Two Steps Closer

Under the Sun and Moon [HIATUS FOR A MONTH OR 2]


The grandfather clock struck midnight and the tip of your finger lightly grazed over the railings of the balcony. The sun had returned home long ago and the moon had appeared as it was time for its shift again. 'Wow, it is so breathtakingly beautiful.' You hummed a light tune as you tilted your head upwards to gaze at the stars. You smiled as thoughts of your parents went through your mind. 'I hope you're happy up there.'

A sudden weight rested upon your shoulders and you turned your head, only to find Sungyeol. He had put a black blazer around your shoulders and you assumed it belonged to him. "Gomawo, Sungyeol-ssi," You thanked him.

"The breeze may be light, but be careful not to catch a cold. What are you doing out here at this time of the night?" He asked, ever so softly.

"I'm just admiring your garden," You replied with a smile playing on your lips. "You love the nature that much, huh?" Sungyeol chuckled lightly. Without a word, you nodded in reply.

"Say, what brings you out here?" It was your turn to ask him a question. He shrugged and said, "I wanted some fresh air." When in fact, he saw you by yourself and wanted your company. You nodded again.

After a moment of silence, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. It was Sungyeol again. "Ne, Sungyeol-ssi?"

He frowned at that. "Stop adding 'ssi' at the end of my name every time." You blinked at him and tilted your head slightly to the side before asking, "What should I call you then?"

"Oppa." He grinned. "I think Oppa sounds much better than 'ssi'." Now instead of blinking, your eyes widened. "O-Oppa?" You haven't called anyone oppa in a long, long time. Sungyeol nodded approvingly. "Try it! Call me Sungyeol Oppa."

"Sungyeol O-oppa..." You mumbled. He chuckled and ruffled your head in a playful manner. "My name sounds much better now," Sungyeol nodded in approval. You inwardly laughed at his cuteness.

Once again, the atmosphere around the pair of you became quiet. Sungyeol was secretly stealing glances from you. He watched as you covered your mouth and stifled a yawn.

"[xxx]-ya, if you're tired, go to bed," Sungyeol said in a caring voice. "A-ani, I'm not tired," You lied, surprised he saw you yawning. He looked at you pointedly with a raised eyebrow. You yawned again. 'Oh great,' You mentally rolled your eyes.

"Ya...I saw that," He commented. "Come on, young lady. You're going to bed this instant." Sungyeol took hold of your hand and dragged you inside, sliding the balcony door shut before leading you to the room you now called your own.

You looked down and flushed a deep shade of red at the sight of your intervened hands. He saw your reaction and pulled a secretive smirk.

Sungyeol stopped outside of your room, opened the door and pushed you towards the bed. "Sweet dreams, [xxx]," He smiled affectionately at you before turning to make his leave. "Night night, Sungyeol Oppa," You called out from behind. With his back facing towards you, he lifted up an arm and waved before shutting the door behind him.

The blazer Sungyeol had put over your shoulders slid off as you pulled back the duvet. "Oh," You mumbled, before hanging it carefully over a chair by the vanity table. You straightened it out once with your hands, turned the lights off and snuggled deep into the bed.

'I suppose today hasn't been too bad. At least Myungsoo-ssi and Sungyeol oppa are no longer acting cold towards me," You thought. A sigh of satisfaction slipped through your lips and you close your eyes before falling into slumber.

You jolted upright when shouts were heard from the other side of the door. "YA, LEE SUNGJONG!" A guy yelled. It sounded much like Sunggyu's. Feeling slightly groggy, your pulled yourself out of bed and casted a glance over to the windows which were covered by dark curtains.

'Of course,' you thought. You just assumed it was morning as you could never tell whether the sun was out or not by peering over at the curtains. Moving the curtains away from the window was always a risky act.

"Hyungggg," You heard a faint whine from Sungjong. "Quit your shouting, [xxx] is probably still asleep." You chuckled lightly as you opened the door of your room and found  Sunggyu covering his mouth with a hand.

"Okay, or not..." Sungjong quickly commented when you came into view. "Did we wake you, [xxx]?" Sunggyu asked with an apologetic look on his face. You waved your hands in front of you dismissively and replied, "It doesn't matter anyway, since it was time I woke up."

"Yeah..." Sunggyu trailed off. Sungjong pushed his hyung out of the way and stood by your side. "Go and freshen up, ok? I will make you some food." He gave you a grin and sent you to the bathroom.

By the time you finished getting ready for the day and reached the kitchen, only Woohyun was found in the room. He had an apron on, a spatula in hand and a small smile on his face. "Hello, Woohyun-ssi," You called out and took a seat by the counter.

Woohyun turned around with a plate of half-cooked steak and vegetables on the side. He carefully positioned it in front of you and his smile grew. "Did you sleep well?" He asked.

You nodded and in a thankful yet confused manner, you responded, "Thank you for the food...I thought Sungjong-ssi was going to cook for me? -N-not that it matters much."

"Sungjong?" Woohyun smirked. "Pfft, the magnae can barely cook."

You blinked in amusement and pointed out, "He cooked my steak yesterday, though." Woohyun waved a hand contemptuously at that and stated. "Pure luck caused the steak to not get burnt."

"Ah...right," You nodded in understanding and proceeded to pick up the cutleries placed on each side of the patterned plate. Before you could do anything to the food, however, Woohyun grabbed a sharp knife and slid the plate closer towards himself. You looked at him questioningly and asked, "Have you not eaten breakfast yet?"

Woohyun chuckled and answered, "I have, but this knife makes life much easier when it comes to steak." You smiled at his sweet gesture and watched as he cut the meat into smaller pieces.

"Gomawo, Woohyun-ssi," You said. He raised an eyebrow when you added 'ssi' to his name. "Call me oppa, ok?" You replied a quick "yes" and ducked your head. Your cheeks were tinted with a shade of pink. Woohyun mentally grinned at your cuteness and slid the plate back in front of you when he was done. 'What is it with guys and the term 'Oppa'?' You quietly thought.

You began with the vegetables first and grinned when the delicious taste swirled within your mouth. "This is so yummy!" You remarked enthusiastically. The latter laughed and started on the dirty dishes. You watched his back whilst you ate.

Once you were done, Woohyun took your used cutlery and plate to the sink. However, before you could slip away from the kitchen, a hand pulled you by the arm.

In a confused manner, you turned and found Woohyun handsomely smirking. "You're not leaving until you drink this glass of blood."

"B-but..." You stuttered. You were disgusted simply by the smell of the thick liquid. "No excuses, [xxx]," He said in all seriousness. You pouted in response and he shook his head.

Woohyun just had to resist that cute pout as he wanted you to stay healthy.


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Gif: Made by yours truly~ :D. The meaning of it is totally irrelevant to this chapter, BUT ITS INFINITE'S 600 DAYS TODAY! YAY~ If you have tumblr, you can reblog it from here. ^^

\o/ I liked writing this chapter. I've already written chapter 13, but I don't like it very much :C boo.

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YeolKyungPinkfinite #1
Chapter 23: I hope you update soon~ This story is awesome <33
New reader, read this a month ago, and dying for your updates. Please update soon =) I'm sure i'm not the only anxiously waiting person here!
zeloys #3
New reader here:)
Update soon~~~~~~
did she hit him? cause in my opinion, he deserves it!~
Can't wait for the next chapter >.< please update fast! haha!!~FIGHTING!!
No....its Suji...
What a sweet guy sungyeol there. Lol xDD
UPDATE! LOL XDD. Dongwoo. Stay away. Someone please save her as soon as possible.
Aika0330 #9
NOO! Dongwoo! Don't do it!