Chapter Thirty Four

He Wouldn't
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It had been two days now since they’d found out the of the baby and Jungkook was lying on his bed, stretched out on his side, head propped up on one hand, his other hand resting on his bump. Taehyung was sitting beside him, legs crossed. He’d placed his tablet on the bedspread between them and had a notebook and pen in his hands and a look of concentration on his face. They were attempting to make a list of what they needed to have prepared before the baby arrived but knowing that the fluttering sensation he was feeling beneath his hand was being caused by his son was making it difficult to focus. That was his baby boy moving around in there, their baby boy, and he was struggling to get his head around that. 

He’d teased Taehyung so much over his tears at the hospital but to honest, he was feeling just as overwhelmed. The bigger his baby got the more he had to be excited about but the more he had to worry about too. He was going to be someone’s father. He was going to be responsible for a little human, a little boy that was going to look up to him and have that unwavering faith in him that all little kids had when it came to their parents. And he wasn’t sure he was going to deserve that unwavering faith. He wasn’t sure he was going to be good at being a parent. But he was going to try, and Taehyung would be there to help him. He’d have the rest of the members too, Big Hit were doing their best to find him an apartment close to the dorm so they wouldn’t be too far away. It was taking a while though and that was what had brought on the list making. The realisation that he was over halfway through his pregnancy and still didn’t know where he was going to be living had hit him and he felt woefully unprepared. The research and the list making was his way of trying to combat that. 

Only they hadn’t gotten far before Jungkook’s focus had shifted from Taehyung and the tablet he’d brought along to help with their research to the butterflies in the tummy feeling that he now knew was their son stretching and wriggling around.

Something Taehyung had now seemingly noticed because he was dropping the notebook and pen he’d been using to jot down ideas onto the mattress with a sigh.

It took a moment or two for Jungkook to realise he was no longer writing but when he did he was immediately rewarding Taehyung with a frown and a “What are you doing? You said you’d help!”

“I was helping.” Taehyung argued, answering him with a frown of his own. “And you weren’t listening. I just asked you three times if we’ll need a Moses basket or if we’re skipping that and going straight to a crib. The only answer I got was a ‘hmm’.”

“I told you yesterday, I like the idea of a crib with a drop down side, one that we can put level to the bed so I can check if the baby’s okay without having to get up and peer into a Moses basket or a crib that’s set back from the bed.” Taehyung was such a hypocrite , knocking his listening skills when his own listening skills were so painfully lacking. “And anyway,” he added, just for good measure. “It’s not my fault your son’s being so distracting. I didn’t ask him to start doing somersaults in there.”

“He’s your son too.” Taehyung pointed out, annoyance instantly melting away at Jungkook’s words, his eyes drifting to Jungkook’s middle, a hint of a smile on his face. “It’s just I don’t know why we’re sitting here when you can’t even concentrate. Especially when we’ve got the whole day to kill. We should be doing something fun right now. Making the most of our free time while we still have some.”

“But we need to do this.” Jungkook told him. “In less than five months the baby will be here and we have nothing ready.”

“And even if we manage to make a list of everything we need and order it all we’ve got nowhere to put it yet, have we?” Taehyung reasoned. “So what’s the point in worrying about it until we do?”

If Taehyung was trying to make him feel better he was doing a terrible job. “But we’ve got nothing.” Jungkook stressed. Namjoon had added a hoodie with bunny ears to the socks and hat their baby already owned but a hoodie with bunny ears wasn’t exactly a necessity.

“The baby doesn’t need anything yet.” Taehyung told him, not giving up. “Not anything on this list anyway. He’s getting everything he needs right now from you.”

Everything Taehyung had just said made sense. It was annoying when that happened Jungkook thought with a sigh. “Fine. We can leave the list making until later.” He agreed. “But if you don’t want to be productive what do you want to do?” 

“We should go out.” Taehyung said without hesitation. “You haven’t left the dorm in ages, a change of scenery would do you good.”

“We went out two days ago.” Jungkook reminded him, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

“Hospital appointments don’t count.” Taehyung told him, in a tone that suggested he was resisting the urge to roll his own.

And maybe they didn’t but Jungkook really didn’t see the need for a change of scenery. “We can watch a movie.” He informed Taehyung. “Or play games. We don’t have to go outside to have fun.” Going outside sounded like so much effort. And he enjoyed spending time with Taehyung no matter what they were doing.

“Jungkook, we have the whole day.” Taehyung said next, again sounding like he was on the verge of an eye roll. “We should make the most of it. We should go somewhere we haven’t in a while. We could go to the zoo, or to the arcade. You like the arcade.”

“It’s too hot for the zoo.” Jungkook complained. The weather was starting to warm up which wouldn’t ordinarily bother him but carrying a baby was making him run hot as it was. The idea of spending all day out in the sun wasn’t one he liked. He’d only end up an irritable, sweaty mess and no one wanted that. 

“Maybe.” Taehyung conceded. “But the arcade sho

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Chapter 37: Oh my yoonjin 😭
Chapter 36: finally the update! omg! thank you!
love JiKook's conversation! Jimin being supportive...awww
Chapter 36: Awe Kookie! Love, this was so good! Jimin is so sweet and supportive and that was exactly what Jungkook needed to hear. And like I said earlier, this is a work of art! <3
Chapter 35: Kookie is so cute whinning and all haha..
So, yoongi loves jin?
Chapter 35: Hoseok is such a terrible friend wow, speaking the truth and helping yoongi out of his emotionally constipated she’ll. So terrible
I LOVED THIS, especially now that I can read it as a whole <3
Chapter 34: Jungkookie is a total sweetheart! I loved this and it was very nice to read, very very cute
Chapter 33: Poor Jinnie, you wrote this so well and it’s great to finally see the finished product after we talked about it. They’re both so hopeless, bless them
Chapter 32: They are going to have baby boy! I cant wait! I'm so axcited!
Glad that Taehyung is there with Kook hehe..
Chapter 32: I just love this story though. And I'm suddenly very very much so wanting Jin to get pregnant again so his heart will quit hurting and he get the baby his been pining for for so long. I feel so bad for him. I don't care who the father is, I just want his heart to stop breaking mine. Pretty please! Lol ❤
Chapter 32: Thanks for this chapter. Glad the baby is healthy. Sad its a boy. Lol. I had really warmed up to them having a girl and him calling it she all the time. They would have the most beautiful little girl. I'm curious how Jin will take it now that there is a gender and he never got find out his baby's gender. Bless him. Cannot wait until he opens up to yoongi and unloads his feelings. Can't wait for next chapter!