School Trip-Fireworks

Cuteness Overdose

School Trip-Fireworks

“Do you know that tonight we’re having firework festival?” Kibum asked. The boy had been playing with the others for some time. He said his family was on vacation too at the beach.

“Really?” Suie asked as his eyes started to blink-blink ,” I wanna see…”

“It start around eight o’clock tonight…” Kibum spoke.

“Then, let’s watch together OK? Everyone?” Yunnie suggested.

“Yeah! Bumie, you come too, OK?” Joongie asked.

“Eh?” Kibum was surprised to be called like that, but he’s happy too at the same time,” OK!”

“Hey! Let’s play ball!” Yoochun said as he threw the ball to Minnie.

“Volleyball!” the boys cheered as they played together. The made two teams, the first one was Joongie-Yunnie-Suie, the second one was Chunnie-Minnie-Bumie.

Chunnie started as he hit the ball with his palm. Joongie got it as he pushed the ball to the other team. Minnie got the ball, he pushed, but too strong. It ended up hitting Suie’s face.

“Huaaaa!!!” Suie cried when Minnie’s ball hit him.

“Suie! Are you OK?” Chunnie stormed into Junsu as he looked whether the dolphin boy was hurt or not. Luckily, Suie was fine.

“I’m sorry!!!” Minnie apologized; maybe he’s still feel dizzy of the drowning incident.

“…That’s…OK…” Suie spoke as he wiped his tears.

“Let’s play again, OK?” Yunnie spoke, as all of the nodded.

The ball was on Suie’s hand, he threw the ball in the air as he did his service. The ball kept going here and there, but then the ball went back to Suie’s direction.

Suie used his hidden weapon, his shovel (to play the sad) to smack the ball, and the ball ended up in fast pace. Chunnie managed to avoid the ball before it hit him, but the ball ended up hit Minnie’s .

“Weeee~” Suie smirked.

“Hyung ah!” Minnie whined as he caressed his poor .

The others ended up laughing.

It’s another few minutes before the teacher told the kids to shower up and they’d have lunch together. They parted with Bumie, as Bumie went back with his family.

“Let’s take bath together again!” Joongie suggested as they did what they did last time. Taking bath together was really fun.

After took bubble bath (Joongie used his soap to make the bubble), everyone went to the cafeteria and ate lunch. The boys ended up at their room again as they took their nap.

“I wonder what’s Bumie doing?” Minnie mumbled.

“Bumie is cool!” Suie spoke suddenly.

“Why?” Chunnie asked.

“Because he saved Minnie…” Joongie explained.

“Yup,” Yunnie agreed.

The kids spent their time mostly talking, fooling with each other. Or something ate Minnie’s snack, the food eater couldn’t help but chasing his hyung deul when they stole Min’s snack; but it funny ways, like hid Min’s snack inside the bathroom, so the food eater won’t fine it.

“Come on! Where’s my snack?” Minnie asked.

“Hehe…try to find it…” Joongie said.

“Bad hyung!” Minnie said as he smacked Joongie’s shoulder.

They’re about to having their kiddo fight again, but then the speaker sounded…


“OK!” the boys answered innocently as they got ready; like the speaker could hear them.

Then, they went into the hall, the food almost the same like yesterday. But it’s fine, since it’s so tasty.

“Hi!” Bumie greeted.

“Bumie! Are you having your dinner too?” Minnie asked.

“Yup, but Minnie, doesn’t that too much?” Bumie pointed to Minnie’s food.

“Hehe, it’s OK, I’ll eat all of it…”the boys ended up sitting on the table together again, but this time Bumie accompanied them.

“WOW!” Kibum cheered as Minnie ate his last spoon.

“Don’t worry, Bumie, Minnie is food eater…” Chunnie commented.


Then, suddenly a light shone on the sky, as the sound echoed, making the boys amazed by the view.

“It’s the firework! Yey!” the boys stormed out to the terrace, didn’t want to miss any of it. The other kids and the teacher followed.

“It’s so beautiful!” Suie cheered,” I wish hyung is here~”

The dolphin boy spoke as he thought of his twin brother, Junho.

“Yeah, I wish my Umma is here too…” the other spoke.

Fireworks might be usual thing for adult, but for these kids, it’s an amazing thing to see. Light sparkling on the sky as big boom sound echoed.

“It’s like a star I saw on TV…” Joongie spoke.

“Yeah, Cassiopeia…” Yunnie said, the other agreed as they watched the beautiful scenery once again.

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Chapter 20: awww~ didn't regret reading this story, XD It was worth it. The ending was perfect. teeheee~
Chapter 4: I hate cockroach too. I despise them, like really. I'd scream very loud if I see them. Especially flying cockraoch. Like eww. Why did they even exists? :| haha.
Chapter 2: omg- XD I'm totally lovin' this book
chu-yunjae #5
Chapter 21: This was a cute chibi fic.
schuja #6
Chapter 17: Hi I'm schu, I'm appear on chapter 17.. Oh my god this story so nostalgic ... I don't know whether kyouya still remember me or not..cute story . hope u in good health kyouya.. Miss u Cassie girl
return_of_the_5_gods #7
This really is cuteness overdoes!!!!!
foodiemin #8
Chapter 20: kyaaa!!!my heart!!>/////<
Krsobsessions #9
Chapter 20: can't stop reading this fic so much.
love to read it all over again
mickeycute #10
Chapter 20: awww sequel please..