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Training began a couple days later.

suho issued for Atlasses training to begin.Thats how she got dragged out of her room at 2 am.She had only gotten 5 hours of sleep as lay kept her up most of the night checking up on her.They took her to a lower level in the house that Suho had locked.They said its where people trained.It was nothing but a small arena like room with dirt floors.Chen spoke first.

“As you already know I'm chen " He smirked. “Before we beginning getting into the hardcore stuff , you need to know the basics.Their are 3 Major category things we need to teach you : Self Defense , Dream Ark, and Control.”she nodded.

“First, Self Defense.This you’ll be learning over the next couple months two times a week.When you have your birthday Lay will teach you Dream Ark, and Then I’ll teach you Control.Self defense is made up of distance, positions, and timing use these to your advantage.”Lay looked like he could fall asleep and chanyeol watched from a distance with his arms crossed.Sehun was nowhere to be found.She felt embarrassed that her brother didnt even want to help her.

“Whats a dream Ark?”Chen scratched his head.He couldnt even explain it.

“Um,Lay.”he whined.Chanyeol uncrossed his arms to wack Lay in the chest so he could wake up.

“A Dream Ark is where you met your inner spirit.” ‘Inner spirit’ she thought. “Suho explained that we feed off energy.A spirit is your energy like a soul but in a physical form.Your Aura is given to you by your spirit.Your Aura is like a force field of energy that you can hide and show.”she did understand.

“So, your saying i have to find the energy thats already inside me”he nodded.

“Your spirit lives in a dream world inside your mind that only you can find and release.Your subconscious.You only have a certian access to your brain.Humans are weak because they lack a good portion of access to the brain.we have almost triple the access.See the problem.”

“If im half human how much can I access?”

“That's the problem, We dont know.”lay said.His face showed all his emotions.Concern,Worry, and Sorrow.

“Want to see mine?”chen interjected.He was so excited that he didn't even wait for answer.

He rolled up his sleeve to his forearm and out lifted his hand.Out popped an air like picture of a crocodile.It hissed when it saw her and she backed away.

“He won't hurt you.”He laughed as the animal climbed up his arm t

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naznew #1
Chapter 46: I choose Option 1..
Legggo #2
Chapter 46: I'm divided between option 1 and 2, the option 3 to me doesn't look that good, as you said you were unsatisfied with the plot. If you posted how this plot was going to end and later, posted the new plot, I would definitely read both and maybe get hipper for realizing the things you changed.
Ryvani #3
Chapter 43: I still can' t figure out who xiumin is, what his role in Atlass' life, and why he can appear freely in front of Atlass even if he is a prisoner??

I knew it! Sehun and baekhyun definitely has something behind their back :D
naznew #4
Chapter 41: Poor Atlass...
naznew #5
Chapter 40: Wah..so many chapter..i love it.. But i wonder why lay do that?
naznew #6
Chapter 36: Finally...Author-nim..i miss you.. Opps..scratch that..i miss this story..hehe.
Lay say its final? Err..you will kill Lay when he with troll?
naznew #7
Chapter 35: Poor Atlass..losing her mother while playing piano..
Chapter 33: Wow long time no update authornim but you're finally back :) good chapter waiting for the next update :D
naznew #9
Chapter 32: Sehun..sehun..his tempers so worse..