Chapter 23

13:00 am

Areum threw her gaze outside her window. It had been a while since the last time she spent morning in her own world but that girl weirdly did not miss it at all. Her agony was clouding over her rational thoughts. She was not supposed to be here. Baekhyun needed her.

"Areum. Kyungsoo is here" Her mother's voice hit her eardrum but the daughter refused to spare a look at that woman. She could not believe her mother just decided to ground her for the rest of her life!

"You still don't want to talk to me?" Mrs Song asked her only daughter softly. It was not like she wanted to confine her own daughter but that girl had gone too far. Gone to human world? It was totally unacceptable. Areum stayed silent.

"Fine. Do as you wish but you're staying here" Mrs Song insisted before slamming the door behind her. Not long after, her door cracked open, revealing a man with concern written on his face.

"Areum-ah.." Upon hearing the man's voice, Areum spun around. Her eyes were glistening. The tears that she had been holding the entire time just burst to his soothing voice.

"Kyungsoo-yah" Areum ran into Kyungsoo's arm and hugged him tight. She did not bother soaking Kyungsoo's shoulder with her tears. She just wanted to cry her heart out. As if he could listen to Areum's grieving heart, Kyungsoo let her. The man then pulled her closer and pat her back gently.

"Cry Areum. Just cry"


Goeun pressed the wet towel gently on Baekhyun's forehead down to his chin. She then brought the wet towel to the nape of her son's neck, his arms and lastly his feet. After giving Baekhyun a light bath, Goeun made her way to the restroom to rinse the towel. 

Areum who still did not show up at the hospital after she left last night became the reason Goeun stayed for another night. It was weird since that young woman could never stand a day without her son. Albeit concern that had tugged her heart, Goeun tried to think positive. Maybe that girl was tired and wanted a rest for a little while.

Goeun entered Baekhyun's room to the sight of Baekhyun standing by the window. Surprised, the woman tapped her cheeks, just to make sure she was not dreaming. Seeing her son still there, standing on his own feet, Goeun was sure it was not a dream.

"Baekhyun my son" Goeun ran to Baekhyun and wrapped him in her embrace. Baekhyun, however, remained stoic. His gaze was deep yet blank. 

"Thank God! You're awake!" Goeun pulled away and turned Baekhyun's body, facing her.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt anyway, are you?" Goeun's touch traveled from Baekhyun's face then to his body, assuring herself that her son was fine. 

"Where's Areum?" Baekhyun croaked out. Goeun came to a halt.

"She left but she'll come soon" Goeun smiled reassuringly, refused to make her son worried. Not after he just woke up. Slowly, Baekhyun took off his mother's hand on him. Turned his heel around, Baekhyun laid his body on the bed again.

"Do you want anything? Drink? Food? Or you want some fruits? I can--"

"Just leave me alone" Baekhyun snapped. His eyes were closed tightly.

"Baekhyun-ah.." Goeun murmured. Baekhyun lied sideway, turning his back to his mother.

"Just go" Baekhyun said firmly with a stern tone. The tone of his choice was somehow harsher that he expected but he did not care less. He wanted to be by himself.

"Alright. I'll come again tomorrow. Okay? Rest well" Disheartened, Goeun made her way out, complying to her son's wish. Standing outside Baekhyun's room, Goeun wiped the tears forming at the corner of her eyes. She would be lying if she did not hurt by Baekhyun but she knew it well Baekhyun could not be blame. She was the one made him behaving that way. 

Heaving a deep breath, Goeun walked away, soothing her own agony.



Baekhyun, he cannot lengthen his life. His Qweit is really low. He doesn't have enough time. I'm sorry Areum.

Kyungsoo's words kept replaying at the back of Areum's mind. No matter how many times those words rang in her, the girl could not simply accepted. Baekhyun could not die. He should not. Baekhyun had to stay alive to be bestowed by all the happiness and blessing he deserved to have and Areum would make that happen!

"Areum dear. Eat some more, uhm?" Mr Song cooed. Areum did not respond. Instead, she had her eyes set on her tablet. She did not have time to eat when the time left for her man was dissipating. Areum had to find a way. No, there must be a way!

With a regretful sigh, Mr Song took the unfinished food and left her daughter. Ever since Areum returned home, nothing was the same anymore. It was even worse. If before he could at least be fed by Areum's cheerful laugh and sweet smile, now he could not even hear her voice. It was like his daugter had turned mute.

