We Belong
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Eunji gulps as she’s too nervous now. She’s the last one to do her defense for the day and she can feel her hands sweat already. Victoria’s been calming her up every now and then but her stomach’s on already.

This morning, Junmyeon woke up early to make her a simple breakfast as a sign of goodluck and tells her that he’ll be part of the crowd later. Now she hopes she told him to come to her when he arrives, at least she’ll feel safe and calm around her husband right?

“Eunji!” she jumped hearing someone call her, she suddenly feel light seeing Yeol walking towards her.

“You must be nervous.” He smiled and it somehow calm Eunji down.

How can his eye smile calm me down? Seriously?

“You guessed it right.” She tried to sound it cool but her voice cracked because of too much nervousness.

“You’ll ace this one. You prepared well and you’re intelligent enough for the panel, don’t worry, I’ll be beside Ms. Victoria later.” Yeol replied as he patted held both of her shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

“Thank you, I’ll try my best for you guys.” Eunji smiled as she looked up at him making their eyes lock.




“Hi, can I get in?” Junmyeon asked the woman standing in front of the back stage entrance. The university holds their defense on a private conference room that has a stage and a such where everyone needs to be in formal attire, too much for a man who’s been living in formality every day of his life.

“We only have one student left, are you related to her?”

“Yeah, I am related to Eunji.” He replied.

“You are her?”

“Husband. I am her husband.” the woman smiled.

“I see, she’s there, I’m glad you came, she’s been feeling so nervous.” The woman replied as she opened the door.

“Thank you.”


As Junmyeon entered his eyes scanned the small backstage and his eyes darted at two figures standing, his heart sunk seeing the familiar guy. He tried to stay at the side and waited for them to end, he sees the guy bidding goodbye by giving his wife’s arm a short squeeze then he went out. He took a deep breath before walking towards her.

“Wife.” He called him and in an instant, she flung towards his arm.

“You’re here!” she mumbled which made him chuckle as he tries to forget about what he saw earlier.

“I promised you right?” he tried to sooth her up as he tightens the hug.

“I’m so nervous.” Her voice cracked again.

“Hey, I believe you’ll do great later.” Junmyeon broke the hug and cupped her face, he can already see tears threatening to fall from her eyes, she must really be nervous.

“I never thought my defense will top the level of nervousness I felt when I met your parents.” She kidded which made Junmyeon chuckle.

“Listen, just trust in yourself that you’ll do great and everything is gonna be fine. You’re Eunji.” He then planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Thank you.”

“and wife, you look so good in your attire.” It made Eunji giggle. He was the one who chose that from Kwanghee’s shop.





“Oh she’s here!” Victoria squealed upon seeing her student running towards them as she landed on her embrace.

“It’s done unnie! It’s done!” she kept on repeating on the bear hug which made Victoria laugh.

“Yes Eunji, it’s done.” She replied after they broke the hug.

“I’m so happy for you! The panel was so impressed!” Victoria cupped her cheeks in happiness.

“Congratulations Eunji!” her eyes widen when Yeol pulled her for a hug.

“You did great, I told you can do it.” He continued as he patted her back. Eunji found the hug odd but she still responded as a sign of gratitude but broke it immediately as the thought of her husband entered her mind.

“Thank you so much Yeol, I wouldn’t have done it if not because of your help.” She replied.

“It was due to your hard work Eunji, we’re just your accessories.” Yeol smiled at her.


“Wife!” Eunji’s eyes immediately scanned the room to look for the owner of the voice. She beamed upon seeing him, this time with a bouquet on his hand.

“Congratulations!” he walked towards them as Eunji ran towards him for a hug.

“Thank you, really.” She whispered as she can feel his lips on her temple.

“You were amazing.” He said with a smile, trying to completely forget what he saw earlier.

“Flowers for you.” he handed her the bouquet.

“Thank you.” a soft whisper escaped from as she looks at the flowers, it’s the first time he gave her something like this.

“Come, I’ll let you meet them.” she used her free hand to pull him.

“Vic unnie, this is my husband, Junmyeon, Junmyeon this is my adviser and friend, Victoria Horvejkul.” Eunji introduced them.

“Nice to finally meet you Mrs. Horvejkul.” Junmyeon paid respect as he offered a hand for handshake.

“Nice to meet you too Mr. Kim, and enough with the formality, just call me Victoria.” Victoria returned the handshake with a warm smile. She cannot help herself not to admire the kind of chemistry the couple is exuding.

“Then I’d settle with being called Junmyeon.” He answers.

“And! He’s Yeol, the one who helped me throughout the defense process. The one I was talking about about.” Eunji said as she pointed at Yeol who is standing beside Victoria.

“Hi.” Yeol offered a handshake first.

“Hi, nice to meet you… Yeol.” Junmyeon responded on the handshake as he was surprised that they both gave a harder squeeze before releasing.

“I’m so glad you finally met them.” Eunji said with a beam, she’s really happy.

