Chapter 7

No Reservations
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(A/N: Hi to all the readers and subscribers! Thank you for giving time to read this story of mine. I'll be updating twice today so this is the first part. Second part will come later tonight. And Dani will be joining us in the story. I love Dani! And the fact that she resembles a bit like Soojung and she is Amber's kid that's why i decided to make her Soojung's sister here. 

All right enough about that! Let's begin!)





It was a week before my birthday and I was busy cooking dinner when I hear the front door opened and revealed the most important person in my life right now - my little sister Dani.

"Unnie! I'm homeeeee!"

"I'm here in the kitchen baby... the food will be done in a few minutes. Have a shower first okay?" I shouted to her from the kitchen area while I stir the spaghetti sauce on the stove. I add some italian seasoning and grated some fresh parmesan cheese to add the finishing touches. I suddenly feel a pair of arms hugging me from the back and I smiled. My sister is the sweetest little sister I'll ever have. Well of course she's my only sister keke.

"Unnieee~~~ I'm starving...Let's eat nowww.." oh the 18 year old is whining and pouting so cute.

"I'm finish now. Come on, set the table so we can eat. Soooo cuuuuteeeee Dani-a!" I pinched her pouting cheeks and she stuggled to smile.


"YAH!! UNNIE!! STOP IT!! I'm not a kid anymore!"


My sister and I are so close and I care for her so much. I was practically the one who raised her and always beside her on her growing up years. Its a typical Unnie-Donsaeng relationship with bickering and fighting and a lot of aegyos on her side when she wants something. And of course as a very realiable and easy to please unnie I always give in.


We are already seated on the dining area enjoying the spaghetti I made. She tells me about what happened to her at school and I ask her about her studies.

Dani is a smart kid and studious too. She will be entering the university next year so I have to work hard for her school fees. Although the hotel gave her a College scholarship offering to pay for her tuition fee until she finish her degree, I still have to earn for her other expenses. That is how the hotel honored our father due to the length of service and dedication he gave in the hospitality industry by giving her a scholarship grant.

"Unnie, me and Tia is considering to enroll at SKKU. Do you think I'll pass? "

"Of course! You're not a Jung for nothing! You are Jung Soojung's sister and you inherited her brains bwahahahahahaaha!!!" 😸

"That's what I'm afraid of Unnie kekekekeke....."

"Why you brat! Impossible! If Unnie passed SKKU with flying colors, you will too!"

"Sometimes I wondered how you passed Unnie. You often cut classes with Sunyoung unnie and Byul unnie before back in uni days...."

"YAH!! Unnies are just looking for inspirations that is why we do that. Your unnie is smart and intelligent that's why I passed. I don't know about the 2 kekeke.."

"Yeah right~ watching movies and drinking in a pojang macha is your way of looking for inspirations. I get it unnie" she sheepishly smiled at me. This kid really!?!

"Ummm!!" I playfully pinched her cheeks.

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Hey author you had make this story and U Me & Little to disable offline reading..I notice.Hehe
Chapter 13: This is so cute uwu
Feichin #3
Chapter 32: Thank you
turtle88 #4
Chapter 31: I just have finished reading it~
Wow thanks for writing such a nice story author :D
turtle88 #5
Chapter 5: Dear Author~ new reader here~
Ahahaha i was laughing on the boxers part xD
Gonna continue reading now x)
Chapter 31: eeeeeeee
Chapter 26: WHAT NO!
Chapter 25: *Cries in corner* WHY!?
Chapter 17: oh my..
Chapter 14: ending 10/10