As her door was closed, Areum put down her tablet. For the nth times, Areum let out a sigh. Placing her fist on her chest, Areum hit it several times in attempt to alleviate her stuffed chest. Taking a lungful of air, Areum tried to remain calm as she felt the air around her thinning. Fortunately, it did not last long as she could feel herself breathing normally again.

"What's wrong with me" 


Goeun went to Baekhyun's apartment to visit her son. It was already two days since Baekhyun went home but Baekhyun never said a word. He only responded with a nod or a shook. That day was no different either. Baekhyun still at the same state, lying on his bed with his eyes closed.

"Baekhyun-ah, I bring you chicken stew. Warm rice is in the rice cooker, okay?" Goeun's remark met with utter silence. Sighing, Goeun moved to the sink to wash the dish. Albeit being indifferent towards her presence, at least that woman knew Baekhyun still ate her food. That was more than enough.

Goeun then took Baekhyun's dirty clothes and tidied his apartment a little since there was nothing to be cleaned about. Everything was remained intact as if there was no living. Satisfied, Goeun made her way to her son's room. Bringing the comforter up to her son's chest, Goeun then swept away some hair on his forehead before planting a kiss on it.

"I'll come again tomorrow" Goeun whispered to his ear. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, Goeun realized she had taken too much time as she had to fetch Jongin from school. Hastily, she went out.

As the sound of front door being closed hit his eardrum, Baekhyun's eyes fluttered open. However, that man did not have any will to move from his bed. He prefered to roll on his back as the scent of his father wrapped him. That way, Baekhyun could feel his father's presence beside him. 

Bringing the pillow Beomseok used to have to his chest, Baekhyun hugged it tight. Warm tears rolled down his cheeks. His shoulder moved up and down as his cry became harder and harder. The fact his father was no longer alive fell hard on him. 

"Dad, why do you leave me?" Baekhyun sobbed. His gaze then fell to a drawing of stickman that he put on a frame, placed on his nightstand. The corner of his lips slowly curled upward forming a smile faintly as the memories flooded in. There were names on the stickmen which Areum and him had labelled.


I need you.


"Are you out of your mind?!" Kyungsoo yelled a little bit too loud. Areum bit her own lips as she threw her gaze to the floor, refused to meet Kyungsoo's flaring eyes.

"Are you saying that you will give your own life to a human? And then what? You'll die and he is alive? Areum, please say it isn't true" Kyungsoo rubbed his own face, completely speechless. Areum was not in her right mind. How could she just give her life to a human who could not crash his Drowte? Kyungsoo was more than sure she knew it meant death for her!

"Kyungsoo. It's the only way Baekhyun can survive. I--I have live long enough. I've live my life the way that I want. I've loved and being loved. Those are enough" Areum murmured.

"Me? How about me? Do you think I will let you die? Areum please. Not this way. I'll help you but please not this" Kyungsoo begged. Kyungsoo took Areum's hand and squeezed it feebly.

"Areum. Please" Kyungsoo pleaded. His voice started to quaver. Tears started to form at the corner of his eyes. It did not take long before Kyungsoo burst into tears. The man rarely cried but the thought of losing Areum was more than enough to trigger him.

Seeing her bestfriend cried, Areum could not help from crying as well. Pulling Kyungsoo into her arm, Areum hugged the man tight. If Kyungsoo thought it was easy on her, he was wrong. It was not easy at all to come to that decision but Areum had made her mind and nobody could stop her.

"I'm sorry Kyungsoo. I'm sorry" Areum's remark just brought more tears to Kyungsoo. Areum patted Kyungsoo's back dearly as she pulled him closer. Areum bit her lower lips as she felt her chest tightened again. It was happening more and more often but chose to just endure the excruciating pain.


Areum's hands were cold. As cold as the weather. Her heart thumped against her chest really hard, causing her breath to become irregular. Cold sweat kept oozing from its pore. Everything seemed wrong. Areum could not stay still. For the umpteenth time, she took a glance at the clock on the wall. 12.55 a.m. 5 minutes left. 5 minutes left before her life change.  5 minutes more before their arrival. No, his arrival. 

