The end!

One Night Could Possibly Mean Forever
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“How far do we have to go captain?” Asked Miyeon as she looks at her older brother Sehun took out his telescope and looked at the tree.


“We are almost there first mate, sailing master sail the ship to the north.” Yelled Sehun in a pirate voice.


“Yes, Captain” soults Hari as she and the rest move forward a little. Within minutes Hari feels something hit her back and become wet.


“Ahhhh we are under attack!!” Screamed Hari. Sehun turns around and takes his telescope again and he saw Luhan and Sungjae getting ready to throw another water balloon. Sehun rans to the bucket of water balloons.


“Take cover, arm yourself. And whatever you do don't abandon ship.” He said as he was getting ready to throw the water balloon. Hari and Miyeon started laughing as they ran to the water balloons.


“Ready, set, attack” said Sehun, the three started throwing balloons.


“They are good but we are better!” Yelled Luhan. Sungjae gets his water balloon and throws it. Somin comes running and throws a water balloon as far as she can but doesn't make it. She makes a sad face and Luhan pats her head.


“It's okay rookie, it takes time to learn.” Somin looks at her older brother and smiles.


“I'll keep trying captain!” She says in a cheerful voice.


The years had gone by and the kids have grown but one thing that Kyungsoo loved about the two older boys is that it doesn't matter how old Luhan and Sehun get, they still play pretend with the younger kids.


Kyungsoo and Chanyeol watched the kids play and laugh. Over the last 8 years everything was still the same, every other Sunday the whole group will get together and spend the day together. Kris, Suho and the twins would come over for dinner often. Kyungsoo and Kris still spend Friday's together but not every Friday. More  like 1 Friday each month they would spend the day just the three of them. Chanyeol and Suho still got together as well while the kids went with their grandparents.


If you ask Chanyeol if he thought his life would be this complicated he would have told you no but now complicated seemed normal to him. He and Kris had become best friends. No more jealousy was felt towards him. He would  get jealous every once in awhile but because of other people who would hit on Kyungsoo. But of course his beautiful husband would never notice.


Life didn't get easier as the kids grew, but they managed to always find a way to fix whatever problem they had.


“I have a wedding Saturday night, your still good to watch the girls?” Asked Kyungsoo


“Yeah, Sehun will be here to help me. Seojun is sick so they can't go to the beach this weekend.” Kyungsoo looked at his husband and smiled softly.

“I'm sure Seojun is very upset he loved the trips to the beach with his big brother.”


“He is and so is Sehun he was really looking forward to it. But I told Baekhyun he could take next weekend if he likes.” Said Chanyeol


“Yeah that's a good idea. We will have that weekend to ourselves, the kids are going with my parents house.” Kyungsoo said


“My point we could have some fun just the two of us. Maybe make a new baby.” Kyungsoo looked at his husband he grabbed the first thing he saw which was his book and threw it at him. Chanyeol saw it coming and was able to dodge it. He started laughing and pulled Kyungsoo off his chair onto his lap and kissed his cheek.


“I'm not kidding, I want another boy.”  Kyungsoo bushed himself off of him.


“Unless you plan on carrying him I don't think so.” He said as he crossed his arms.


Chanyeol laughed and kissed Kyungsoo. “Oh my love you know that if I could I would. I'm not as special as you. But you're right the kids would probably be super upset if we had another baby.” He said


“But I don't mind having a special night just the two of us.” Kyungsoo said as he kissed Chanyeol's neck.


“Ewww” yelled Somin Kyungsoo looked over at his daughter who is almost the exact replica of her father.


“Oh my little Min is that gross to you?” Somin nodded her head.


“Oh is that right” Kyungsoo picked up the little girl and started kissing her face. Making her giggle.


“Mommy stop!”


Kyungsoo stopped and looked at his daughter, she had the biggest smiled.


“Mommy I'm hungry!” She said


“Feed me then you can continue” Chanyeol laughed at his daughter's words. She was definitely his daughter.


“Did we hear someone is hungry?” Asked Kris as he and Suho came into the backyard caring Pizza. Somin’s face lit up she pushed herself down and ran to them.


“This is why you guys are the best uncle's in the world.” She yelled the four laughed at the small girl.


Luhan, Miyeon and Sungjae ran to greet the new couple that just came in. They all sat around to eat dinner, the years had gone by but one thing never changed. And that was how much everyone loved each other.




Chanyeol had a long day at work unnecessarily problems kept popping up. And he was downright exhausted, and not having Suho there was definitely hard. Suho, Kris and their kids and Luhan had gone to China for two weeks. Kyungsoo and the girls had gone to visit his mother. And he and Sehun we're left alone. Sehun would have been at the beach with Baekhyun but he didn't do good in school this year so he had to attend summer school. So he was waiting for his son to come out of the school.


Chanyeol watched as Sehun walked out with a group of people when he saw Chanyeol's car he said something to them and then walked away as he waved and got in the car. After he got in the car Chanyeol looked at his son and smiled.


“You seem to be popular in school.” He said. Sehun was now 16 and he seemed to mature a lot over the years. His handsome face became even more handsome and Chanyeol was proud of his son. Because other than the fact that he's a little lazy for his school work he is a very smart teenager.


“Yeah, people seem to like me.” he said as he look

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It's the end! Please comment and let me know what you think!! Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 5: I just found this story and I love it
Chapter 46: Thank you for the clarity author-nim. My heart almost dropped to ground when I read first chapter itself TT
Chapter 45: Author-nim, I truly love this fic. The way you potrayed all characters and their feelings are so realistic. Yes, it is really a good way to end the story like that. Bcoz it is difficult to show a particular end.

Happy that you did so well and its a long journey for all of us. Thank you so much for this wonderful story. I wish you to write many many many more ChanSoo fics in the future!!!
_crazy #4
Chapter 45: Great story!! Thank you for writing it!!
Chapter 44: This was such a heartwarming chapter <3 all the babies and kids playing with each other and the adults enjoying as well. <3
Chapter 44: I’m jumping in happiness. This chapter is so heart warming. can’t believe that they overcome all challenges and now they all are happyily settled and grown their family members. Truly I will miss this fic. Only 1 chap left. Sobs TT

Excited for the new fic!!! Hope that it is ChanSoo story again :)
fuwaathrun92 #7
Chapter 43: i binge read your stories in 3 days and i'll never regret it. plus, it distracts me from the recent sad news. thank you so much dear author for writing these beautiful stories. keep on doin' what you love, dear author
Chapter 43: That was very sweet <3 I loved this chapter. It made me tear up T.T Thank you author-nim~
Chapter 43: I actually feel very sad for the kids. It must be so hard for them to take such a huge news. Really love the way Luhan had his thoughts and convinced Sehun to be happy. Can't be more cuter than this ^^
armysakuragi #10
Chapter 43: i love the way you put luhan sehun feeling in this story..i love this ff so much