Chapter 9

House Trapped with Teen Top!

~Eliza POV~  


I watched as Layla, Samantha, LJoe, and CAP left. "Okay, now what?" I turned and looked at the remaining four. No one said a thing. I thought for a second. "Anyone up for a movie?" Niel raised his hand. Then Ricky did. I saw Chunji look at Ricky, then he raised his hand as well. I looked at Changjo. "No thanks, I'm going to take a nap in my room," he smiled a little and went upstairs. The rest of us gathered on the couch after I put the movie in. It was called Living Grease. I sat in the middle of Chunji and Niel, while Ricky was off on the other side by himself. About an hour into the movie, Chunji dozed off. He was leaning against the arm of the couch. I saw Ricky stand up. "Did you need something?" I looked up at him. "I can get it myself," I watched as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. On his way back, the glass slipped from his hands and shattered on the floor. I jumped up and ran to him. "Ricky, are you alright? Did you cut yourself? You need to be more careful," he looked the other way.. I walked to the  hall closet and grabbed a broom. I closed the door and my eyes widened. Ricky was crouched down, picking up the big pieces of glass with his hands. I threw the broom down and grabbed his hand. I picked up the shards and threw them in the glass recycle bin. I then walked back over to him and looked at his hand. Niel was looking at the two of us from over the back of the couch. I dragged Ricky to the restroom. As I was treating his bleeding hand, I remembered what Niel had told me earlier in the morning.



"Niel.. why does Ricky hate me?" he sat up and looked at me. He looked around to make sure there were no cameras present. "He was hurt in the past," I looked at him with wiide eyes. "Hurt? How?" He frowned. "Last year, there was a girl named Minah. He loved her,"  at that word, my heart dropped. "He thought she loved him too, but she left him for some guy she had been dating ever since she started dating Ricky. With this, Ricky has trust issues with girls. He doesn't want to get attached to them, because he's afraid they'll leave him like Minah did," I looked at the ground. "He doesn't hate you. Just try to form a bond with him," I nodded. I didn't say anything more. Niel then hugged me. "It'll be alright. You'll succeed,"  

~End of Flashback~  


When I held his hand up, I aimed the spray neosporin. Right when I was about to spray it, he pulled his hand back. "Ricky, it'll get infected," I grabbed his hand again and sprayed it real quick. He pulled it back again. I still held onto it. I wrapped my other arm around his shoulder and hugged him. "I know you don't want me doing this, Ricky. Please just give me a chance. Just one chance," we stayed like that for a couple of minutes. "What happened!?" I heard Layla scream from the front door. I quickly ran to the living room and saw her looking at the shattered glass that was broomed into a pile.

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SehunsWoman #1
:OOO i screamed
holyjongin #2
woooow love it!
Indeed who IS this Madison? O.o
And INFINITE appears!
I didn't think that'd be this soon! :O
Poor Layla! D: But she's smart! :O
OMG I'm so curious about Jeju and what's going on with the whole Ricky Chunji drama!
Woot woot! An update! :D
I actually did not see that one coming, Eliza dating Chunji! Well... I guess it could have been seen but still.
Update soon :D
update soon^^
update soon^^