SS; Homeland

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SS; Homeland

  1. "So when you say you understand, is that what you mean?"
  2. "I want to go alone. I need to go alone."
  3. "So, tell me what's so important that it couldn't wait."
  4. "I have this feeling things are going to get pretty wild soon."
  5. "I’m guessing this isn't a social call."
  6. "But we all draw lines somewhere, and the two sides of that line are us and them."
  7. "I won't have you call this anything but a victory."
  8. "You’re just starting to get back on your feet. You're not ready for this."
  9. "Believe me, i wouldn't be going if i had a choice."
  10. "I don't understand how you can trust these people for one minute after what they did to you!"
  11. "You do have a choice. You always have a choice!"
  12. "What were his exact words, please?"
  13. "Don’t answer that. I don't want to hear another lie."
  14. "You’re hiding something. I can see it in your eyes."
  15. "Well, i can only imagine how ty that must have felt. Still feels."
  16. "You still have your twisted theories about me, don't you?"
  17. "So what are you going to do now? Are you going to kill me?"
  18. "Look, I’m sorry i called. I guess i thought we could be friends."
  19. "I mean, how long can you get away with something like that?"
  20. "Before you dig that hole any deeper, i have to show you something."
  21. "I seem to be good at this, if nothing else."
  22. "You broke my heart, you know. Was that easy for you?"
  23. "Everywhere you go, other people die, but you always manage to survive."
  24. "I lost my place in the world. I lost everything."
  25. "Well, you're insane if you think that's going to happen!"
  26. "No, it's crystal clear. You cannot be with him."
  27. "Because of you, i questioned my own sanity!"


  • If using these prompts, please credit: rpmemes-galore
  • If you like this, an upvote would be nice and highly appreciated. :D
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imageekx #1
Chapter 158: tHANK YOU for the inspiration i swear im itching to write something but i have zero idea
Chapter 84: omg, the australian one! haha
Chapter 26: ugh, i wish i could have some inspiration. writer's block is a pain.
Chapter 159: some of these can totally be titles
make more challenge. i like it^^
Chapter 152: Maybe will write with one of these prompts!
iamout #7
Chapter 3: you broke the streak for my writer's block. ohmygod. thanks for this!
Chapter 149: god bless your soul for making this writing prompt thread <3
Chapter 147: LOL!!! This one it TOO funny!! I love it<3.