They exchanged a few more chats with Junmyeon taking some time to spare a glance at Yeol who is smiling while listening to Eunji talk about how she felt earlier.

This one is weird.

As Victoria’s phone ring, the conversation had to end.

“We need to go now, I need to meet Nichkhun, you’re hopping in right?” she asked Yeol who responded with a nod.

“It was nice meeting you Junmyeon, I see that we’ll all be meeting each other again during the graduation day. Congratulations again Eunji, you made so proud.” Victoria gave Eunji one last hug and few more exchange of congratulations and thank yous before the two left.


“Should we get going?” Junmyeon asked.

“Yes.” She beamed again.


The car ride was filled with Eunji’s voice and Junmyeon’s occasional response. He’s actually glad that she has started to be really herself in the past eight months of their marriage. Who would have thought? They’re almost a year married and they’re getting closer as ever.

“Where are we going?” Eunji asked as she realized they’re not heading back home.

“We should have a celebration for your defense success, I reserved a restaurant and no is not an option.” Junmyeon replied as he glanced at her making her smile, she can feel her cheeks burn right now.

I’m so lucky, ain’t I?





“Oh Yeol you’re here!” Eunji smiled upon seeing him in front of the counter.

“I was around the corner and decided to have a coffee here, and this time, I’m paying.” Yeol replied which made Eunji laugh. it’s been a week since her defense and she has settled all her papers, she just got to wait for the graduation day and everything’s done and she wasn’t able to meet him. Seeing his smile in front of her makes her heart warm again, it really has some kind of powers, so charming if she may say.

“What’s your order then?” she tried to shake her head.

“Double shot expresso. I’m pulling an all-nighter.” He replied with a chuckle.

“I see that you’re busy.” Eunji punched in his order.

“A little, Mr. Nichkhun is giving me some stuffs to work on.” He replied as he took out his wallet to pay.

“Double shot expresso!” Eunji gave the order to the barista and her eyes widen seeing it was Minseok.

“Boss, since when did you go there?” he was inside the employee’s room changing the last time she checked.

“Two minutes ago I think, you were busy.” Minseok replied as he glanced at Yeol who bowed at him.

“I see…” Eunji nods as she finishes her task in the cash registry.

“You can move to the side as you wait.” Eunji instructed him.

Minseok on the other hand is still unsettled with the man’s presence, he seemed a danger on his own opinion.


“Good day, welcome to Sweetened Taste!”


Minseok didn’t think twice to turn around and see Se Young enter the café.

What a good day to be alive?  He can only mutter.

“What brought you here?” he was the one who talked as he let the other barista finish the expresso while Eunji returned to the cash registry.

“I’m on for some take out, one macha frappe.” She turned to Eunji.

“Would that be all ma’am?” Eunji punched it in.

“Come on Eunji, don’t be too formal on me, I’m still your husband’s close friend.” She sounded so sassy that Eunji tried to stop herself from rolling her eyes.

“Se Young you see, we’re in the café and I’m an employee here and you’re a customer so I got to pay some respect, ma’am.” Eunji replied at her with a matter of fact tone as she turned to the barista.

“One macha frappe, take out.”

Minseok can only smirk, Se Young’s tongue always speaks even before she can think.

“And here’s your expresso sir.” Eunji han

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FINAL CHAPTER for We Belong is posted. Thank you so much everyone!


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Limonium #1
Chapter 30: Suji, i love them so much, its rarely any moments of them nowadays but still, reading this, makes me fall for them even more
Angel_Light #2
This story is so beautiful it filled my heart... Suji so cute
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 30: Apink ❤️ Apink ❤️ Apink ❤️
nurarabella #4
Chapter 30: It's was awesome, I love this story so much ❤️
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful :") overall i like this story, but it makes me frustated in some parts, especially when it is about sang bum. It makes me want to kill him but i don't know what will be the reason of me to kill him. I hate him already even before the story about eunji's past revealed.
I like how junmyeon respect eunji, bring their relationship in a slow pace for eunji's sake, i like how he think about eunji before him. They're deserved each other. I hope i could have relationship like theirs in the future :").
Sylcro #6
Chapter 30: Extra très belle histoire très bien écrite j adore suji ? ?
Chapter 30: I can't believe it, im at the end of the story now? God, what a perfect family they have. I wish for their happiness to last long!

Thankyou for writing such a good story with full of fluff and right amount of conflict, I love every single chapters you wrote. Though I might say my favorite is when Junmyeon and Eunji met for the first time. I guess it gives me the most butterflies, like I knew they are going to be a great couple in the future.

I start to grow more love for SuJi otp, this is not good. Hahahaha but again, great work author-nim! Love it! And thankyou!!
Chapter 29: GREAT BABY BOY! I don't know why but Rv-Bad Boy song starts to play when I read about it.
But afterall, it's the son of Eunji-Junmyeon, I wonder how angelic he would be.
Chapter 28: Finally Seyoung can understand the whole situation she got, I thought she would never do.