Unnecessary Anger

Under the Sun and Moon [HIATUS FOR A MONTH OR 2]


The sun was out today, so you spent your time in the boys' garden, under the canopy. You enjoyably rested on a comfortable beige seat and traced the tip of the glass cup with your forefinger. You placed the rim of the glass against your lips and took a small sip of orange juice. You sighed in content. Today seemed to be a good day.
"YA!" You suddenly heard a shout and a slammed door, so you sat up to see what was going on. "Sungyeol oppa?" You mumbled.
"YA, [XXX]! I was looking everywhere for you. I kept calling your name. ARE YOU DEAF?!" He shrieked. You quickly placed your juice down and stood up on you feet. "Why are you acting like this?" You asked, slightly taken aback. You had to raise your voice too, as he was standing far from you.
"Urgh!" He threw his arms up irritatedly and then strutted off back into the mansion. 'What is wrong with that attitude of his?! I guess I jinxed myself, huh.' You thought, just as annoyed. Since your mood was ruined, you thought there wasn't a point in staying outside anymore. You picked up the glass and made your way into the kitchen.
"Hello, [xxx]," Sungjong chimed. "Hey," You replied in a bitter tone of voice. "Whats up?" He asked whilst putting a dirty plate and glass into the sink.
You stared at the running water from the tap as Sungjong washed his hands. "Sungyeol was being a jerk," You replied bluntly and crossed your arms over your chest. "Who stole his lollipop?"
"I have absolutely no idea. Don't worry, he won't stay being a jerk forever," Sungjong chuckled lightly and dried his hands with the towel looped through the drawer handle. "Mm, hopefully," You commented.
Two different voices were bickering when you walked towards the staircase. "You didn't have to act like that towards [xxx]. She didn't do anything wrong," Sunggyu pointed out with hands on his hips. Sungyeol had an angered expression on his face and he rolled his eyes. At the mention of your name, you decided to step up towards them. "What's going on?" You asked.
"Apologise to her," Sunggyu scolded his dongsaeng, Sungyeol huffed and muttered a "sorry" before bitterly escaping Sunggyu's wrath.
You frowned at what had just happened. "I never see or hear arguments in this household. Its sad to know I was the one who caused this." Sunggyu dropped his arms by his side and sighed before explaining, "His bad temper towards you wasn't necessary. He's never acted like that before."
"Why did he get so angry?" You asked in confusion. "The things you ordered arrived early this morning and he was the only one awake. He didn't want the boxes of stuff to crowd around the hallway, so he put them in his room and apparently slipped a note under your door."
"Note? What note..." You replied. "I guess you haven't seen it yet. He was trying to find you in the mansion earlier, probably to let you know." He answered.
"Oh," You muttered. "Thanks for clarifying it for me...I guess I'll go find Sungyeol oppa now." He nodded and you left to go to Sungyeol's room. You knocked twice and when you heard a quiet "come in", you entered.
"Sorry, I didn't see the note this morning," You apologised. You fiddled with your fingers behind your back, suddenly nervous about his reaction. "It's alright," Sungyeol replied gruffily. He was rested upon a bean bag with a book in hand. You casted your eyes over his room, only to find many boxes crowding around the place. 'Ah...I'd get annoyed if my room was messed up with things that didn't belong to me.' You thought guiltily.
"Thank you for receiving the things for me. I'll quickly put them in my room so you'll have some space again. Sorry..." You apologised again and bent your back to pick up a box. Sungyeol looked over at you and saw you struggling, so he placed his book down, stood up and helped you.
He grabbed the box from you and gently pushed you away. "I'll do it. It'll take you years at this rate." You smiled with gratitude and followed him as he advanced towards your room. 
All the boxes were transferred to your room in no time, with the help of Sungyeol. Sungjong knocked on your door as Sungyeol set the last box down. "I see things have calmed down," He smiled. You greeted him and smoothed out your creased shirt. "I didn't realise I had ordered so many things...Hoya oppa must've spent a large amount of money on me."
"It doesn't matter. We have an endless supply of cash," Sungjong shrugged. 'Of course,' You thought. The mansion was another evidence of their wealth. "...Still, you guys don't have to spoil me," You smiled a small smile and pushed one of the boxes out of the way so you could move across the bed room.
"It looks like you're going to need some help with sorting out the things," A new voice commented. Three heads turned to see who it was. Woohyun was cooly leaning against the wall next to the door. "Hi oppa," You addressed warmly.
"Right, thats me done. I'm going to go and grab a bite," Sungyeol announced as he took his leave. "Thank you again!" You shouted from behind. He waved a hand dismissively in response.
"Sungjongie, are you going to help too?" Woohyun questioned the younger boy, who was now sitting on your bed. "Yeah, he grinned. You clasped your hands together and exclaimed, "You oppas are the best!" They chuckled in amusement and began emptying the boxes of clothes onto your bed.
The three of you were half way through sorting out the pieces of clothings when Myungsoo entered the room. His eyes were threatening to fall out of their sockets when he saw the mess your room was in. "Whoa," he raised an eyebrow. You giggled at his reaction. 
"You guys have been at this for a long while now, take a break." Myungsoo suggested. A shirt caught his eye and he picked it up from your bed. "Oh you have good taste. Black shirts are the best," He grinned.
Sungjong rolled his eyes at that and grumbled. "Hyung and his obsession with the colour black." Woohyun laughed and added, "At least it isn't as extreme as Hoya's obsession with the colour purple." Myungsoo robotically turned his head to the boys and sent cold looks at them. They quickly turned their heads and resumed back to what they were doing.

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Gif: Credits to the owner/editor.
Today is Infinite's first concert of "Second Invasion"! Good luck to the boys. I know they will do fantastic ♥
Will be looking forward to the gifs and images :')

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 23: I hope you update soon~ This story is awesome <33
New reader, read this a month ago, and dying for your updates. Please update soon =) I'm sure i'm not the only anxiously waiting person here!
zeloys #3
New reader here:)
Update soon~~~~~~
did she hit him? cause in my opinion, he deserves it!~
Can't wait for the next chapter >.< please update fast! haha!!~FIGHTING!!
No....its Suji...
What a sweet guy sungyeol there. Lol xDD
UPDATE! LOL XDD. Dongwoo. Stay away. Someone please save her as soon as possible.
Aika0330 #9
NOO! Dongwoo! Don't do it!