One Step Behind

Under the Sun and Moon [HIATUS FOR A MONTH OR 2]


The boys decided to call it a day and were all in deep thoughts as they made their way back to their mansion.

During the next evening, you were hunting for food in the forest. You had only a few hours of sleep due to having many thoughts whizzing through your mind whilst you lay uncomfortably on the broken mattress.

Aha! You won’t be able to escape from me,’ You smirked as a wild boar sniffed the damp soil, from a few feet away. As you were about to lunge forward to attack it, a stone rolled towards the animal and made it scramble away. The person who kicked the stone quickly hid behind a tree.

“Aish!” You grumbled and kicked a pile of leaves in annoyance.

“What’s with the grumpy expression?” A familiar voice spoke teasingly from behind. You turned around, lost your balance and fell forwards, about to crash into the latter. However, before you could hit the earth, a pair of arms caught you.

You looked up in surprise and said, “Myungsoo?” “Hello,” He greeted with a small smile and placed you upright. You awkwardly rubbed the back of your head and muttered a quick ‘thanks’.

Myungsoo had been silently observing you since you stepped out of the cottage. He had been taking a random stroll without going in any certain directions. He just followed wherever his legs took him...and somehow, he had ended up outside of the building you inhabited. Myungsoo was about to turn around and leave, until he saw you going through the wooden door.

“You eat boars?” He broke the silence and glanced at you with a raised brow. “Feral animals are my only source of food,” You sheepishly replied.

“I didn’t know half vampires could eat those types of food,” Myungsoo shrugged. “Well, I prefer eating food than drinking bloo- wait, how did you know I’m half human and half vampire?” You questioned in puzzlement.

“You appear to be weaker and slower than normal vampires,” he replied in a blunt manner. “You’re also quite clumsy,” he added. You blushed at the last words and gazed down onto the ground. He continued to stare at you. ‘I find that quite cute, though,’ He thought.

“If you’re hungry enough to eat a wild boar, you should be hungry enough to eat steak. Come with me,” Myungsoo reached out and took hold of your wrist. “Where are you taking me?” You struggled as he walked in a quick pace. “To my mansion,” He replied nonchalantly.

“Damn...L was one step ahead of me,” Woohyun cursed in a mere whisper and came out from behind the tree as both you and Myungsoo walked further away from him. He was the one that kicked the stone because he thought you were waiting for the boar to leave.

When the pair of you approached a grand building, Myungsoo finally let go of your wrist. “...You live here?” You asked in disbelief. “Not by myself.”

As he opened the big doors and entered with you, he shouted “I’m back!” Footsteps were heard as a group of people came down the stairs. You expected to find his parents, however was greeted by familiar faces from the previous night.

“Hey L –oh! Hello, [xxx],” Dongwoo waved coolly. You returned a wave along with a smile. “Hi, [xxx]. What are you doing here?” Skinny Sungjong brightly welcomed you.

“Ask your brother,” You gave a nod in the direction of Myungsoo. Who in return, advanced towards you and led you to into a different room. The others swiftly followed behind the pair of you.

Myungsoo placed you on a tall chair and speedily went over to the fridge. He removed a large piece of steak from within, and placed it on a plate. Hoya and Sungyeol sat on each side of you, planted their elbows on the marble counter and rested their chin on their palms.  Myungsoo then bought the plate over and positioned it in front of you. Your eyes rounded and you held your nose between your thumb and fore finger. “Gross!” You exclaimed.

“What do you mean ‘gross’?!” Dongwoo gaped. “All vampires love raw steak. Don’t tell me you’re a vegetarian.”

“She’s half human, half vampire...remember, Dongwoo?” Hoya smirked. “I know, but I didn’t think her eating habits would be any different,” The latter shrugged. You pushed the plate further away from you and sat back in disgust.

“Wouldn’t you faint if you don’t drink blood?” Sunggyu asked. “Um...I drank some two days ago,” You fibbed. Myungsoo rolled his eyes and grabbed the plate and then put it on a pan with oil. Once the steak was half cooked, he returned it back to you.

“Here’s a half cooked steak for a half human, half vampire girl,” Sungjong grinned. “Yuck,” You pulled a face in response, however began to dig in nonetheless.

“Oh, Woohyun!” Sungjong blurted. Woohyun came through the kitchen door and glanced over to you for a few seconds. “That’s Woohyun hyung to you,” He replied and began to raid the fridge. “You’re finally back?” Sunggyu commented.  “Yeah,” The younger replied and poured a glass of blood for himself.

“Where did you go?” The eldest continued to question. “Just took a walk,” Woohyun carelessly replied.

“[xxx] is here, hyung. Why don’t you come and say hi?” Sungjong said. You put down your cutleries and smiled at Woohyun, “Hi there.” “Hey,” He muttered and sauntered out with his drink.

“What’s up with him?” Hoya grumbled.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Woohyun had left the mansion as soon as the sun set, in hope to casually bump into you. Something about you attracted him –and no, it wasn’t your blood. The reason behind his cold actions weren’t because he was ‘jealous’ or ‘upset’ that you and Myungsoo had left together, but because after some thoughts, he now didn’t want to get too close to you.



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Photo: Edited by yours truly!

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 23: I hope you update soon~ This story is awesome <33
New reader, read this a month ago, and dying for your updates. Please update soon =) I'm sure i'm not the only anxiously waiting person here!
zeloys #3
New reader here:)
Update soon~~~~~~
did she hit him? cause in my opinion, he deserves it!~
Can't wait for the next chapter >.< please update fast! haha!!~FIGHTING!!
No....its Suji...
What a sweet guy sungyeol there. Lol xDD
UPDATE! LOL XDD. Dongwoo. Stay away. Someone please save her as soon as possible.
Aika0330 #9
NOO! Dongwoo! Don't do it!