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We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.


“Care to dance, girly.”

She cringed inwardly. She knew that voice all to well. A seductive yet soothing voice.

“No, thank you.” She quickly walked away towards the dessert table not daring looking back. She hoped he'd get the hint and leave her alone.

“The red rice is the sweetest.” He whispered.

She ignored him picking up a small slice of sweet megg pie. He huffed, leaning back on the table and stuffing his hands in his pockets. He reminded her of an old acquaintance of hers in stature and build, though his personality was the complete opposite.

“Ignore me all you want. I'm your certified babysitter for the night.” This caused her to finally acknowledge his presence. “Your father's orders.”

“Tell Father I don't need a babysitter, I am fine on my own.” She scoffed at the idea her father believed she needed a babysitter.

“Do you know how to dance the classics or shall I give your hand?” This made her halt mid-step. He gave her a knowing smile before offering his hand.She slowly grabbed it but made sure to squeeze it extra tight to show her annoyance.

“That's what I thought. Come.” He led her through an entry way demarcated by two large pillars towards the outside grounds.

“Where are we going?” She quickly stopped.

“ Somewhere more private.” He looked at her anxious face and reassured her.

“ I promise I won't murder you in the back of the compounds.” He then muttered. “That would be asking for a death sentence.”

He led her through big gates adorned with tigers, line fields of gardens and ponds towards a mazed fountain structure. Her heels clicked across the marble stone of the surrounding steps of the small area.

“ I will teach you the dance here.” He let go of her hand taking out his suit's outerlayer.

She raised a brow. “ You can dance.” It was more of a question.

“ I do.” He said cockily.He flung his outerlayer onto the bench, leaving him in just his white undershirt. “How else do you think I woe my women?”

“ Of course. You have to have something to distract them from your horrible personality.”

He frowned. “You don't know me.”

“ And I dont wish to.”

“ So what right do you have to judge me?”

“ The women you carelessly left in your bed this morning are indication enough.” She was surprised by the way her voice raised.

His frown turned into a smirk. “Ah, you're jealous.”

“Of what?”

Disgusting, she thought.

“ It's just that first impressions are everything" She said. "And mine of you is that you're a

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naznew #1
Chapter 46: I choose Option 1..
Legggo #2
Chapter 46: I'm divided between option 1 and 2, the option 3 to me doesn't look that good, as you said you were unsatisfied with the plot. If you posted how this plot was going to end and later, posted the new plot, I would definitely read both and maybe get hipper for realizing the things you changed.
Ryvani #3
Chapter 43: I still can' t figure out who xiumin is, what his role in Atlass' life, and why he can appear freely in front of Atlass even if he is a prisoner??

I knew it! Sehun and baekhyun definitely has something behind their back :D
naznew #4
Chapter 41: Poor Atlass...
naznew #5
Chapter 40: Wah..so many chapter..i love it.. But i wonder why lay do that?
naznew #6
Chapter 36: Finally...Author-nim..i miss you.. Opps..scratch that..i miss this story..hehe.
Lay say its final? Err..you will kill Lay when he with troll?
naznew #7
Chapter 35: Poor Atlass..losing her mother while playing piano..
Chapter 33: Wow long time no update authornim but you're finally back :) good chapter waiting for the next update :D
naznew #9
Chapter 32: Sehun..sehun..his tempers so worse..