Chapter 15

House Trapped with Teen Top!


~Eliza POV~
After everyone laughed at Niel for actually doing his dare, the game started back up. "CAP hyung!" He showed the paper. "Who knows what's in that deck. Truth," he crossed his arm as he examined the deck. "What would you buy if you had an unlimited supply of money?" Niel read. "A sky full of caps," this caused everyone to laugh. It was expected. "Where would you put all them?!" I exclaimed. "In the sky, of course," everyone continued to laugh until CAP drew the next name. "Layla," I smiled. Her name was right after CAP's. "Truth," she said quickly as she looked at the turban on her head. "Tell us your biggest fear," she closed her eyes. "Wasps, bees, anything that flies and stings!" She shivered. I saw CAP put a hand on her back. "Draw the next name, unnie! You told your truth, no more detail," I looked at Niel, who I knew was going to ask for detail. "Ricky," I set the paper down. "Finally! Dare!" He jumped up. I smiled slightly. "Pretend to be a pig for the rest of the night," everyone but Ricky and me laughed. "Ah, that would be so adorable," I whispered to myself. Chunji heard me and oinked himself. I laughed and lightly pushed him. 
~Layla POV~
Chunji randomly oinked at Eliza. She laughed and pushed him back. I was curious to what was going on. I then saw Ricky who was glancing at them. He looked upset. When he caught me looking at him, he grinned. "I'll do it!" He ran to his room and brought back a hairband pig mask. He put it on and oinked. Everyone laughed. After a few minutes, Ricky drew the next name. "Eliza!" He handed it to her. "Truth," he picked up a truth card. "What is your most irritating facial feature?" I glanced at Eliza, who was looking at the ground. Why of all questions did it have to be this one? After several seconds of silence, she looked up. "Well, everything really. My eyes are messed up so they don't look right. My nose is too big, my lips are too thin. My eyebrows are too dark. My face is too dry and my ears are chubby," she pointed to each part and then shrugged. I disliked it very much when she did this. I wish she had gotten a different truth. I looked at Samantha and she looked back at me. Everyone else was silent for the next couple of minutes. "L.Joe," Eliza poked him. "Truth or dare," he snapped out of it. "Dare," she picked a card up. "Well this is an awkward one. With socks only, stick your foot into a toilet and flush it," L.Joe laughed. "I am not doing that. That is ridiculous. I'll stop playing," He stood up and stretched. Ricky shooed him into the other room. 
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SehunsWoman #1
:OOO i screamed
holyjongin #2
woooow love it!
Indeed who IS this Madison? O.o
And INFINITE appears!
I didn't think that'd be this soon! :O
Poor Layla! D: But she's smart! :O
OMG I'm so curious about Jeju and what's going on with the whole Ricky Chunji drama!
Woot woot! An update! :D
I actually did not see that one coming, Eliza dating Chunji! Well... I guess it could have been seen but still.
Update soon :D
update soon^^
update soon^^