Chapter 3

House Trapped with Teen Top!


~Layla POV~
We all sat in a circle on the floor in the middle of the living room. The cameras were on us. "Shall we do introduction?" Niel looked around. Everyone nodded. "My name's Niel! I like to-" he got cut off. "Why don't we let them start off introductions, Niel-ah?" LJoe asked. I looked at Eliza, motioning for her to go. "Annyeong, I'm Eliza. I am 21 years old. I like to.. eat, watch movies, take pictures, and taste test things. I really love the color pink. The one place I would love to go to is Japan. I also like chicken. I like turtles and cats too," she scratched the back of her head. I noticed Chunji had been staring at her the whole time. I cleared my throat and he looked at me. "I'm Layla. I'm 23 years old. I like to spazz, listen to music, and play games. The combination of teal and purple is the best. I'd absolutely love to go to Japan. I also like chicken and am a unique person." I smiled. "My turn! My name is Samantha. I am 20 years old. I really like to sing. I extremely hate it when people can't take a joke or joke around. I'd like to go to all the countries of my ancestors and my favorite animal is a panda. They are cute," she grinned. 
~Samantha POV~
I collapsed on the couch and let out a big sigh. "I'm tired already and it's only been less than thirty minutes of shooting. They should have told us they were coming before hand," I whined. "There's nothing we can do about it. It's a show," LJoe shrugged. My heart fluttered as he sat next to me. "Samantha-ssi, LJoe hyung, the rules are being discussed now," Changjo popped his head over the side of the couch. I pouted.
~Eliza POV~
Everyone gathered around JongYeol, to hear the rules and instructions. "Number one, always be prepared for us to come in at any moment. Number two, if you go somewhere, like the store or mall, call me. Number three, respect each other and become family. Lastly, number four, since there are a limited number of bedrooms, we are pairing you with someone," he brought up a posterboard with names on it. "As you can see, here are the pairings. Niel will be with Ricky, CAP will be with Layla, LJoe is with Samantha, Changjo is by himself, and Eliza is with Chunji," My heart sunk. Why wasn't I put with Ricky?
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SehunsWoman #1
:OOO i screamed
holyjongin #2
woooow love it!
Indeed who IS this Madison? O.o
And INFINITE appears!
I didn't think that'd be this soon! :O
Poor Layla! D: But she's smart! :O
OMG I'm so curious about Jeju and what's going on with the whole Ricky Chunji drama!
Woot woot! An update! :D
I actually did not see that one coming, Eliza dating Chunji! Well... I guess it could have been seen but still.
Update soon :D
update soon^^
update soon^^