Chapter 7

House Trapped with Teen Top!

~Layla POV~

I slipped off my slippers and put my gym shoes on. Samantha followed behind me. "We'll be waiting in the car!" Samantha ran outside after she put her shoes on. "Who else is coming?" I looked at everyone. Minsoo stepped up and I felt a small smile form on my mouth. Changjo stepped up as well until Eliza pulled his arm. She whispered something in his ear then looked at LJoe. "Second oldest member should go," he looked at her, shrugged, and stepped up.  We all got into the car and Daniel drove us to the grocery store. I ripped the list of things we needed to buy in half and handed the bottom half to Samantha. "To make things quicker, we'll each take half of the list," she nodded. We all stepped out of the vehicle. "We'll be back in about an hour, Daniel," Samantha waved him off. "Okay, we'll start on this side of the store, and you two can start on that side," I pointed. Samantha grabbed LJoe's hand and ran inside. There was an awkward silence between me and Minsoo. We just stood there for the next couple of minutes until he cleared his throat. "Shall we go in?" I nodded slowly. We then walked in. I took out the list from my pocket and looked at the first item. Minsoo leaned over my shoulder. "Rice," he said as my heart fluttered. I couldn't believe he was that close. "Should be down aisle four," he pointed as he started to walk. I followed after him. We walked down aisle four, but we saw no rice. Minsoo kneeled down and looked behind some boxes. "There's none here," he said. I scratched the back of my head. "Maybe they're in another part of the store. I'll go look," I started to walk out of the aisle, until he grabbed my wrist. "I'm not letting you out of my sight," I felt a blush creep to my cheeks. "There's oinly one camera following us," he pointed behind us. My heart then sunk. We looked all through-out the right side of the store, but we had no luck. We walked over to the other part of the store and ran into Samantha and LJoe. "Where's all the stuff, unnie?" Samantha pointed in our cart. "We're still looking for rice!" I whined. "Rice? I think I saw some in the back," she pointed all the way to the back. LJoe nodded. I groaned. "Thanks, Samantha! Happy shopping," I fast walked to the back with Minsoo behind me pushing the cart. We saw a mountain of rice bags in the middle of an aisle. My eyes widened. "Rice!" I shouted after I ran and hugged the lot. I heard Minsoo chuckle. "You're one of a kind," he whispered. I was pretty sure he didn't mean for me to hear that. I smiled to myself.

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SehunsWoman #1
:OOO i screamed
holyjongin #2
woooow love it!
Indeed who IS this Madison? O.o
And INFINITE appears!
I didn't think that'd be this soon! :O
Poor Layla! D: But she's smart! :O
OMG I'm so curious about Jeju and what's going on with the whole Ricky Chunji drama!
Woot woot! An update! :D
I actually did not see that one coming, Eliza dating Chunji! Well... I guess it could have been seen but still.
Update soon :D
update soon^^
update soon^^