Welcome baby girl!

One Night Could Possibly Mean Forever
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Finally they got to the hospital and Chanyeol got out first he ran inside to the hospital to get a wheelchair for Kyungsoo. Suho got out and picked up the sleeping boy, Kris helped Kyungsoo out of the van and helped him sit in the wheelchair. He then went back in the van and picked up Luhan. They all ran inside the hospital and the nurse took Kyungsoo and Chanyeol back to the operation room.


“Good luck Kyungie can’t wait to meet Hari, oh and good luck to you too Chanyeol.” Kris said with a wink. Chanyeol was not sure why Kris had said that but he would soon find out.


“Good luck Kyungsoo!” yelled Suho.


When both Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were no longer in sight Suho went to go sit Sehun down, but before he could the small boy woke up and rubbed his eyes he stared at Suho and then poked him on the face. When Sehun confirmed that it was in fact Suho and not a dream his eyes started to water and then he started to cry.

Suho smiled and kissed the boy on the forehead.


“I missed you Hunnie!”


“Don’t ever leave again! I love daddy, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun so much! But i love you a lot more and I hated not seeing you! Mommy don’t ever leave again!”


Kris looked at the boy, he didn’t understand a word he said but Suho was smiling so he assumed that he understood everything the boy had said.


“I will never leave again! But you do know that one day I won’t be living in the same house as you, right?” asked Suho, Kris and him have talked about maybe moving out soon. They know that the house is big enough for everyone but they didn’t want to be too much of a burden especially since they were expecting as well. He loved Sehun and would love to live with him forever but he didn’t think that was possible.


Sehun looked at Suho in silence he was upset about what his mom had said, he didn’t want him to move out he wanted to live with him forever. Before saying anything Sehun looked around his surroundings he had just realized that  he was no longer in his room. But in a white place that looked lonely and sad, there where not a lot of people just a small amount and most of them looked sad.


“Mommy where are we?” he asked wondering if this was all still a dream and that this never happened. In a way he wished it was true he wanted to forget that they ever talked about his mommy moving out.


“Well it looks like you forgot everything my sleepy boy, we are in the hospital your baby sister is on her way!” Suho said to Sehun.

Sehun’s eyes widen and he smiled, his baby sister was going to be here today! He was too happy to say anything, after a minute of silence the small boy screamed. Suho was worried that people would be upset at the boy for yelling, but to his surprise everyone had a small smile.

Everyone in the room looked at Sehun and laughed they all knew the boy was excited so the people who were there for sad reasons smiled, it was nice to see that a young life was enjoying life and not worried about the pain that life sometimes brings to them as they get older. Sure most of those people where going through a hard time but why bring a small child down? He was happy like a child should be.


Luhan went to Sehun, Suho put the small boy down the two sat down and ate their breakfast as they talked about all the fun things they could do with their new sister.


In the delivery room Kyungsoo was a screaming mess, he was cursing and hitting Chanyeol every time he would have a contraction. Chanyeol knew this was going to hard but he didn’t think that he would leave the hospital with a black eye, because he was 100% that he had a black eye. He had made the mistake to tell Kyungsoo to calm down and it lead to Kyungsoo calling him an for putting a baby in him in the first place.


Chanyeol had remembered Kris saying that Kyungsoo had punched him at one point while he was in labor too. So he didn’t feel so bad, he just wished there was something he could say to make Kyungsoo feel better.


After what seem

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Chapter 5: I just found this story and I love it
Chapter 46: Thank you for the clarity author-nim. My heart almost dropped to ground when I read first chapter itself TT
Chapter 45: Author-nim, I truly love this fic. The way you potrayed all characters and their feelings are so realistic. Yes, it is really a good way to end the story like that. Bcoz it is difficult to show a particular end.

Happy that you did so well and its a long journey for all of us. Thank you so much for this wonderful story. I wish you to write many many many more ChanSoo fics in the future!!!
_crazy #4
Chapter 45: Great story!! Thank you for writing it!!
Chapter 44: This was such a heartwarming chapter <3 all the babies and kids playing with each other and the adults enjoying as well. <3
Chapter 44: I’m jumping in happiness. This chapter is so heart warming. can’t believe that they overcome all challenges and now they all are happyily settled and grown their family members. Truly I will miss this fic. Only 1 chap left. Sobs TT

Excited for the new fic!!! Hope that it is ChanSoo story again :)
fuwaathrun92 #7
Chapter 43: i binge read your stories in 3 days and i'll never regret it. plus, it distracts me from the recent sad news. thank you so much dear author for writing these beautiful stories. keep on doin' what you love, dear author
Chapter 43: That was very sweet <3 I loved this chapter. It made me tear up T.T Thank you author-nim~
Chapter 43: I actually feel very sad for the kids. It must be so hard for them to take such a huge news. Really love the way Luhan had his thoughts and convinced Sehun to be happy. Can't be more cuter than this ^^
armysakuragi #10
Chapter 43: i love the way you put luhan sehun feeling in this story..i love this ff so much