Chapter Sixteen

He Wouldn't
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They’d been up at the crack of dawn and had been working all day, being dragged from radio station to broadcasting station to interview without a break and now they were back at the dorm, it was approaching 2am and Jungkook should really be heading to bed. He might not have been worked as hard as the rest of the members but he was exhausted, he should be asleep. But he wasn’t.

It might be after midnight butno one else was asleep either. Jungkook could hear Jin clattering around in the kitchen, making food for an irritable Yoongi who’d grumbled and groaned all the way home in the van about the fact they hadn’t had a proper meal all day. He could hear the shower running and Namjoon singing. He could hear the ‘rat tat tat’ of computer game gunfire coming from Hoseok’s room down the hall. The dorm was noisy and full of life and After the deafening quiet and tangible disappointment in the air at his parents house he needed that. He needed the noise and the bustle. He’d missed it.

And it wasn’t just the noise he’d missed, he’d missed the people too, Taehyung and Jimin especially. He was close to the rest of the members too but Jimin and Tae were two of his closest friends, two of the people he felt most comfortable around. 

They had a schedule free day tomorrow too, so they could rest before the manic rush that would be their last week of promotions and Jimin and Taehyung had decided that watching a movie and falling asleep in the living room together sounded like fun. It was something they hadn’t been able to do in a while and Jungkook had the sinking feeling that after the news of his pregnancy got out it might be something they’d never get to do again. He was sure Jimin would never see him the same way and as for Taehyung… well he definitely wasn’t going to be his biggest fan. So while Jungkook could easily have gone to bed and stayed there until their manager dragged them along to their next schedule he’d forced himself to stay up. He’d brought his bedding from his room and made himself a cocoon in the middle the sofa and was now watching Jimin and Taehyung who were sitting in front of him on the floor and arguing over the tv remote .

“We are not putting on a horror movie before we go to sleep.” Jimin was saying as he tried to wrestle the remote from Taehyung’s grip.

But Taehyung was having none of it. “You said you didn’t care what we watched.”he reminded him, yanking the remote back towards him, Jimin’s arm coming with it.

“That was before you decided to choose something stupid.” Jimin countered, not letting go.

He should probably step in Jungkook thought. He was half asleep and couldn’t really be bothered but if he didn’t they were liable to keep bickering all night. “Can’t we just watch something we all like?” 

“Like what?” Taehyung asked, and using the distraction he plucked the remote from Jimin’s grip and slid away from him, holding it behind his back.

“I don’t know…” Jungkook mumbled, ignoring Taehyung’s antics as he tried not to yawn. If he did Jimin would only tell him to go to bed. He’d been fussing more than Jin since he’d come back from his parents and he hadn’t thought fussing more than Jin was possible. “… like Iron Man or something.” He shrugged.

“That’s something you like.” Taehyung po

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Chapter 37: Oh my yoonjin 😭
Chapter 36: finally the update! omg! thank you!
love JiKook's conversation! Jimin being supportive...awww
Chapter 36: Awe Kookie! Love, this was so good! Jimin is so sweet and supportive and that was exactly what Jungkook needed to hear. And like I said earlier, this is a work of art! <3
Chapter 35: Kookie is so cute whinning and all haha..
So, yoongi loves jin?
Chapter 35: Hoseok is such a terrible friend wow, speaking the truth and helping yoongi out of his emotionally constipated she’ll. So terrible
I LOVED THIS, especially now that I can read it as a whole <3
Chapter 34: Jungkookie is a total sweetheart! I loved this and it was very nice to read, very very cute
Chapter 33: Poor Jinnie, you wrote this so well and it’s great to finally see the finished product after we talked about it. They’re both so hopeless, bless them
Chapter 32: They are going to have baby boy! I cant wait! I'm so axcited!
Glad that Taehyung is there with Kook hehe..
Chapter 32: I just love this story though. And I'm suddenly very very much so wanting Jin to get pregnant again so his heart will quit hurting and he get the baby his been pining for for so long. I feel so bad for him. I don't care who the father is, I just want his heart to stop breaking mine. Pretty please! Lol ❤
Chapter 32: Thanks for this chapter. Glad the baby is healthy. Sad its a boy. Lol. I had really warmed up to them having a girl and him calling it she all the time. They would have the most beautiful little girl. I'm curious how Jin will take it now that there is a gender and he never got find out his baby's gender. Bless him. Cannot wait until he opens up to yoongi and unloads his feelings. Can't wait for next chapter!