Chapter Twelve

He Wouldn't
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Before the meeting with management they’d made him go to the hospital. They wanted him to have a dating scan, partly to confirm how far along he was and partly so they could see that everything was okay with the baby before they made any further plans. And because everyone else was working Jungkook had had to go on his own.

It had been a little scary. He’d been weighed and measured, no one saying very much and then he’d had his blood and blood pressure taken. He’d been asked a lot of invasive questions about his life and if his family had a history of any hereditary illnesses. They’d asked about the baby’s father too and if there was any illness in his family. Jungkook had shrugged the question off with an ‘I don’t think so.” And then they’d ushered him into a room with an ultrasound machine.

Their manager had gone with him to offer what moral support he could, he’d been standing right there by the bed as the technician had spread the gel across his stomach but Jungkook hadn’t felt any less alone.

And then the technician was prodding at his stomach and telling Jungkook to look at the screen.

At first Jungkook couldn’t make out what it was he was supposed to be looking at. But then the technician was pointing at a blob of white surrounded by a larger blob of black and suddenly Jungkook could see that yes, yes the little white blob that looked kind of like a kidney bean was in fact a baby. His baby. He could make out the head, if he squinted he could see the curve of it’s spine. And he couldn’t tear his eyes away. That little white blob was a life, and he’d made it. It was incredibly overwhelming. So overwhelming that he spent the entire car ride back to the company staring at the ultrasound picture in his hand, not speaking to anyone.

And in the meeting with management he hadn’t been able to concentrate at all. All he could think about was the picture in his pocket. There was a picture in his pocket of his baby. It didn’t feel real. Murmurings of ‘we’ll have to make a statement at some point’ and ‘if he’s staying in Seoul we’ll have to find some other accommodation’ washed right over his him as he tried his hardest to get his head around the fact. It was only when someone said the words ‘what about the father?’ that he snapped back to reality.

“The father?” Jungkook repeated, his throat going dry.

“Yes. Does he know?”

Jungkook hastily shook his head. “He doesn’t know.” He croaked. “I haven’t told him because… I don’t know who he is.” He blurted out, the lie coming far too easily. He knew exactly who the father was but the thought of telling him terrified him. If people found out who he was his career was going to be ruined too and Jungkook didn’t want to do that to him. He didn’t want to destroy everything he’d worked so hard for. But most of all, and somewhat selfishly he didn’t want to lose their friendship and he was scared that was what was going to happen. He was going to tell him and he was never going to see him the same way again. He was going to resent him and Jungkook didn’t want that.

And everyone bought it. No one seemed to pick up on Jungkook’s internal turmoil. Someone muttered something about having to deal with the father later if he remembered Jungkook when his pregnancy went public and the conversation moved on to when they were going to tell his family. A thought that was a different kind of scary but one he could deal with, his family might be mad at him but they were his family, they'd forgive him and Jungkook zoned out again, his thoughts drifting back to the picture in his pocket as he tried to put all thoughts of telling the baby’s other father to the back of his mind.


…… ……


Jungkook couldn’t put it to the back of his mind. He’d have to tell him eventually and that was all he could think about. He was in his room now, legs curled under him as he sat in his favourite chair, studying the scan picture in his hand. That little kidney bean shaped blob didn’t ju

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Chapter 37: Oh my yoonjin 😭
Chapter 36: finally the update! omg! thank you!
love JiKook's conversation! Jimin being supportive...awww
Chapter 36: Awe Kookie! Love, this was so good! Jimin is so sweet and supportive and that was exactly what Jungkook needed to hear. And like I said earlier, this is a work of art! <3
Chapter 35: Kookie is so cute whinning and all haha..
So, yoongi loves jin?
Chapter 35: Hoseok is such a terrible friend wow, speaking the truth and helping yoongi out of his emotionally constipated she’ll. So terrible
I LOVED THIS, especially now that I can read it as a whole <3
Chapter 34: Jungkookie is a total sweetheart! I loved this and it was very nice to read, very very cute
Chapter 33: Poor Jinnie, you wrote this so well and it’s great to finally see the finished product after we talked about it. They’re both so hopeless, bless them
Chapter 32: They are going to have baby boy! I cant wait! I'm so axcited!
Glad that Taehyung is there with Kook hehe..
Chapter 32: I just love this story though. And I'm suddenly very very much so wanting Jin to get pregnant again so his heart will quit hurting and he get the baby his been pining for for so long. I feel so bad for him. I don't care who the father is, I just want his heart to stop breaking mine. Pretty please! Lol ❤
Chapter 32: Thanks for this chapter. Glad the baby is healthy. Sad its a boy. Lol. I had really warmed up to them having a girl and him calling it she all the time. They would have the most beautiful little girl. I'm curious how Jin will take it now that there is a gender and he never got find out his baby's gender. Bless him. Cannot wait until he opens up to yoongi and unloads his feelings. Can't wait for next chapter!