Chapter Eight

He Wouldn't
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After a long day in the studio Yoongi was looking forward to spending the rest of his evening doing nothing very much. Maybe he’d watch a movie on his laptop, there were a few new releases he’d yet to watch or maybe he’d try and read the book Namjoon had lent him a couple of weeks ago. He hadn’t even picked it up yet and he felt kind of guilty, Namjoon had handed it to him with some excitement telling him he’d love it. Or maybe he’d just get some sleep in while he could, things were only going to get busier for them in the coming weeks. Yes, sleep sounded good he decided as he stepped out of the elevator and onto the landing. But all thoughts of sleep were quickly pushed to the back of his mind as he looked up and realised he was about to walk into Jungkook. Jungkook who had just slammed their apartment door behind him and was now making his way down the corridor at speed.

Jungkook didn’t spot Yoongi until he was almost on top of him, looking up just in time to skid to a stop. “S-sorry Hyung.” He mumbled, momentarily startled and then he was looking down at the floor and trying to sidestep him.

Yoongi sidestepped too and blocked his way. Even if he hadn’t just witnessed him slamming the door with a bang it was obvious that Jungkook was upset. “Did something happen?” he asked, trying to meet Jungkook’s eye and failing.

“Nothing happened.” Jungkook told him shortly and he slipped through the gap Yoongi had left between himself and the wall and started for the door to the stairwell. “But if you could tell Jin to mind his own ing business in the future,” he called back over his shoulder as he reached it, voice gruff, “that would be great.” And then he was gone, the door swinging shut behind him.

Yoongi stared at the now closed door for a second, confused by Jungkook’s outburst and then he remembered what Jin had been obsessing about all week and he his heel and marched down the corridor towards their apartment. He’d told him that he was being stupid, he’d told him that if he said something to Jungkook it would only end in disaster but had Jin listened to him? No, no he had not. And now it looked like Jungkook would be giving him the silent treatment all through promotions. Fantastic.

And as he pushed open their apartment door he encountered the very person he’d just been internally cursing. “I told you not to buy that test but you had to ignore me and do it anyway.” It was no wonder Jungkook was angry with him. If Jin has bought him a pregnancy test and ordered him to take it he’d be livid too.

Jin froze. He had one shoe off and one shoe on and was clearly in a hurry. “Yes I did.” He confirmed, his voice slightly shaky. “And he told me he couldn’t be pregnant but he agreed to take it anyway so I gave it to him and I waited and after a while I heard the front door slam and…”

“And?” Yoongi prompted when Jin failed to finish his sentence, not liking the serious look that was on his face. That wasn’t what he’d been expecting him to say. He’d expected him to say Jungkook had stormed out after being accused of having unprotected , he hadn’t expected the younger boy to actually take the test.

“And I realised that must have been him,” Jin finished, still sounding shaken, “no one else is home. And him leaving, that could only mean one thing so I went to the bathroom to check and… and yeah…” he said, taking something out of his pocket and holding it out to Yoongi, “…

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Chapter 37: Oh my yoonjin 😭
Chapter 36: finally the update! omg! thank you!
love JiKook's conversation! Jimin being supportive...awww
Chapter 36: Awe Kookie! Love, this was so good! Jimin is so sweet and supportive and that was exactly what Jungkook needed to hear. And like I said earlier, this is a work of art! <3
Chapter 35: Kookie is so cute whinning and all haha..
So, yoongi loves jin?
Chapter 35: Hoseok is such a terrible friend wow, speaking the truth and helping yoongi out of his emotionally constipated she’ll. So terrible
I LOVED THIS, especially now that I can read it as a whole <3
Chapter 34: Jungkookie is a total sweetheart! I loved this and it was very nice to read, very very cute
Chapter 33: Poor Jinnie, you wrote this so well and it’s great to finally see the finished product after we talked about it. They’re both so hopeless, bless them
Chapter 32: They are going to have baby boy! I cant wait! I'm so axcited!
Glad that Taehyung is there with Kook hehe..
Chapter 32: I just love this story though. And I'm suddenly very very much so wanting Jin to get pregnant again so his heart will quit hurting and he get the baby his been pining for for so long. I feel so bad for him. I don't care who the father is, I just want his heart to stop breaking mine. Pretty please! Lol ❤
Chapter 32: Thanks for this chapter. Glad the baby is healthy. Sad its a boy. Lol. I had really warmed up to them having a girl and him calling it she all the time. They would have the most beautiful little girl. I'm curious how Jin will take it now that there is a gender and he never got find out his baby's gender. Bless him. Cannot wait until he opens up to yoongi and unloads his feelings. Can't wait for next chapter!