PR; Parenting

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Parenting Writing Prompts


  1. Character is about to bring their new baby home when they start to worry about being ready.
  2. Characters reading parenting books out loud to each other.
  3. Characters negotiating who needs to get up to the crying baby at night.
  4. Character needs to learn to change the diaper.
  5. Characters can’t agree on a name for the baby and keep using different ones.
  6. Character has been home with the baby for a few days and they’re starting to feel isolated.
  7. Character keeps impulsively buying baby toys.
  8. Everyone keeps giving your character advice on baby care and it’s driving them a little mad.
  9. Character is terrified something will happen to their baby.
  10. Character can’t put together the new crib they both.
  11. Characters witness the baby’s first laugh.
  12. Someone is hoping for the baby’s first word to be something really ridiculous.
  13. Characters take turns singing the baby to sleep.
  14. Character is trying to find ways to make their baby laugh.
  15. Character introduces their baby to their pets.
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imageekx #1
Chapter 158: tHANK YOU for the inspiration i swear im itching to write something but i have zero idea
Chapter 84: omg, the australian one! haha
Chapter 26: ugh, i wish i could have some inspiration. writer's block is a pain.
Chapter 159: some of these can totally be titles
make more challenge. i like it^^
Chapter 152: Maybe will write with one of these prompts!
iamout #7
Chapter 3: you broke the streak for my writer's block. ohmygod. thanks for this!
Chapter 149: god bless your soul for making this writing prompt thread <3
Chapter 147: LOL!!! This one it TOO funny!! I love it<3.