I will not be your Feast

Under the Sun and Moon [HIATUS FOR A MONTH OR 2]

There were echoes after a piercing scream from the centre of the forest. Seven heads immediately turned at the sound. Dongwoo’s top lip twitched as he glanced at his brothers and asked, “I didn’t imagine that, right?” Sunggyu furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. “Come on, we should go check out that sound.” The others nodded in sync and they sprinted off to search for the source of the shriek.

You clumsily tripped over the root of a huge tree and stumbled forward, gasping as you thought ‘Oh no, this is the end of me. Father and mother, I’m going to join you soon…’ “Hey pretty lady, you can keep screaming all you want, but no one will be able to hear you,” The blonde haired boy pulled his infamous smirk. You clenched your fists as the latter cornered you and looked down at you. “Why does it have to be me? There are plenty of animals out here…you could easily grab them and drink their blood!” You exclaimed. He chuckled and replied, “Animals aren’t good enough for someone like me. Now be quiet as I enjoy your tasty blood.”

As he hovered closer to you, you swung your leg upwards and attempted to kick him. “Nice try, feisty one, but you won’t be able to win against me.” He lunged at you and grabbed your wounded hand. “RELEASE MY HAND!” You kept struggling and shrieked again. “Oh be quiet, you!” He slapped you across the face and you sobbed harder. Your cheek was burning as he unwrapped your so-called bandage. “Tsk, I never hit females. Blame yourself for being difficult.” He leaned towards your hand and you flinched when the tip of his fangs grazed over your cut. You continued to thrash about and continuously repeated, “Release my hand!” He looked at you for a few seconds and then a sigh escaped from his lips. “Give up already,” He sneered. “No!” He rolled his eyes and gave your wound a torturously slow . You shuddered in response.

Unexpectedly, seven boys joined you. “L.Joe,” Myungsoo hissed threateningly. He grabbed the blonde boy’s shoulders and swung him over his own shoulders. Just in case he planned to make a move on them, Myungsoo lightly electrocuted him with his powers. Your eyes widened at the scene in front of you and quickly shuffled backwards on your bottom until your back came in contact with a pair of legs. You turned around and met the eyes of Hoya who had a concerned look on his face. “NO, LEAVE ME ALONE! I WILL NOT BE YOUR FEAST,” You yelled and protected your body with your arms. Dongwoo walked over to the boy named L.Joe and rested his foot on the boy’s chest. “Didn’t you hear the pretty lady?” He growled. Myungsoo straightened his back and dusted off his hands and clothes. “Y-you…you better watch your backs,” L.Joe scoffed but scuttled off nonetheless as Woohyun menacingly glared at him.

On the other hand, Sungjong skipped up to you and chuckled. “What are you chuckling at?” You said in puzzlement, hands still up in defence. “You’re really cute…and funny,” he replied. You made a face at him and reached out for the stick next to your leg, but Hoya intentionally stepped on the object. “Y-ya…seriously…please don’t drink my blood…I don’t taste that nice,” You shivered. “Who said we were going to drink your blood?” Sungjong cocked his head to the side and looked at you in bewilderment. You opened you mouth, about to say something, however was interrupted by another voice.

“-Well…you do smell quite appealing.” Sungyeol grinned and looked at you. The other boys closed their eyes and sniffed hard. You smelt delicious. Their eyes instantaneously snapped open and they clenched their jaws. They were forcing themselves to not grab hold of you and the liquid out of your body. The six of them were unable to control their lust as well as Sungyeol. The hair on the back of your neck rose and you shuddered at their tensed expressions. “Um…I think I should just leave…and go home,” You mumbled to yourself and climbed on all fours, about to crawl away quietly. “Where do you think you’re going?” Sungyeol asked and tugged onto the edge of your jacket. “She wants to go home,” Dongwoo responded. You gawked at him. “He’s got powerful hearing,” Sunggyu answered your thoughts. You stared at him.

“Sungyeol, can you please wrap up her wound already? I’m about to go crazy,” Woohyun called out with tightly shut eyes. Sungyeol rolled his eyes and pushed the six boys to stand far back so he could do something about you. You trembled when he kneeled in front of you and cool hands came in contact with your injured hand. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you,” He said without looking up from your hand as he inspected it. You nodded, even though he wasn’t able to see. “…Who was that blonde boy?” You blurted. “Some annoying vampire kid,” he replied and then ripped off a part of his shirt. “What is your name?” Sungyeol asked. “Uum, I’m [xxx]. I guess your name is Sungyul?” You responded. “-Sungyeol,” He corrected. “Opps, my bad…sorry,” You bit your lower lip, afraid he would feel offended.

“Alright, you guys can relax now,” He said and got up from his position on the ground. You also stood up and a smile tugged on your lips when you saw how neatly bandaged up your hand was. “Thank you, for saving my pathetic life and even sorting out my hand.” ‘Bandaging up your hand benefits all of us,’ Myungsoo silently thought. “Why did you describe your life as pathetic?” Sungjong once again tilted his head to one side and looked at you in bafflement. You glanced down and mumbled, “It doesn’t matter.”

It soon became silent and the boys eyed at you. Woohyun broke the peace by clearing his voice, not because it was awkward, but because he thought there wasn’t anything else to do now. “Where do you live?” He questioned you. You laid your eyes on him and gave him a small smile before replying, “Um...just around here. I’ll head back by myself. Thank you for your help again.” You turned to leave but a hand grabbed your wrist. You looked down at the unfamiliar hand and it quickly let go. You raised your head, only to find Sungjong standing in front of you with a gentle smile. “We’ll walk you back,” He offered. “It’s ok, I’ve wasted enough of your time already,” You responded. “No, he’s right. We’ll walk you back, just in case someone else comes for you,” Sungyeol butted in. You shuddered at the thought of that and took a breath. You then glanced around warily to look at their faces. They seemed to all look pretty friendly which unnerved you. “Ok, if you insist then. Thank you.”


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Photo: Credits to the owner.

Long chapter :). Thank you for subscribing to my fanfiction!

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 23: I hope you update soon~ This story is awesome <33
New reader, read this a month ago, and dying for your updates. Please update soon =) I'm sure i'm not the only anxiously waiting person here!
zeloys #3
New reader here:)
Update soon~~~~~~
did she hit him? cause in my opinion, he deserves it!~
Can't wait for the next chapter >.< please update fast! haha!!~FIGHTING!!
No....its Suji...
What a sweet guy sungyeol there. Lol xDD
UPDATE! LOL XDD. Dongwoo. Stay away. Someone please save her as soon as possible.
Aika0330 #9
NOO! Dongwoo! Don't do it!