
Under the Sun and Moon [HIATUS FOR A MONTH OR 2]


After being occupied with tidying in your bedroom, a light knock came from the other side of your door. "Come in," You murmured.  The door opened and revealed Sunggyu. You greeted him and he approached you with a laptop in hand.
"Pick a dress," He said and placed the laptop in front of you after you took a seat on the bed. Sunggyu saw the quizzical look on your face, so he explained, "We don't want you staying here alone whilst we go to the stupid party. We'd rather you come along with us -that way we would be able to look out for you."
You sat back and crossed your arms over your chest. "I don't want to." Sunggyu shook his head and replied, "Look, now is not the time for you to be stubborn. The party is in two days times, the mansion is huge and you would feel lonely. The seven of us will be worrying about you all along. This is a party! Shouldn't you be excited about it or something?"
"Excited?!" You exclaimed, with full emphasis. "How can I be excited about such an event? First of all, your moth-"
"-She is not our mother," He defensively butted in.
"-Gura," You quickly corrected yourself and then continued, "-She is the hostess. Secondly, I was not invited and finally, why would I be excited when you boys are dreading it?
Sunggyu took hold of your flailing arms and placed them by your side. "We'll be there to protect you, so calm down and don't be anxious."  After receiving further comfort from him, you obediently picked out a dress and some accessories.
Two days passed in the blink of an eye and you now found yourself uneasily stepping out of Woohyun's white BMW. The boys speedily joined your side as you looked up and found grey clouds looming over the dreadful building. "What if I screw up tonight?" You muttered worriedly. Your grip on the beautiful golden clutch was growing tighter by each second.
An arm s around your petite waist and you gasped in surprise. The arm belonged to Woohyun and he sent you a smirk when you got caught blushing. "Take a deep breath and stop tensing. We will stay by your side tonight," Myungsoo's voice whispered into your ear from the other side. His cold breath came in contact with your pale skin for a brief moment and you shuddered. 
"Shall we?" Woohyun murmured. The seven siblings took a step forward at the sight of your hesitant nod. You cautiously entered the large building with Woohyun's arm still wrapped around you. 
You would've felt so grateful if the corridor was never ending, however to your dismay, the group of you soon moved close to a pair of bulky men in clean and crisp black suits. "Hello young masters," They bowed in full respect and opened the wide doors. You raised a brow at their greetings and looked at Sungjong.
"They know we're related to the witch," He shrugged. Dongwoo quietly sniggered at the term his brother used whereas you just nodded in understanding.
As your heels clacked against the marble floor and you made a grand entrance with the boys, all heads turned to watch.
"Its the handsome sons of Gura," Some attendees whispered.
"Who's that young lady?" A few other voices mumbled.
"Give them no attention," Woohyun quietly said. You nodded and smiled at him gratefully for the endless amount of comfort he gave you.
The boys lead you over to one side of the room and sat you down on a comfortable beige chair. You took in the surroundings as a few of them went to find more chairs. People were dancing in the centre of the room and you stared in awe as the chandelier hanging from the ceiling sparkled. The room was decorated wonderfully, with red and gold ornaments. Standard glasses were replaced by diamond glasses, the cutlery were made from gold, all sorts of food were prepared by well respected chefs and heck, there was even an ice sculpture!
Hoya took a seat beside you and gave you a warm smile. "Are you alright?" He understood you weren't accustomed to glamourous events, so he tried his best to put you at ease.
"I'm still feeling slightly uneasy, but I'll manage. Why don't you go and mingle with some of the attendees? A few have been staring at you boys non stop, it's clear they want to exchange a few words," You replied. Just because you were feeling awkward, doesn't mean they had to hang around with you and drown in boredom.
"Heh, I'd rather sit here all night. Besides, those people only want to chat so they would be able to pry into our lives. I'm not going to let that happen," Hoya rolled his eyes and turned his head to the side to sent a glare towards a pair of girls that were gossiping about him.
Someone cleared their throat and a sudden shadow fell upon you. You looked up and let out a gasp when that someone turned out to be a lady in a stunning gold gown.
The boys instantly leapt to your side protectively after hearing your sharp intake of breath. "Gura," Dongwoo hissed. You could hear the anger in his voice.
'G-Gura?!' You screamed alarmingly in your head. You let out a small squeak as she stared down at you intently.
"Hello, boys," She greeted in a faked friendly tone. "It's nice to see you have come."
"Tch," Sungjong tapped his foot impatiently, even though she had only just approached them since their arrival.  
"Who is this young lady here?" A look of evilness glinted in Gura's eyes and she smirked.
"Don't look into her eyes, arasso?" Myungsoo told you in a low voice as his arm slowly wrapped itself around your shoulder. You almost immediately returned a small nod.
"She's a friend of ours," Sunggyu answered.
"Well, thats interesting. I didn't think you boys would go about meeting new people. Whats your name?" She pushed.
"Her name is [xxx]." This time, it was Woohyun who replied.
"I'm sure she can speak for herself," Gura snapped.
"I...I'm [xxx]. Happy Birthday, Gura-ssi," You nervously greeted along with a bow.
"Thank you dear, say, what do you think of the party so far?"
"It is wonderful," You lied and casted your eyes to her face, however, kept them focused on her forehead so it would look like you were looking at her. 
"That is brilliant," Gura responded and flashed her pearly whites.
"Sirs and madams, would you like a drink?" A waiter with a silver circular tray upon his palm asked as he approached you. Your eyes widened at the glasses of blood in the tray.
"Yes, thank you." Sungyeol, who was standing by your side quickly said. He took two glasses from the tray after the others grabbed one each and then the waiter left. Before you could protest, Sungyeol pushed a glass into your hands and whispered into your ear, "Act like any other vampire would act."
You mentally cursed but compromised nonetheless. "Go on," Woohyun mumbled, loud enough for you to hear. You took a quick gulp from the glass and exhaled.
Not once did Gura's eyes leave your face.

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Gif: Credit
Early update ^^

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 23: I hope you update soon~ This story is awesome <33
New reader, read this a month ago, and dying for your updates. Please update soon =) I'm sure i'm not the only anxiously waiting person here!
zeloys #3
New reader here:)
Update soon~~~~~~
did she hit him? cause in my opinion, he deserves it!~
Can't wait for the next chapter >.< please update fast! haha!!~FIGHTING!!
No....its Suji...
What a sweet guy sungyeol there. Lol xDD
UPDATE! LOL XDD. Dongwoo. Stay away. Someone please save her as soon as possible.
Aika0330 #9
NOO! Dongwoo! Don't do it!