Chapter 16

House Trapped with Teen Top!


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~Samantha POV~
As I watched Ricky shoo L.Joe into the other room, I frowned. "I guess I get to draw again!" Eliza drew another name. "Samantha!" She looked at me. Since I had chosen dare the last time, I decided to switch it up. "Truth!" I gave her a smile. "What do you look at first on a man?" I thought for a second. "Definitely the smile. They have to have a great smile," everyone shook their heads. I figured they agreed. "CAP!" He looked at the stack of cards. "I'll try dare," I drew the card and read it to myself first. I laughed out loud. "Pour shampoo on your head and act like a monkey," Everyone looked at CAP, trying not to laugh. "I'm done," CAP laughed and stood up. "That's one thing I can't do," he walked into the other room where L.Joe was. "That would have been funny to see," Chunji laughed. "It would," Eliza laughed with him. I notice Layla was staring off into the other room. I picked up Changjo's name. "Dare," he was looking at the ground. "Skip backwards round the group while singing," I handed him the card. He looked around. "There's not enough room around everyone," he pointed. Everyone tried to think of a solution. "I know! Do it around the coffee table," Niel pointed out. Everyone nodded and agreed. Changjo stood up and started to skip backwards. "Where's the song?!" I asked after he circled it a few times. He tried to conceal his laughter as he began to sing. "Urin deo isang nuneul maju haji anheulkka. Sotonghaji anheulkka. Saranghaji anheulkka. Apeun hyeonsire dasi nunmuri heulleo. Bakkul su itdago bakkumyeon doendago malhaeyo," I shot up. "MAMA! MAMA!" Changjo stopped and looked at me. As did everyone else. "It's a good song.." I laughed to myself as I rubbed the back of my head. 
~Eliza POV~
Changjo drew the next name. "Chunji hyung," he called out. "Truth," Chunji glanced at me then back at Changjo. "Rate everyone in this room on a scale of 1-10," everyone stared at him. "Niel and Changjo I would rate an 8 for fun. Layla noona and Samantha, I would rate a 7. I have to get to know them better. Ricky, I would rate a 1," he laughed as Ricky hit him. "What's that suppose to mean?" Everyone laughed. "Ricky's fun. 8," Chunji drew the next person. I looked at Layla. She looked back at me. "Chunji, you forgot someone," she mentioned. Chunji looked at me and smiled. "Lizzy's a perfect ten. Ricky," he read the card. My face grew red. "I-I have to use the restroom," I stood up and rushed to my room.
~Layla POV~
I watched as Eliza rushed to the restroom. I was going to stand up when suddenly, Niel stood up. He walked into the other room. I figured he would go talk to Eliza, so I let it be. Soon enough, the game of truth or dare ended. 
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SehunsWoman #1
:OOO i screamed
holyjongin #2
woooow love it!
Indeed who IS this Madison? O.o
And INFINITE appears!
I didn't think that'd be this soon! :O
Poor Layla! D: But she's smart! :O
OMG I'm so curious about Jeju and what's going on with the whole Ricky Chunji drama!
Woot woot! An update! :D
I actually did not see that one coming, Eliza dating Chunji! Well... I guess it could have been seen but still.
Update soon :D
update soon^^
update soon^^