Chapter 15

The Hunter and The Informant

"Longguo you idiot," said Donghan as he sighed. "This isn't right," said Kenta. "Yuto, take Sanggyun and Renjun out for a bit," said Moonbin as he turned to them. "If Sanggyun is up to going he can take you to the hospital to visit Hyunbin," he said. "Tell Eunwoo we got hung up with something if you go," he said. Yuto nodded and put a hand on Sanggyun's head. "Come on," he said softly before leaving with Sanggyun. Renjun put up his human illusion and followed after them.

Chanwoo woke, feeling pain in the left side of his face as he sat up and covered his now bandaged eye. "What the hell?" He asked. "Is this idiot still alive?" He asked. "You'll be fine," said Moonbin. "But yes," he said. "Let me at him," growled Chanwoo as he got up and took a step towards the wolf.

Donghan stepped forward, going to stand in front of Longguo. "Leave him be," he said. "He didn't kill you so there's no need for this," he said. "I believe it's my choice in the matter regardless," said Moonbin as he stepped forward. "My pack member was attacked on my territory," he said. "So unless you want to get caught in the crossfire I suggest you back off," he said.

"Wouldn't it be my decision though?" Asked Jinhwan. "Only because you know, a werewolf got hurt," he said. "Well, technically yes but he hurt Chan, and he's my mate," said Moonbin. "And I have the final say in things," he said. "If you remember the agreement we made," he said. "I do," said Jinhwan as he looked at Donghan. "I'm not stopping you from doing anything," he said. "Good," said Moonbin.

"Rocky, Jinwoo," he said. Rocky and Jinwoo both pounced on Longguo, and when Kenta protested Jinhwan and Yunhyeong stepped forward. "This isn't fair!" Said Kenta. "Well," said Donghan. "It's on their territory," he said. "We can't do anything," he said. "Unless of course, you want an entire pack of 'shifters and werewolves to kill you," he said.

"This is bull crap!" Said Kenta. Longguo was forced back into his human form, being kicked behind the knees to knock him onto his knees. Moonbin stepped forward, standing in front of Longguo. Kenta was going to protest but Donghan put a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head.



Eunwoo was in the cafeteria when Yuto and the others arrived at the hospital. Sanggyun was shaking again, but managed to keep his human illusion up. "It's okay," assured Yuto. "Hopefully we have good news," he said. Sanggyun nodded. "I- I hope so," he said. "I think Eunwoo mentioned he was in the cafeteria," said Renjun. They headed over to the cafeteria, spotting Eunwoo pondering over papers as he ate dinner.

"How's the human?" Asked Renjun. "Okay," said Eunwoo as he looked up. "Hello wolf-dog," he said. "Hello," said Sanggyun, his voice trembling slightly. "Your human is going to be fine," said Eunwoo. "I took a break because Yixing is keeping an eye on him," he said. Sanggyun breathed out a sigh of relief. "He just had fluid in his lungs so he's fine now," said Eunwoo. "We had to drain the fluid out so now he should make a quick recovery," he said. Sanggyun nodded.

"Question," he said. Eunwoo raised an eyebrow. "Why do you call me wolf-dog?" Asked Sanggyun as the three of them sat down. "Well," said Eunwoo. "It's like calling Renjun puppy," he said. "It's a nickname," he said. "We call wolf 'shifters dogs, and we get called foxes," he said. "Oh, you can change into a fox?" Asked Sanggyun. Eunwoo nodded. "And of course, we refer the humans as just humans," he said, shrugging. Sanggyun hummed. "So, what happened while I was gone?" Asked Eunwoo. "Well," said Renjun as he explained it.

"Oof," said Eunwoo once the explanation was finished. "Longguo's about to be in a world of pain since he injured Chanwoo," he said. "Granted Moonbin doesn't outright kill him first," he added. "He was stupid to try and provoke them," agreed Renjun. "Is that what the entire argument was?" Asked Yuto. "I couldn't understand a thing due to everyone speaking German," he said. Renjun nodded. "I was sort of telling Renjun what was going on when we were both in our animal forms," said Sanggyun as he scratched the back of his head. "That explains the growling earlier," said Yuto.

"Well," said Eunwoo as he stood, tucking the papers under his arm before grabbing the tray. "Let's go see the human then," he said, going to throw his trash away before heading back to Hyunbin's room. Yuto, Sanggyun and Renjun followed after him.

"Done with dinner then?" Asked Yixing as the others entered Hyunbin's room. "Yes," said Eunwoo. "Thank you for watching him," he said. Yixing scratched the back of his head. "No problem," he said.

"Can I stay here?" Asked Sanggyun. "I do need to go back to the house and change clothes," said Eunwoo as he scratched the back of his head. "I guess," said Yixing before he left. "Just be careful when you have your animal form up," said Eunwoo. "He'll be fine, like Eunwoo keeps saying," said Yuto. "I know I know," said Sanggyun. "I'll head back then," said Eunwoo. "Text Sanha if anything goes wrong," he said. "Will do," said Yuto. Eunwoo left, heading back to the house to freshen up.

Sanggyun put down his human illusion and went to lay down on the side of the bed hidden from the view of the door. Yuto went to sit in the recliner, grabbing his phone and checking the chats he was in. Renjun sat in the chair on the side of the bed facing the door, keeping an eye on Hyunbin.

"If it was just liquid in his lungs, why all the fuss over what had happened to him?" Yuto asked suddenly. "I don't know," said Renjun. "Maybe because they found stuff that looked like the drug that's been going through the different 'shifter packs," he said. "I don't ever want to see that happen to anyone again," mumbled Yuto. "I don't think anyone does," agreed Renjun.

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Chapter 20: Awwww at least Kino found out
Chapter 19: Kino's home pack ???
Chapter 15: what happened to longguo ????
Chapter 14: oh wow there a lot of tension in this chapter
Chapter 13: okaay okaaaaaayyy
that drug again
Chapter 12: Yuto and Sanha ♡ that was unexpected
Chapter 11: i wonder too why he's coming
I can't wait for next chapter
Chapter 10: that was interesting ♡♡♡♡ like always
Chapter 8: loving were this is going ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 7: I literally screammmmmmed I swear I did