
The Forgotten
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Hansol made sure that Dahyun is already fast asleep before he left the infirmary. He promised to be back again after class whether or not Dahyun will wait for him or not.

He already made a decision. He will not avoid Dahyun even if she, Wonwoo, Chaeyoung or anyone tell him to avoid her.

It's time to step aside others' feelings and opinions, and fight for his own. He knows that what he is doing is an act of selfishness, but he can't help but feel like he's a victim of the situation. He has a lot of questions he hasn't found any answers. The more he get close to Dahyun, the more the missing holes inside him get filled up. Like, she's meant to be there for him.

He doesn't know when this strong feeling grow, but he knows that Dahyun is the one who made him feel like this. Not Chaeyoung or anyone else.

And as he made his way back to the main building, his heart won't stop thumping so fast. It feels like it's gonna explode. He feels nervous and scared at the same time. But he knows he must do this so no one will get hurt more.


He stopped on his tracks and come face to face with the person he's looking for, the person who used to make his heart beats so fast...

He opened his mouth to say something but she suddenly ran and wrapped her arms tightly around him. "Thank god I've found you!" She cupped his face. "Where have you been, huh? I've been looking for you!"

"Chaeyoung... I need to talk to you."

Panic is evident on Chaeyoung's voice as she heard the serious tone of his voice. She already knows that she won't like whatever it is that he's gonna tell her. She gulped and with shaky hands, she moved her hands away. "Right now? B-But... I am not feeling well." She lied.

"Why? Are you sick?" He asked with pure concern. "Come on, I'll take you to the infirmary." He was about to reach for her hand but she moved away.

"Why? Why do you want to take me there? Is it because you're concern about me or because Kim Dahyun is there?" Chaeyoung asked as she choked on her tears.

"What are you saying?"

"Am I right? You just want to see Kim Dahyun at the infirmary. You don't care about me. You only care about her!" She cried.

"Why are you not saying anything? Because it's true, right? You like Kim Dahyun! No... you're already in love with her!"

"Chaeyoung, stop..." Hansol moved closer to her but she moved back.

"No... I won't let this happen. I won't let her take you away from me. I am still your girlfriend. You're still mine. Not anyone else. Not Kim Dahyun!" And with that, Chaeyoung ran away.


"Hey auntie." Chaeyoung kissed her cheek then sat at the opposite side of the table. "This is so sudden. I wonder what is it that you want to tell me." She said in a very excited tone.

Mrs. Chwe took a sip of her coffee and glanced at Chaeyoung. "I heard that there's a new student in Seoul High named Kim Dahyun."

Chaeyoung's mood changed as she heard that name. Lately, it's only her that people are talking about and she can't help but get pissed because even Hansol is always talking about her. And now, his mom even knows her.

"Yeah... she's quite popular in our school." Chaeyoung said with a sarcastic tone.

Mrs. Chwe noticed it. "It sounds like you're not good friends with her."

"You know

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Chapter 23: </3