Chapter 1

House Trapped with Teen Top!


~Eliza POV~
"Yah! Layla! Samantha! Wake up! Look outside! Look!" I exclaimed happily as I pointed outside. Layla opened an eye and glanced. Then she smiled brightly. She shook Samantha's shoulders until she woke up. "I can't believe we're here. At last, South Korea," I smiled to myself.
~Layla POV~
We waited at the airport for our driver. My mom wanted us to have one since Seoul is a big city. It was another hour before he showed up. "Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Lee Daniel. You must be Layla, Samantha, and Eliza," he smiled at us. He seemed to be no older than thirty years of age. We nodded and bowed. Once our meeting was over, we started to walk out the airport to the car. "Layla," Eliza tugged the end of my sleeve. I looked at her and she continued. "I have to use the restroom, can you tell Danny to hold on?" I let out a small laugh and nodded. I watched her walk away.
~Eliza POV~
I washed my hands and dried them under the dryer. I kept smiling to myself. I couldn't believe that we were in Korea, the place of our dreams. I exited the restroom and looked around for Layla. "Miss?" I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw a man who was in his late twenties. "Yes?" I stuttered. "Are you here alone?" I shook my head.
~Layla POV~
It had been a good five minutes since Eliza had gone to the restroom. I wondered what was taking her so long. "Daniel, I'm going to go check on Eliza. Can you wait just a few more minutes?" He nodded. "I want to come too!" Samantha and I walked back into the airport. I stopped abruptly when I saw her speaking with an older man. I saw Samantha stop too. Eliza spotted us and waved as she ran over to us. "You guys! This is Kim JongYeol. He's with the TV program, House Trap! He wants us to be on the show!" She was jumping up and down happily. I looked at the guy as he pulled out his card and handed it to me. "I am assuming you are the oldest. Please consider it. We would love to have you three on the show. I have to go now. If you have any questions, call," with that, he walked off. I stared at the card. "I wonder what idol group they would put us with," Samantha sighed. "I hope it's Teen Top, I really hope it is," Eliza clasped her hands together. "Maybe it's SHINee! They're still popular!" Samantha grinned. They both looked at me with big eyes. I sighed. "Okay, we'll do it,"
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SehunsWoman #1
:OOO i screamed
holyjongin #2
woooow love it!
Indeed who IS this Madison? O.o
And INFINITE appears!
I didn't think that'd be this soon! :O
Poor Layla! D: But she's smart! :O
OMG I'm so curious about Jeju and what's going on with the whole Ricky Chunji drama!
Woot woot! An update! :D
I actually did not see that one coming, Eliza dating Chunji! Well... I guess it could have been seen but still.
Update soon :D
update soon^^
update soon^^