
The Forgotten
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"Where have you been?" Mrs. Kim asked as soon as she opens the door for Dahyun.

"Mom, you won't believe me if I say so." Dahyun replied, smiling while admiring the beautiful sunflower Hansol gave her.

She went inside and dropped her bag on the sofa.

"Wonwoo?" She asked curiously as she saw him sitting on the sofa.

Wonwoo immediately stand up and checked her. "Where have you been? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay." She laughed. "Seriously, both of you don't have anything to worry about. In fact, this is the happiest day of my life after Vernon --- " she momentarily stopped on her words and smiled bitterly.

Wonwoo's brows furrowed. Vernon? Who is Vernon?

"I had a really great time today that's why my energy got drained. I'll go take a shower then." She slowly went upstairs, erasing the gloomy feeling after she accidentally mentioned Vernon.

"Okay, honey. I'll just bring your dinner to your room!" Her mom said.

"Okay!" Dahyun shouted out from upstairs.

"You should go home, Wonwoo. Dahyun looks fine."

But Wonwoo can't seem to be at ease. He knows that something happened and she's with someone else.

The idea of that "someone" ticks him off. Who would have made Dahyun feel so happy aside from him? Is it a guy? Is it... No, that's impossible. Wonwoo is not dumb not to notice Dahyun is avoiding Hansol since this morning. And besides, Hansol already has a girlfriend.

Even though he wants to talk to Dahyun regarding what happened yesterday, he knows that this is not the perfect time for that. He doesn't want to ruin her very rare happy mood.

Maybe tomorrow at school he'll talk to her about it. He will apologize for kissing her to make it look like they are really dating for real.

Wonwoo is sure that Dahyun will understand why he did that. But still, he feels bad about it.

The fact that he drags her to another mess and the hurtful truth that their relationship is fake, Wonwoo's heart can't help but break a little.

He bade good bye to Mrs. Kim. Before walking down the streets, he gave one last glance to Dahyun's window. "Good night, my princess."


"You're not Korean. You're fake!" Dahyun pointed at him while making an angry expression. "My mom told me that your mother is not Korean."

Hansol just blinked.

"Aren't you gonna explain something to me?" Dahyun folded her arms onto her chest as she taps her foot.

Again, Hansol just blinked.

"Seriously? Are you just gonna blink at whatever I said?!"

Then Hansol began laughing.

"Okay... what are you laughing at? Do you think this is funny? You've been lying to me since the day we met. Making me believe that you're a pure Korean."

Hansol wiped the tears on his eyes. He laughed so much that he began to tear up.

"You are so funny, Dubu. It took you a long time to notice that I'm half-Korean."

"I know that your face looks foreign but I was waiting for you to at least tell me the truth."

"But the truth already comes to you and besides, I already know that you're stalking me since the day I heard from Sana that you have a crush on me." Hansol smirked.

Dahyun scoffed. "Excuse me? Will you stop assuming?"

Hansol stood up and leveled his face on hers. "I'm not assuming, Dubu."

Dahyun's face reddened from the sudden closeness. She was about to push him away but Hansol grabbed her hand. "Your hand is so soft." Hansol said, making her heart skipped a beat. "I won't mind holding this forever." Hansol said, smiling tenderly at her. Then he leaned closer, their foreheads touched. "The feeling's mutual, Dahyun. I like you too."


"Dahyun, I brought you your dinner." Mrs. Kim knocked on her door.

"Dahyun, come on, you should not skip any meals." She knocked again but still no response from Dahyun.

"Dahyun, are you sleeping?" But she saw the light in her room is still open and she knows that her daughter can't sleep when the light is on.

Mrs. Kim grew worried. "Dahyun? Open the door." She knocked again, a little bit hard this time. "Dahyun, open the door!" But still no response from Dahyun.

Mrs. Kim hurriedly went downstairs and get the key to Dahyun's room then she immediately went up to her room.

When she successfully opened the door, she gasped from what she saw.

Dahyun lying unconsciously on the floor with blood oozing from from the wound on her head.

"Oh my gosh! Dahyun!" She kneeled down and gathered her into her arms. She touched her head and saw blood flowing from the big wound on the side of her head. "What happened to you?! Where did you get this wound?"

She get her phone from her pocket and called the ambulance.

After a few minutes, the loud sound of the ambulance siren can be heard.


"What are you staring at?" Hansol rested his head on crook of her neck as he wraps his arms around her hips.

"The guy over there."

"What guy?!"

Dahyun chuckled and patted his cheek. "Aww, is my baby jealous?" Hansol just pouted. "I mean, look at the old guy holding a bunch of tulips."

"I can't believe you're choosing me over an old man."

Dahyun rolled her eyes. "I'm not after him. I'm after those beautiful tulips. Aren't they pretty?"

Hansol looked at the tulips. They indeed look pretty. "Yeah... they are."

"Ahh, flowers are really refreshing." Dahyun smiled. "I love flowers so much. It makes me happy by just staring at them." Then she felt Hansol's arms loosed from her hips. She turned around to face him.

"Wait here." Hansol said smiling.

"Where are you going?" She asked as Hansol starts running away.

She did as he told. She stayed there and wait for him.

10 minutes...

15 minutes...

20 minutes...

25 minutes...

30 minutes...

"That's it! Where did he go? And how dare he left me here?!" Dahyun said as she taps her foot, face fuming with anger.

Then she felt someone poked her from behind. She already know who that person is and she's prepared to nag at him.

"Yah! Hansol, how dare you --- "

"For you."

A boquet of red roses come face to face to her. Beautiful red roses.

She was out of breath as she admires the beautiful roses. She was loss of words.

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Chapter 23: </3