stepped in next to Jin.

“You’re the only one who can do it because you don’t have an employer.” Suga chimed in turning his head back.

V chuckled, “You’re not wrong there. I pick my employer. My, what a dream job I have.”

“I like my job fairly well.” Jin added.

“I do too.” Suga nodded in agreement.

“Same here.” Jimin raised a hand.

“Whatever. Where is my model? I want to take some pictures of her.” V looked around for Haeun. When he finally spotted her, she was taking pictures with Mikyung and Haeri. “Found her.” He grinned and made his way over to the three women.

“Doesn’t he seem like some kind of creepy stalker?” Suga asked as he watched V.

Jimin shrugged, “I don’t know.”

“He’s just doing his job.” Jin replied as he watched V and Haeun chat happily.

“Seokjin hyung!” V called out motioning with his hand for the older male to go over.

Jin blinked in surprise.

“Hyung, you should go.” Jimin stated as V continued to motion for Jin.

“I think so too.” Suga nodded in agreement.

“Why does he need me?” Jin asked with a puzzled look as he made his way over to V and Haeun.

“Took you long enough.” V huffed when Jin finally stood in front of him.

“Do you need something from me?” Jin asked.

V grinned, “Yes, in fact, I want you to pose with Haeun.”

“What?” Jin stared at V in horror.

Haeun just blinked at V in confusion.

“I thought about it and Haeun is going to be lonely if it’s just her, so I thought that it would be a great idea with you were in the picture.” V answered brightly.

“Why am I the one though? There’re the other guys. You could have asked Mikyung and Haeri too if you didn’t want Haeun to be lonely.” Jin protested.

“I know, I thought about it, but you’re the perfect fit. You’re tall, handsome, and very photogenic.”

Jin shook his head, “I don’t think so. I’m not really good at getting my photos taken.”

“V, it’s alright. Can’t I just do it alone?” Haeun chimed in hoping to help Jin since she saw on uncomfortable he was in the situation.

V turned to Haeun, “No, I must have Seokjin hyung in this photo. The theme that I’m going to go with is ‘lovers around the world’.”

“How are you going to do a theme like that? Haeun and I are not a couple. Plus, we only just met yesterday.” Jin frowned.

V waved the matter off, “It’s alright. It’s just a theme and I just need models. It’s no big deal.”

“Um, maybe we shouldn’t force him into this. Maybe we can change the theme to ‘girl waiting for her love’?” Haeun suggested. “Something that I can do by myself.”

Jin turned to look at Haeun in surprise. He knew that she was helping him, but for her to suggest changing the theme took him by surprise.

V pondered her suggestion, “I mean…we can, but it’d be a little lonely. I just don’t want you to feel lonely.”

“Oh no, trust me, I won’t feel lonely. I can do a photoshoot by myself.” Haeun smiled.

Jin started to feel guilty now. He was making a big deal out of nothing. He was amazed how well Haeun was handling the situation whereas he was whining and complaining about getting his photo taken. He needed to grow up.

“Fine,” He huffed. “I’ll do it.”

V’s eyes brightened as a big smile appeared on his face, “Great! Thanks hyung!”

“I’m only doing this because I don’t want to put Haeun in a difficult situation.” Jin clarified.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to put you in an awkward situation.” Haeun spoke up.

Jin turned to her and gave her a charming smile, “Don’t worry about it. V can be pretty stubborn when it comes to his themes.”

Haeun nodded in understanding.

“Okay, let’s start. Now, I need you two to look like a couple.” V rubbed his chin as he thought of some poses that Haeun and Jin could do. “Oh!” He snapped his fingers with a bright smile. “Can I have the two of you hold hands?”

Haeun and Jin exchanged a look.

“You want us to hold hands?” Jin questioned.

V nodded, “Yes, it’s not too ha

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ffmcitygirl #1
this is wonderful
ffmcitygirl #2
this is wonderful