Crumpled Envelope

Under the Sun and Moon [HIATUS FOR A MONTH OR 2]


"Well at least I won't be needing to shop for things in a long time..." You chuckled as you tiredly dropped onto your bed. "Yeah...even if you wanted to, I wouldn't let you," Sungjong grumbled. "You need to control yourself," Myungsoo laughed as he massaged his shoulder.
"You guys, dinner is ready!" Sunggyu yelled from the bottom of the staircase. You rolled onto the other side of the bed and snuggled deeper into your pillows. "I'm too worn out to move," You complained.
"The option of not eating does not exist in this household. So, come on!" Woohyun tugged on your arm and dragged you out of bed, literally. "Ya!" You squealed, trying to grab hold of something. "Get her!" Woohyun laughed, hands gripping onto the your ankles. Sungjong grabbed one of your flailing arms whilst Myungsoo grabbed the other. 
"O-Oppas!" You exclaimed, almost out of breath from protesting and giggling. "Ya, what are you three doing?" Dongwoo's voice appeared from behind. "[xxx] says she's-" Sungjong began to explain until Dongwoo interrupted him with a light laughter. "Don't need to tell me, you know I was able to hear it from the other room."
They dropped you into a stool as soon as the five of you reached the kitchen. Hoya intently stared at you until you looked at him and was about to open your mouth to speak. Before a word could escape from your mouth, however, he stated, "You don't feel tired anymore." You sat there in silence and blinked, realising you felt more energised than ever. "What did you do to me?!" You accusedly pointed a finger at him.
"Nothing," Hoya replied in amusement. You eyed him and then remembered his powers. "Right...that's kind of weird but cool at the same time," You commented.
"Yedeul ah, mani mogo*!" Sunggyu chimed. The group of you sat in a line, one next to the other as Sunggyu placed plates of assorted dishes onto the counter.
In the midst of eating, Dongwoo looked up and let out a loud burp. "Urgh!" You pulled a face at him and pinched your nose. He laughed immaturely and resumed back to eating. The others rolled their eyes as they continued gobbling down their food. "It would be nice if you boys invested in a large dining table," You said, after swallowing down a piece of cucumber.
"Wae~yo*?" Sungjong replied. "So we don't have to sit in a long line like this! It doesn't feel very family like," You answered, poking at the tomato on your plate. Throughout dinner, you continued to joke around with the boys and therefore was able to learn more about them.
When you went downstairs the next morning, you came across Sungjong, Dongwoo and Hoya. The trio were hauling something extremely big and heavy into the kitchen.  "What's going on?" You asked in curiosity.
"I fulfilled your request by ordering a large dining table!" Sunggyu replied from behind and draped an arm over your shoulder when he got closer. "Wah, the company is so quick," You mused.
"Hyung, is it ok if we place it here?" Dongwoo choked out as he struggled. Sungjong sniggered at his hyung's weakness and showed off his strength by holding this side of the table with one arm. "Move it to the left a little," Myungsoo joined in and pointed in the direction. The three boys shuffled a little and placed it down when Sunggyu gestured for them to stop. 
"Wuah, this is perfect!" You cried and ran over to the table. You ran a finger over the glossy surface and grinned. "Its a good thing we have a large kitchen, otherwise the table wouldn't have been able to fit," Hoya surveyed after he took a step back from the furniture.
"Hey bros, you should come and take a look at this," Sungyeol said in a low voice as he entered the now crowded kitchen with a white and gold envelope in hand. You sensed the boys tensing up as they looked at the thin object. You examined their faces and what shocked you the most was Myungsoo's 360 degree change of mood. He was glaring intensely at the envelope in his brother's hand. They hadn't even opened it, yet they already felt angered. 
Dongwoo and Sungjong groaned and palmed their faces. "Whats wrong?" You questioned in confusion. 'What is in the unopened envelope?'
"," Sunggyu cursed and balled his fists. "Is it that time of the year already?" Dongwoo said in a dreaded tone of voice. Myungsoo kicked a nearby stool and stormed into the other room.
The boys gradually left one after the other, in an angered manner until it was just you and Sungyeol left. "What? What is it?! Is the world ending or something? Tell me!" You demanded exasperatedly. You disliked the way they were acting.
"Its the witch's birthday in a weeks time. She holds grand parties every year, inviting many vampires from other families," He told you as he screwed up the invitation and threw it into the bin on the other side of the kitchen. Sungyeol then excused himself and left as well. 'Witch?" You thought. "..Are they talking about their mo-? No..." You were well aware of the hatred the siblings had towards their mother. Heck, they didn't even consider her as a motherly figure.
As curious as ever, you crept towards the bin and reached for the crumpled envelope. You unravelled it and stared at it. The words "CELEBRATION OF GURA'S BIRTHDAY" was imprinted in big gold letters on the front. You carefully unpeeled the flap and pulled out a simple yet beautifully decorated card. Running your fingers over the edge, you opened it and read the information about the party. You wouldn't have known it was an invitation to a birthday party if it wasn't stated on the envelope, as it was written ever so formally. 'So that's what got them so mad...' You thought.

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*Yedeul ah, mani mogo = kids, eat a lot
*Waeyo = why?
I thought I'd add a bit of Korean here and there ^O^, this way, readers can also learn a little, I guess :P.

Gif: Credit
Anticipate for the upcoming chapters :D♥
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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 23: I hope you update soon~ This story is awesome <33
New reader, read this a month ago, and dying for your updates. Please update soon =) I'm sure i'm not the only anxiously waiting person here!
zeloys #3
New reader here:)
Update soon~~~~~~
did she hit him? cause in my opinion, he deserves it!~
Can't wait for the next chapter >.< please update fast! haha!!~FIGHTING!!
No....its Suji...
What a sweet guy sungyeol there. Lol xDD
UPDATE! LOL XDD. Dongwoo. Stay away. Someone please save her as soon as possible.
Aika0330 #9
NOO! Dongwoo! Don't do it!