Living situation

One Night Could Possibly Mean Forever
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Kyungsoo woke up to the smell of pancakes, eggs and bacon, he sat up and then stretched his arms. He got up and looked for his clothes that were scattered across the room. After getting dressed he walked in the hallway and made his way downstairs.

He smiled as he saw his boyfriend and Suho making breakfast in the kitchen. He sat on the stool and folded his hands on the island, he wanted to wait to see how long it would take them to realize he was there. He heard as the two best friends talked about a new employee from work, then about Sehun's next doctor visit. When Suho turned around he was startled by seeing Kyungsoo sitting there making him drop the spatula in his hand making Kyungsoo laughed​. Chanyeol turned around when he heard his boyfriend laugh, he watched as he laughed at his best friend. He loved seeing Kyungsoo this early in the morning he couldn't wait until this was an everyday thing.

Chanyeol turned the burner off, and walked to his boyfriend and gave him a bear hug filling him with kisses on his face.

“How did you sleep my love?” He asked Kyungsoo, he smiled and hugged him back.

“ I slept wonderfully in your arms” he said as he snuggled in his boyfriend's chest.

“Soo, how long have you been sitting there?” Asked Suho picking up the spatula and putting it in the sink.

“Since you guys were talking about the new assistant manager from China, I think his name was Zitao.” Kyungsoo looking at Suho then he saw something shiny on his finger, Kris proposed? He wasn't supposed to propose until next week.

“Suho, did Kris propose to you?” Asked Kyungsoo pushing Chanyeol away, this caught Chanyeol off guard he walked to Suho and took his left hand and looked at the ring on his finger.

“Yeah, last night!” Suho said looking at Chanyeol who was still confused.

“ you're engaged?” He asked Suho, he wasn't sure if Chanyeol was mad, so he nodded.

“Wow! Congratulations! Suho I'm so happy for you!!” He said taking his friend into a hug. Suho hugged him back and smiled, he was glad that Chanyeol is taking the news so well.

“Hey let go of my fiance!” He heard Kris’ voice, he let go of Suho and looked to where  Kris was standing next to Kyungsoo, he placed a kiss on his forehead then walked over to his boyfriend. Both Suho and Chanyeol looked confused by this action, Kris noticed and felt like he should explain.

“After we got divorced, to show Luhan that we still love each we always kiss each other on the forehead. Nothing to worry about just an innocent act of friendship.” He said taking Suho into his arms and kissing his lips.

“We want to always show Luhan that no matter how many things in life change we will always love each other as best friends.” Kyungsoo said extending his hand for Chanyeol to take it. Both Chanyeol and Suho smiled at how close the two were.

“ it's so good to see that not all divorces end in disaster.” Suho said and Chanyeol nodded.

The couples talked about the cookout that would be held tomorrow, they had to figure out how many people would be joining them. Kyungsoo had mentioned that he invited his friends Kai, Chen, Xiumin and his new boyfriend. Kyungsoo had to admit he was excited to meet Xiumin's new boyfriend he has heard nothing but good things about him. Suho told them about his and Chanyeol friend Yixing coming,

“Don't forget Baekhyun is invited too.” Chanyeol said taking a piece of fruits that Kris was cutting up.

“Will you ever tell Sehun that he is his mother?” Kris asked

“Maybe one day when we are ready. For now I feel like just getting to know him will do.” He said

“Who is, we?” Asked Kyungsoo

“Suho and I of course I wouldn't do anything without discussing it with Sehun's uncle-mom” he said smiling at his best friend.

“ you'll never understand how much I appreciate, how much say I have in Sehun's life.” He said

“ Don't, you earned it. You've been with us in the good and the bad.” He said he turned around when he heard the boys running down the steps yelling “Pancakes!!!” He watched as Kris walked over to Luhan and he picked up the jumping boy Kyungsoo got up and went to them. They hugged each other and smiled, both Kyungsoo and Kris kissed the boy on the cheek. Making him giggle, he heard as Luhan said “I love you mommy and daddy!!” Chanyeol thought that if it was anyone else, in this situation they would be jealous to see their loved ones being so affectionate towards their ex. But not Chanyeol and Suho they knew what they got themselves into when they decided to start a relationship with them. They both know that Kyungsoo and Kris have a son together, and accept how close they are as friends. Partly because they are almost the way, with the only difference that Suho and he never had , and Sehun is not his son biological mother.

Chanyeol watched as his son looks right at him and walks to Suho for him to hold him.

Suho picks him up, Sehun placed his hands on his face. Chanyeol knew exactly what they were doing they had a little routine that they do every time they  saw each other. Sehun would hold Suho's​ face, and Suho would say “I will love you forever, because you are my little boy.” And Sehun would say

“ I will love you forever because you're always there” it started when Sehun was two when he asked for his mom. The small boy cried when Suho picked him up from school saying that he wanted his mommy to pick him up. Suho had to explain that his mommy wasn't able to pick him up. But that he would love Sehun like a son and he wanted to be like a mommy to him. With time Sehun realized that he didn't need a mommy because he had Suho who is always there for him, and since then they do it all the time. Suho puts the boy down after they were done and Sehun ran to him. Chanyeol picked up his son and kissed his head.

“Did you sleep well?” He asked, the boy nodded.

“Daddy since you and Kyungsoo are dating and Kris and uncle Suho are dating, does that mean we will all live in this house with the new baby?” Sehun asked with a huge​ smiled.

“No, but maybe one day soon Kyungsoo and Luhan will live here. But I don't think Kris will, he has to be with your uncle Suho in their own house when they get ma

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Chapter 5: I just found this story and I love it
Chapter 46: Thank you for the clarity author-nim. My heart almost dropped to ground when I read first chapter itself TT
Chapter 45: Author-nim, I truly love this fic. The way you potrayed all characters and their feelings are so realistic. Yes, it is really a good way to end the story like that. Bcoz it is difficult to show a particular end.

Happy that you did so well and its a long journey for all of us. Thank you so much for this wonderful story. I wish you to write many many many more ChanSoo fics in the future!!!
_crazy #4
Chapter 45: Great story!! Thank you for writing it!!
Chapter 44: This was such a heartwarming chapter <3 all the babies and kids playing with each other and the adults enjoying as well. <3
Chapter 44: I’m jumping in happiness. This chapter is so heart warming. can’t believe that they overcome all challenges and now they all are happyily settled and grown their family members. Truly I will miss this fic. Only 1 chap left. Sobs TT

Excited for the new fic!!! Hope that it is ChanSoo story again :)
fuwaathrun92 #7
Chapter 43: i binge read your stories in 3 days and i'll never regret it. plus, it distracts me from the recent sad news. thank you so much dear author for writing these beautiful stories. keep on doin' what you love, dear author
Chapter 43: That was very sweet <3 I loved this chapter. It made me tear up T.T Thank you author-nim~
Chapter 43: I actually feel very sad for the kids. It must be so hard for them to take such a huge news. Really love the way Luhan had his thoughts and convinced Sehun to be happy. Can't be more cuter than this ^^
armysakuragi #10
Chapter 43: i love the way you put luhan sehun feeling in this story..i love this ff so much