Losing It

Under the Sun and Moon [HIATUS FOR A MONTH OR 2]

Thirteen days later, the seven siblings were spending a peaceful afternoon together in the mansion. Sunggyu stopped his actions and winced as a flash of white appeared before his eyes. His brothers glanced over at him and Sungyeol stated, “Images of the future are appearing in his mind again.”

Once the images faded away, Sunggyu shook his head and his eyebrows furrowed. “It seems like [xxx] is a pretty troublesome girl,” He said. Woohyun and Myungsoo tensed at that. “What is it this time?” Sungyeol questioned.

“Is L.Joe going to pester her again?” Sungjong asked; anxiousness evident in his voice.

“No. She appears to be very weak though, and we can prevent her from falling unconscious. You guys have nothing important to do, right? There’s approximately one hour before she faints, so let’s go and find her now.” The eldest placed his book down on the coffee table and advanced towards the front door. The rest of the boys instantly put down whatever they had in hand or turned off their electronics and followed Sunggyu.

Aw...I don’t feel too well,’ you thought as you clutched your pounding head. Your body was heating up and you felt dizzy. You carried on staggering through the forest, in hope to find a wild animal and feast upon it. You haven’t drunk a single drop of blood since over a month ago.

Something rustled in the bushes nearby and you quietly tip toed towards it. ‘Please be something edible!’ You prayed. The last thing you wanted was to fall unconscious and possibly die since nobody knew of your existence –well, at least you thought not anyway. Since you haven’t seen the siblings in a while and you weren’t exactly in the best of mind, you pretty much forgot about them.

You picked a stick up from the muddy surface and held it out in front of you, as an act of defence and just in case there really was an animal behind the bush. You stopped in front of the bush and breathed in before attacking it with the stick. A fat hare was discovered and it looked up at you once before trying to escape. “Come here!” You groaned as you chased it around. You received light scratches here and there from running straight through the branches and stinging nettles. It didn’t bother you one bit though, since you knew they would be healed in a couple of hour’s time.

“I think I know where she is,” Dongwoo proudly announced. “Follow me,” He said and dashed through the forest. The others speedily trailed behind him.

When they arrived at the scene, you were already slumped against a tree with your eyes closed. “, we were too late,” Woohyun muttered. The boys began to panic after seeing the state you were in, when suddenly you let out a big breath.

You threw your arms up in the air as you opened your eyes and exclaimed, “I give up!” -But then you gasped when your head pounded again. You could feel your heart beating outrageously against your chest, as if it was going to rip you apart and escape from your body. You shuddered at the thought and placed a hand over your chest, in hope for it to calm down.

Of course, Sungjong was the first to approach you. “[xxx]?” He called out. You snapped your eyes open and found the seven boys standing in front of you. “Hello,” You greeted weakly. “What are you doing here?”

Sunggyu took a step forward and answered, “I sensed something was going to happen to you.” You were about to speak when he interrupted, “-And don’t tell me you’re fine. We know you’re currently in a weak state.”

You attempted to stand up to show that you were okay, but since you really weren’t, you stumbled backwards and almost fell. Hoya was by your side within a second and held you upright. “Don’t deny it,” He warned you.

“Honestly, when did you last get some blood into your system?” Sungyeol crossed his arms and stared at you. “A month ago...” You nervously replied. Sungyeol’s height already made you feel small, but the way he gazed down at you made you feel absolutely tiny.

“And I thought you were a bright girl who knew her limits,” Dongwoo shook his head in disapproval. “We’re going to have to force feed you if you refuse to drink the blood we give you,” Hoya rolled his eyes and held you by your shoulders.

“Come on, we need to get her back to the mansion as soon as possible,” Sunggyu uttered. He walked towards you, crouched down and demanded you to climb onto his back. You refused as you didn’t want to burden him. “I said, get on,” He sighed. You shook your head again, so he weaved one arm around your waist and the other behind your knees. Sunggyu lifted you up in the bridal style.

“S-Sunggyu-ssi!” You cried out in panic. “I suggest you to stop struggling, [xxx]. There is roughly five minutes before you faint. Don’t make us lag behind.” He replied.

Even if you wanted to protest, you had no energy to do so. Four minutes later, Sungjong frowned, “Hyung, I think she’s starting to lose it.” To Sunggyu’s dismay, your eyes were beginning to droop and your head slipped off his shoulder.

Myungsoo’s brows furrowed as he patted you on the arm a few times. “,” Sunggyu cursed. Six heads turned to look at you. You were now limp in Sunggyu’s arms. The mansion was just a few minutes away now, and the boys began to sprint.

As soon as they arrived, they rushed to one of the couches and carefully laid you down. “[xxx],” Woohyun shook you. You suddenly gasped and opened your eyes, but you were still weak. “Hyung!” Myungsoo called out to Sunggyu.

You didn’t know what was going. You opened your mouth to speak however no words came out and you began to desperately choke on air.

“Hyung, what do we do?!” Sungjong stressed.

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Photo: Edited by your's truly.
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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 23: I hope you update soon~ This story is awesome <33
New reader, read this a month ago, and dying for your updates. Please update soon =) I'm sure i'm not the only anxiously waiting person here!
zeloys #3
New reader here:)
Update soon~~~~~~
did she hit him? cause in my opinion, he deserves it!~
Can't wait for the next chapter >.< please update fast! haha!!~FIGHTING!!
No....its Suji...
What a sweet guy sungyeol there. Lol xDD
UPDATE! LOL XDD. Dongwoo. Stay away. Someone please save her as soon as possible.
Aika0330 #9
NOO! Dongwoo! Don't do it!