chapter 34

Times To Love Again



Chapter 34

It was a Thursday afternoon when Yunho had come home with Karam running into the house, within a second of opening the door and around to call out to his wife when he hears shouting what surprised him most that it was from Jaejoong. He couldn’t understand what he was saying but it didn’t stop Yunho walking toward his wife as he spoke in French, he couldn’t help stopping at the door watching him for the moment while his back was turn to him. He had no idea Yunho was watching him at all. It surprised him he’d never really heard Jaejoong raise his voice, Jaejoong had his phone to his ear. In Yunho eyes Jaejoong looked upset.  It wasn’t until an abrupt sound Jaejoong ended the call in a harsh turning but not before Yunho stepped out of view. Jaejoong wiped his eyes turning when Karam ran through to door towards him. Yunho waited a few seconds before turning the corner…. Jaejoong eyes caught Yunho, “Thank for picking him up. I let time get to me. He held the toddler hand as he swung around.

“No problem….” Yunho answered he wondered would Jaejoong speak to him about it

“How was your day? Jaejoong made his way too Yunho “What are you doing?” Yunho asked catching his spouse off guard,

“Nothing, “Jaejoong told him. “So, what would you like for dnner?”  Yunho knew Jaejoong was hiding something but he wasn’t going to push it not yet anyway. something behind his back as Yunho. But as the weeks went on and Yunho noticed Jaejoong stressing over something Yunho began to worry. Yunho had taken Karam to get the cast off his arm even though Jaejoong said he would. Something had come up he said.  He had been like this for week yet no one saw it apart from Yunho. Jaejoong couldn’t hide it from him, it was written all over his face.  Yet Yunho felt it wasn’t his to push…..


“I’m going to Taeyeon grave….” Yunho told Jaejoong as he placed Karam shoe on as he kicked his feet excitedly, “Would you like to come with us?”  He shocked Jaejoong Yunho asking him.

“You sure you want me too… wouldn’t it be a bit weird…. I mean….

“Coming from someone who drop flowers off were she died even though there was nothing he could do.” Yunho kepted his eyes on Karam as he spoken, “Won’t you come with us Karam would like it….” When Yunho didn’t get an answer, he looked to Jaejoong. “Do you need to be somewhere else?”

“No …

“Is everything alright… you’ve been acting different lately…

“No, I……

“Don’t keep things from me Jaejoong, you told me to do the same remember…?” That was true they had.

I’ll tell you later……, Just let me get my phone.” When Jaejoong returned, “Can we stop by a flower shop.


“I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t, “Jaejoong answered, “I should pay my respect in person. Yunho kissed his cheek.

“You are one in a million…..



They stood in from of the grave for a moment before Jaejoong excused himself saying he’d return what they used to clean the grave Karam held Jaejoong had as the left Yunho alone. He spoke softly, “Karam growing too much don’t you think. He loves Jaejoong so much, I’m sure you’d have liked him to, then again I’m sure you’re watching over us all. I brought Jaejoong here so he could meet you, not that you haven’t already. Taeyeon he brings out a bright side in me the best side of me the side you saw in me.” Yunho continued. “I’m starting to think I’m ready Taeyeon…. To begin my life again with Jaejoong and Karam the three of us together…” He ran his hand over the name.


“Y-Yunho,” Yunho turned at the sound of his name, the moment Yunho say who it was he stood so still it was as if time had stood still. She walked closer to him standing beside him looking to the grave. The Stood in slight until she spoke. “If been a while hasn’t it. Years Yunho taught yet he hadn’t been able to say a word. “It’s never easy coming, here is it?” He listens to her as she lay flowers along the grave side. “ I Haven’t been able to come here…. Step by step.” He heard her say. She looked at the flower beside her own. How often had she seen them? “How’s K-karam…?”


“Good, an energetic little child,” She nodded at Yunho statement. “I haven’t seen him in so long I’m afraid I wouldn’t know what he’d look like now or would I be able to face him, I’m sucha terrible person. Yunho couldn’t judge he done it himself. “After Taeyeon left us…. It all just became too hard….. never does a parent think they would one day have to bury the child. Yet we left it all on you….. ” She turned to face him. “ I Sorry Yunho…” a tear strained voice he could hear in her lace words, “I’m a terrible grandmother if only I could..

“their was nothing any of us could have done….” Yunho spoke…, “these were word he had told himself after so many doubtfull moment. If anyone new Yunho did, she nodded.

“But I… we should have done more after……”

“What could we have done….. nothing… apart from move on, Karam growing up with all the love we can give to him…. Maybe when you feel up to it you would like to see him, Karam would like to get his other Grandmother if he got the chance…@ With that said, Karam ran up to his father…. Looking around him as he held onto his father trouser leg holding up a lollypop asking his father to remove the paper. Jaejoong walked up slowly bowing his head to the woman before looking to Yunho as he unwrapped the lollypop from the paper giving it back to Karam. The woman eyes fell onto the little boy. To in shock totter  a word. This was her grandson…. Taeyeon son.


