I don't want to meet my mommy

One Night Could Possibly Mean Forever
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After the party Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were laying on the bed looking online to get ideas for their baby girl’s nursery. Now that they knew they were having a girl they could start buying things for her since everything that Kyungsoo owned was for a boy and Chanyeol had donated everything he had thinking that he would never need it since he didn’t plan to have another baby. He wanted one but the odds were against him at the time.

“We should pick a name, I want to call her by her name.” chanyeol looked at his boyfriend and smile. He would be more then happy to name her but picking a name wasn’t easy.

“What did you have in mind?” he asked looking though more picture of nurseries. Kyungsoo thought for a  minute and looked at Chanyeol.

“I don’t know, I was hoping you could tell me a name and I would love it and I would just agree on it.” Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo and laughed.

“In what world does that work?” chanyeol asked

“Well when I was pregnant with Luhan, and we were thinking of names Kris had mentioned that he liked the name Luhan and I fell in love with it. So we kept the name.” he said snuggling up against Chanyeol.

“Seriously that is how you picked his name? You really had no say in it?” he asked

“No I had a say, I just loved the name Luhan when he had mentioned it that no other name seemed to do it justice.” he said with a sleepy voice.

“Did you guys have a girl name picked out?” asked Chanyeol

“We did, Misun was the girl name we both liked.” he told Chanyeol. Chanyeol had to admit that he liked the name, but maybe they should keep looking and if nothing else catches his interest then he would let him know that Misun was a good name for her.

“Kyungsoo?” he said

“Yes Chanyeol?” Kyungsoo asked

“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” he asked while kissing his head.

“You have but I like hearing.” he said squeezing Chanyeol.

“I love you Do Kyungsoo and I can’t wait until the day we hold our little girl.” he said

“Me too, I love you too!” he said

Kyungsoo never thought that after Kris he would find someone as loving and caring. But he was wrong he found Chanyeol and he knew that they were meant for each other and that nothing could ever change that. Kyungsoo was happy, his family has grown, he now had two sons and a baby girl on the way. His wonderful ex husband was going to marry a wonderful​ man that he would be comfortable with leaving his son with if anything were to happen to him. He knew that this happiness would last for as long as he lives.


It was Sunday morning and Baekhyun was waiting for Lay to show up. He honestly didn't want to be there at the moment he wanted to go home, sit on his couch and watch a movie with a nice cup of tea. But he knew that it wasn't healthy to do that and plus Lay was his friend he needed more friends to talk to. But all he could think about was how he had noticed that Sehun was acting strange, at the being the small boy liked seeing him and had even said once that he was a lot of fun and wanted him to come back play again soon. So of course Baekhyun took that as a sign that his son liked him. So he thought that maybe soon the boy would come to love him, but then the last two weeks he became distant, with him and if would ask him questions about anything the boy's​ answers would be short and uninterested. At first Baekhyun thought that maybe the boy was feeling sick and just didn’t want to answer, but it continued for three week and he was starting to worry. At yesterday's party he played with Meiling and Luhan when he asked Sehun if he wanted to play too he said he was tired and went to go lay on the couch. Of course to Baekhyun that was like someone had stabbed him in the heart, so he played with the two kids hoping that Sehun would join at some point of the game. But he didn’t and that was enough for Baekhyun, he wanted to go home and mope. He knew that he was being unfair to the little who doesn’t know who he is and even he did know, would he forgive for not coming back? He knew that it might be too late but he had to try until the very end. Baekhyun looked up just in time to see Lay walk in and smile when he saw him sitting there. He walked over and sat down in front of him.

“Hey Baek how are you?” he asked.

“As good as a person who abandoned his family could be.” he responded his voice filled with sarcasm. Lay looked at his old friend, he was heart broken to see how much he has changed, he was no longer that happy, goofball that he used to know he was a broken and sad man.

“Baek what happen? Why did you leave?” Lay asked he needed​ to know why he left, no one knew this not even Baekhyun but he was once in love with him. He had never told him because Baekhyun was in love with Chanyeol and Chanyeol is his best friend it didn’t matter how much he loved him he would never do anything to hurt his best friend.

Baekhyun looked at Lay and smiled he had promised to tell him his story so he did, he told Lay everything from start to finish. Lay sat there and listened to the words of his friend, he watched as he cried and Lay did something he didn’t think he would do, he cried with him. He should have looked for him, he should have know that he would never just leave Sehun for no reason. But he didn’t, how could he have know, he left no note, he never called so how was he or even Chanyeol to know that he left to seek help.

“Baekhyun let me help!” Lay said reaching over to hold Baekhyun’s hand. Baekhyun smiled and look at the older man in front of him. He was so thankful that he had a lot of people who were willing to help, he just wished that they could see result

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Chapter 5: I just found this story and I love it
Chapter 46: Thank you for the clarity author-nim. My heart almost dropped to ground when I read first chapter itself TT
Chapter 45: Author-nim, I truly love this fic. The way you potrayed all characters and their feelings are so realistic. Yes, it is really a good way to end the story like that. Bcoz it is difficult to show a particular end.

Happy that you did so well and its a long journey for all of us. Thank you so much for this wonderful story. I wish you to write many many many more ChanSoo fics in the future!!!
_crazy #4
Chapter 45: Great story!! Thank you for writing it!!
Chapter 44: This was such a heartwarming chapter <3 all the babies and kids playing with each other and the adults enjoying as well. <3
Chapter 44: I’m jumping in happiness. This chapter is so heart warming. can’t believe that they overcome all challenges and now they all are happyily settled and grown their family members. Truly I will miss this fic. Only 1 chap left. Sobs TT

Excited for the new fic!!! Hope that it is ChanSoo story again :)
fuwaathrun92 #7
Chapter 43: i binge read your stories in 3 days and i'll never regret it. plus, it distracts me from the recent sad news. thank you so much dear author for writing these beautiful stories. keep on doin' what you love, dear author
Chapter 43: That was very sweet <3 I loved this chapter. It made me tear up T.T Thank you author-nim~
Chapter 43: I actually feel very sad for the kids. It must be so hard for them to take such a huge news. Really love the way Luhan had his thoughts and convinced Sehun to be happy. Can't be more cuter than this ^^
armysakuragi #10
Chapter 43: i love the way you put luhan sehun feeling in this story..i love this ff so much