Unpleasant visits and Surprises

Under the Sun and Moon [HIATUS FOR A MONTH OR 2]


“To what do we owe the unexpected pleasure of this visit?” Sunggyu said bitterly with a scowl painted on his face. His six siblings crossed their arms in front of their chests and watched as their wicked mother entered the mansion with a lit cigarette in between two scrawny fingers.

“Why, can I not pay a random visit to my dear sons?” Her voice shrilled and she chuckled darkly. Sunggyu’s face twisted as her irritating voice pierced through his ears. ‘How could father stand her after all the men she has been with?! He is far too much of a fool.’ He glanced over to Sungyeol and Sungjong, which calmed him down almost instantly. The one positive outcome of his father’s imprudent acts was that he got to have two amazing younger brothers that were fully blood related to him.

“Oh, is this my Sungjongie? You have grown a lot since I last saw you! How handsome,” The woman pulled an all too fake smile and reached out a hand to pat him on the head. Sungjong instantly pushed her reaching hand away and pointedly retorted, “We’re practically strangers, don’t call me that.” He pretty much grew up without his father by side, let alone his mother. He had always been looked after by his older brothers.

“That’s not the correct way to act towards your mother,” She feigned hurt and pouted. “Although, calling me your mother makes me sound old! Maybe you should just call me by my name, Gura...” She tapped a finger against her chin in a thoughtful manner. “Oh! How about you call me Gura noona, heh?” She laughed.

Dongwoo rolled his eyes and thought, ‘you’re not just old, you’re bloody ancient, you stupid woman.’ “What do you want?” Myungsoo bluntly said and threw her a glare.

“There’s someone I want you boys to meet,” She announced, as she opened the closest window and casually threw out her cigarette. “So there was a purpose behind this visit,” Woohyun gazed at her with much hatred in his eyes.

“Come in!” Gura gracefully commanded towards the door. The heavy doors opened and sunlight shone into the hallway. Thankfully, the seven boys were standing far from it, so they didn’t get burnt. A boy with a black umbrella stepped inside. Since light was shining from behind him, they could only see his silhouette. The boy kicked the door shut, closed the umbrella and smirked at the not-so-friendly faces.

As soon as they recognised him, an even menacing look replaced their frowns. “You,” Hoya hissed. “Get out of our mansion,” Sunggyu growled.

“Ah, so I see you boys have met each other before,” Their mother said, a little too gleefully. “He’s always at the parties you force us to attend. How can we not know him?” Sungyeol spitefully spat.

“Don’t be so unsociable, you boys. He is my guest, after all,” She commented. “Well this is our mansion,” Sunggyu pointed out.

Their mother rolled her eyes at his reply and then happily smiled at the boy that just entered. “L.Joe, come over here,” she gestured. “Boys, I want you to meet my-”

“-Oh don’t tell us he’s another one of your boy toys,” Dongwoo scoffed. L.Joe sarcastically laughed at that and replied, “Idiot with a pea sized brain.”

“Come again?” Dongwoo scowled and raised a fist, threatening to beat him up.

Gura tsked whilst shaking her head. “He’s my youngest son, L.Joe. L.Joe, say hi to your hyungs.” L.Joe did as told and greeted them casually with a, “Hey.” He mockingly saluted them with two fingers by his temple and leaned against the wall with a smirk.

“Bastard,” Myungsoo muttered under his breath. Dongwoo heard his comment and agreed with a nod. “We don’t want a dongsaeng like him,” Woohyun responded.

“And I don’t want a hyung like you,” L.Joe snapped. “I’m only doing this for mother,” He stated. ‘...You’ll regret using your powers on me and throwing me in a dustbin,’ L.Joe angrily thought.

“...Right. So its fine for you to call her that and it’s not fine for us to call her the same?” Hoya grumbled. “Well, whatever. Not that it matters anyway,” He shifted his glare to the carpet.

“Is this all?” Sunggyu impatiently tapped his foot. “If you're done, the exit is that way.” He turned to walk further into the mansion. “And by the way, we won't bother seeing you out,” He added, not bothering to glance back.

“I didn't plan to stay for long anyway,” Gura shrugged and then turned her head and smiled sweetly at L.Joe. “Come on sweetheart, let's leave. We can have a nice day spent together.” With that, the pair left.

“That ,” Dongwoo hissed as the door slammed shut. “I can't believe we're related to that bastard,” Hoya huffed. 'The same bastard that tried to hurt [xxx] twice,' Woohyun thought.

“Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if we had other so-called siblings,” Sungjong stated. The seven siblings in the mansion stuck together all along because they grew up with each other ever since they were babies. The s weren’t too big and they all got on extremely well with one another. They had been through a lot together and I guess you could define the group of them: inseparable.

“I actually hope they burn to ashes,” Sungyeol growled and walked off to his bedroom. The rest of the boys scattered around the large building and continued to silently curse their mother and the blonde headed boy.

✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖

Photo: Edited by your's truly. (And urgh, Sungjongie's hair looks atrocious :C but its a quite nice picture still)
Now you know the boys better! ^^

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 23: I hope you update soon~ This story is awesome <33
New reader, read this a month ago, and dying for your updates. Please update soon =) I'm sure i'm not the only anxiously waiting person here!
zeloys #3
New reader here:)
Update soon~~~~~~
did she hit him? cause in my opinion, he deserves it!~
Can't wait for the next chapter >.< please update fast! haha!!~FIGHTING!!
No....its Suji...
What a sweet guy sungyeol there. Lol xDD
UPDATE! LOL XDD. Dongwoo. Stay away. Someone please save her as soon as possible.
Aika0330 #9
NOO! Dongwoo! Don't do it!