Areum interlaced her fingers together and brought them to her forehead. She threw her gaze to the floor as if it could calm her chaotic mind. A sigh escaped from her lips. Areum lift her head and looked around her room for the last time. Her eyes stopped at a teddy bear placed on her bed. A smile formed on her face as the memory of him flashed into her mind. I hope you will live happily after this.

A knock brought in-trance Areum back to the earth. Her gaze shifted to the guy who was standing at her door frame. His smile somehow soothed her. Without being asked, the guy paced towards Areum and sat beside her. He took her hand and gave it a light squeeze, coaxing the latter. It was working as a smile was creased on the girl face. 

"You don't have to do it if you're scared Areum" the guy looked straight to the girl's eyes. The guy felt reluctant to send his best friend away but he knew nothing could change the girl's decision. He did not have any choice other than supporting her. 

Areum shook her head subtly. She moved closer to her only best friend and gave him a hug. She the back of his head gently. Her hand traveled from his head to his back and patted it lightly. Areum tried her best not to shed even a drop of tear. She would make it hard for her best friend if he saw her cried.

"Kyungsoo, thanks for everything. When I'm gone, please take care of my parents. Promise me, you will be the best Quera and...." Areum paused and pulled away from Kyungsoo. 

"Please be happy" Areum continued and tapped Kyungsoo's cheek lightly as she always did. Kyungsoo forced a smile and nodded. He bit his lower lips discreetly, refused to show his sadness in front of his best friend. He had to be tough. For Areum. His Areum.

A loud siren rang throughout the city, alerting The Quera of human's arrival. Never Kyungsoo felt, a siren could make his chest tightened this much, as much as Areum's. Areum could hear her front door was opened and then closed. She knew her parents had gone, keeping their duty as a Quera. I'll miss you mom, dad.

Kyungsoo stood up, followed by Areum. They walked together, hand in hand as Kyungsoo led the way. Kyungsoo felt his steps became heavier and heavier as they became closer to the front door. His grip on Areum's hand became tighter as he turned the door knob.

Both of them stood still in front of the yard, looking at each other eyes. Their hands still locked into each other. Kyungsoo was the first one to release Areum's hand. He brought Areum closer to him and hugged her tightly. The tears that he had been holding burst as they rolled down his cheeks. 

"I'll miss you Areum" Kyungsoo muffled in his cry, almost incoherent. They hugged each other for a long time before Areum pulled away.

"Take care Kyungsoo" Areum turned around and scurried to the direction of the city. She burst into tears as she ran far away from Kyungsoo and soon she was already sobbing.

Far enough, she halted and crouched down. She hugged her knees and bumped her face into her arms. She lifted her head after awhile and took a deep breath and calmed herself. She stood up and fixed her hair. With a new spirit, she started moving.

The clock had struck 13.00 am...

There was a guy she had to find..

She needed to give him..

Her life.

Baekhyun.....I will do anything for you..

As long as you'll be happy



Okay. Am I too harsh on Areum, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo? Emm.. maybe XD Btw, I have to finish this story fast. Less than a month I have to further my study again.. TT Comments are much appreciated! Just want to let you know, I love reading comments and feedbacks =))

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findaa #1
Chapter 28: This ia soo good, I love it.. . I'm crying river, huhu.. . But as long as Baekhyun has happy ending, it's okay
i'll start read it
such a well written story!! i cried T^T
Chapter 28: I cried through all chapters i've read..that's all..i hope you understand TT
bjonas84 #5
Chapter 28: Thank you for a great ending. You know you ended the story like we can have part 2 of this story a bout their life kkkkkkkkk It can be a good one too
Thank you
Chapter 28: I'm so happy that areum with baek and really love the ending huhuhuhu And poor kyungsoo had to sacrifice . I really love the ending
Chapter 28: I'm so happy that areum with baek and really love the ending huhuhuhu And poor kyungsoo had to sacrifice . I really love the ending
Chapter 28: After ending also i dont know how to stop crying.this story is too cute and thanks god beak is alive but also sad tat kyungsoo sacrifice for beak awk i love kyungsoo.Perfect ending for such a beautiful story.
bjonas84 #9
Chapter 27: Why you ended it like that. You know the deserve a happy ending after everything because he was suffering all the time :(
Am really sad
Chapter 27: No please dont tell me this is the end of beakhyun why it is soooo sad.