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“What day is it?”Sooyoung sighed placing the soup bowl back down on the bedside table.She was currently sitting next to atlass on the nursery bed trying to force feed her soup.

“January 4th " she picked the bowl back up. “Here, you need to eat.”she reached out but atlass turned her head.

“Do immortal people even eat?” she spat sarcastically.Over the past 2 days Atlass got as much information as she could from Suho.She knew of course that most were lies.Sooyoung looked towards her lap and twiddle with her fingers.Atlass felt bad for dissing their race.No, Her race as well.

“Yes, We feed of energy.Without food You will lack energy.Food gives you energy.”She smiled sadly.Sooyoungs feelings were obviously hurt.Of all the people, Atlass was disappointed with sooyoung the most for hiding such a secret.She was the one that she could always open up to more.Sooyoung reached out again but Atlass turned away.Sooyoungs eyes darkened.

“Fine.Guess ill have to do it the hard way.”she huffed placing the bowl on the table and stomping out of the room slamming the door.Atlass didnt care one bit.

Atlass mind only thought of her mothers wellbeing.She thought of how her mother dealt with her aucking the life out of her for 17 years.She wanted to cry but she had ran out of tears long ago.

The door opened and chanyeol walked in.Ever since the attack he was forced to guard the doors.He strutted over to her and grabbed the bowl in his right hand.He forceful opened Atlasses with the left.He placed the bowl in his lap and picked up the spoon.

“Eat.”he demanded stuffing the contents of the bowl harshly down .She almost choked.Atlass hadnt expected sooyoung to get chanyeol to force feed her the food.When he was done she shrugged his hand away from her jaw. Sehun walked in casually.

“Get the hell away from my sister,Rat.”chanyeol didnt give Sehun a glance as he got up and nestled him self into one of the chairs.

“I wouldnt leave her alone in here with you might choke her again.”chanyeol was rubbing the incident in.

Atlass was right about the twos rivalry.They despised eachother.Sehun sat in the chair next to him.You could feel the tension between them as the both glared at one another.Chanyeol had a strong dislike for the Oh family.Sehun well he just hated anyone with the slightest similarity to his own personality.

“Why are you here?”Atlass asked.Sehun didnt like her one bit so why volunteer to watch over her.

“Dont worry, Its not cause i care about you.”She figured.she learned that even though sehun was relatively quiet he was also blunt. “ Suho sent m in here.Make sure this doesnt kill you.”Chanyeol didnt even react.It was like he was used to the rude remarks.

The door opened and in walked lay.He looked just as casual as the night she saw him at the Winter Wonderland.He wore casual blue slack and a knitted sweater.

“Stop bick

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naznew #1
Chapter 46: I choose Option 1..
Legggo #2
Chapter 46: I'm divided between option 1 and 2, the option 3 to me doesn't look that good, as you said you were unsatisfied with the plot. If you posted how this plot was going to end and later, posted the new plot, I would definitely read both and maybe get hipper for realizing the things you changed.
Ryvani #3
Chapter 43: I still can' t figure out who xiumin is, what his role in Atlass' life, and why he can appear freely in front of Atlass even if he is a prisoner??

I knew it! Sehun and baekhyun definitely has something behind their back :D
naznew #4
Chapter 41: Poor Atlass...
naznew #5
Chapter 40: Wah..so many chapter..i love it.. But i wonder why lay do that?
naznew #6
Chapter 36: Finally...Author-nim..i miss you.. Opps..scratch that..i miss this story..hehe.
Lay say its final? Err..you will kill Lay when he with troll?
naznew #7
Chapter 35: Poor Atlass..losing her mother while playing piano..
Chapter 33: Wow long time no update authornim but you're finally back :) good chapter waiting for the next update :D
naznew #9
Chapter 32: Sehun..sehun..his tempers so worse..