It was a Thursday afternoon when Yunho had come home with Karam running into the house, within a second of opening the door and around to call out to his wife when he hears shouting what surprised him most that it was from Jaejoong. He couldn’t understand what he was saying but it didn’t stop Yunho walking toward his wife as he spoke in French, he couldn’t help stopping at the door watching him for the moment while his back was turn to him. He had no idea Yunho was watching him at all. It surprised him he’d never really heard Jaejoong raise his voice, Jaejoong had his phone to his ear. In Yunho eyes Jaejoong looked upset.  It wasn’t until an abrupt sound Jaejoong ended the call in a harsh turning but not before Yunho stepped out of view. Jaejoong wiped his eyes turning when Karam ran through to door towards him. Yunho waited a few seconds before turning the corner…. Jaejoong eyes caught Yunho, “Thank for picking him up. I let time get to me. He held the toddler hand as he swung around.

“No problem….” Yunho answered he wondered would Jaejoong speak to him about it

“How was your day? Jaejoong made his way too Yunho “What are you doing?” Yunho asked catching his spouse off guard,

“Nothing, “Jaejoong told him. “So, what would you like for dnner?”  Yunho knew Jaejoong was hiding something but he wasn’t going to push it not yet anyway. something behind his back as Yunho. But as the weeks went on and Yunho noticed Jaejoong stressing over something Yunho began to worry. Yunho had taken Karam to get the cast off his arm even though Jaejoong said he would. Something had come up he said.  He had been like this for week yet no one saw it apart from Yunho. Jaejoong couldn’t hide it from him, it was written all over his face.  Yet Yunho felt it wasn’t his to push…..


“I’m going to Taeyeon grave….” Yunho told Jaejoong as he placed Karam shoe on as he kicked his feet excitedly, “Would you like to come with us?”  He shocked Jaejoong Yunho asking him.

“You sure you want me too… wouldn’t it be a bit weird…. I mean….

“Coming from someone who drop flowers off were she died even though there was nothing he could do.” Yunho kepted his eyes on Karam as he spoken, “Won’t you come with us Karam would like it….” When Yunho didn’t get an answer, he looked to Jaejoong. “Do you need to be somewhere else?”

“No …

“Is everything alright… you’ve been acting different lately…

“No, I……

“Don’t keep things from me Jaejoong, you told me to do the same remember…?” That was true they had.

I’ll tell you later……, Just let me get my phone.” When Jaejoong returned, “Can we stop by a flower shop.


“I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t, “Jaejoong answered, “I should pay my respect in person. Yunho kissed his cheek.

“You are one in a million…..



They stood in from of the grave for a moment before Jaejoong excused himself saying he’d return what they used to clean the grave Karam held Jaejoong had as the left Yunho alone. He spoke softly, “Karam growing too much don’t you think. He loves Jaejoong so much, I’m sure you’d have liked him to, then again I’m sure you’re watching over us all. I brought Jaejoong here so he could meet you, not that you haven’t already. Taeyeon he brings out a bright side in me the best side of me the side you saw in me.” Yunho continued. “I’m starting to think I’m ready Taeyeon…. To begin my life again with Jaejoong and Karam the three of us together…” He ran his hand over the name.


“Y-Yunho,” Yunho turned at the sound of his name, the moment Yunho say who it was he stood so still it was as if time had stood still. She walked closer to him standing beside him looking to the grave. The Stood in slight until she spoke. “If been a while hasn’t it. Years Yunho taught yet he hadn’t been able to say a word. “It’s never easy coming, here is it?” He listens to her as she lay flowers along the grave side. “ I Haven’t been able to come here…. Step by step.” He heard her say. She looked at the flower beside her own. How often had she seen them? “How’s K-karam…?”


“Good, an energetic little child,” She nodded at Yunho statement. “I haven’t seen him in so long I’m afraid I wouldn’t know what he’d look like now or would I be able to face him, I’m sucha terrible person. Yunho couldn’t judge he done it himself. “After Taeyeon left us…. It all just became too hard….. never does a parent think they would one day have to bury the child. Yet we left it all on you….. ” She turned to face him. “ I Sorry Yunho…” a tear strained voice he could hear in her lace words, “I’m a terrible grandmother if only I could..

“their was nothing any of us could have done….” Yunho spoke…, “these were word he had told himself after so many doubtfull moment. If anyone new Yunho did, she nodded.

“But I… we should have done more after……”

“What could we have done….. nothing… apart from move on, Karam growing up with all the love we can give to him…. Maybe when you feel up to it you would like to see him, Karam would like to get his other Grandmother if he got the chance…@ With that said, Karam ran up to his father…. Looking around him as he held onto his father trouser leg holding up a lollypop asking his father to remove the paper. Jaejoong walked up slowly bowing his head to the woman before looking to Yunho as he unwrapped the lollypop from the paper giving it back to Karam. The woman eyes fell onto the little boy. To in shock totter  a word. This was her grandson…. Taeyeon son.




small chapter best i can do at the moment will work on it ^_^

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Kattan69 #1
Chapter 63: Congrats! Can’t wait to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl.....secretly hoping for a boy...Changmin.
Chapter 63: Awwww thanks for the bonus.. I love it.. ❤
Chapter 63: Awww my princess jae got nause in pregnacy.. be fighting♡♡
Chapter 63: Poor Jaejoongie. Why was Yunho so harsh on him at the beginning?
MissABDy #5
Chapter 63: omooo another kids
thank you so much
Neng2ovid #6
Chapter 63: Poor jae he can’t get any breaks from being preggy. That jung
faithot5 #7
Chapter 63: love how yunho care bout jj.thx for the bonus chapter
Everoselen314 #8
Chapter 62: You ended my fav fic :(
Chapter 62: Awwww how cute :3
Chapter 62: Thanks for sharing a wonderful story (≧∇≦)b