First Sight

Destiny's Way

 Onew likes a girl who is frank and has her own thoughts.

Taemin likes a girl who's heart is unchanging like a sunflower.

Minho likes a girl who is kind hearted, and has long straight hair and a pretty smile.

Jonghyun likes a girl who looks pretty smiling. (His Ideal type changes from time to time though)

Key likes a girl who is stylish, frank and passionate in both work and love.


Which Ideal type does Eun Hye fit ? 

Destiny, is a funny thing.  You never know what it has installed for you.

And sometimes, you might just end up falling for the most unexpected person...




''AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'' Eun Hye and Key yelled. The hall was filled with the echoes of their screams, as the rest of the SHINee boys stared at them in confusion.

''YAH! Hyung hyung hyung.'' Key dragged Onew to the side to complain.

'' We're no where near Christmas. What is this Christmas tree doing here? ''

 She better not be staying here.

''Come on Key. Charming Key.  Eun Hye is only going to be here for a few months'' Jonghyun said.

''When were you next to us? Wait ... A few months? Only?  YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME HYUNG ! '' Key exclaimed.



It's the new semester at Hanyang High School of Seoul, one of the best and most elite high school's in Korea. For a new transfer student, you blended in fairly well with the rest of the school population. ( And no, you didn't transfer to Hanyang just to see your crush Choi Minho. It was always your dream to get into Hanyang. So let's just say Minho being in the very same school was a super mega ultra huge, little bonus. Keke)

You had spotted Minho on the very first day you transferred to Hanyang. He was in the same Mathematics Class as you. Damn you were so going to fail Math this year.

The last bell had just rung and you were rushing to you're next class venue, Biology, when you collided into guy and fell on top of 'him'.

''I'm so sorry. I'm-'' You open your eyes, only to find yourself staring straight into the eyes of this guy with rainbow coloured hair. There was something about his eyes that was just so mesmerising that you just froze in that position.

'Hey girl.'Leaned enough?''

Not only does she have no fashion sense, she's tonnes heavier than Taeminnie

You jump up and had a quick glance of his loud outfit. He was wearing silver skinny jeans and scarlet red hot boots that would have looked ridiculous on anyone less beautiful.

Who is he? He sounds like the person the girls were talking about just now. One of the Kingkas?

''Hey Christmas tree.You've completely ruined my Project Model'' he breaks your chain of thoughts.

''Christmas tree?''

'' Who wears a green dress with white polka dots and a yellow scarf?'' he laughed.

''Which guy wears silver skinny jeans with red boots?'' you shoot back.

''A guy looking better than you''


''Enough crapping. What are you going to do about my model?''

How can this guy be a Kingka? He's so rude. 

With that thought in your head, you grab the model and give it a hard kick.

''That's for your lousy attitude helmet boy.'' and you stomped off.




''There is no way im allowing this walking tree to stay with us. Taking the same classes as her is enough to drive me crazy. I object. '' Key crossed his arms and shoots Jonghyun a glare.

''Come on. Charming Key is more charming than that right? Besides, aren't you suppose to redo the model? Its our house. Our rules. You can always get her to do it for you.'' Jonghyun whispered.

I do need to redo the model, and its going to take hours by myself...

''Alright. She stays. Provided this Christmas tree has presents below her.'' Key said as he returned to his room.

''Presents? Is Noona going to buy presents for us?'' Taemin asked innocently.

''Taemin ah~ I think what Key means is, she can stay as long as she's of use.'' Minho laughs.

Minho catches you stealing a glance at him. He smiles.

''Don't worry Eun Hye. Key isn't normally like that. You don't have to do anything if you wont want to. I'll protect you.''  He messes your hair, before going back to Taemin who had been calling for Minho for sometime.

Does she understand my feelings this way?

Pr-Protect me.. 

You blush.

At another corner of the room, Jonghyun and Onew had been silently observing.

Does Minho like her ?

''When were you ever so helpful Jonghyun?'' Onew whispered.

''She's cute''  Jonghyun said.

''Okay O-''

''She's cute'' Jonghyun says again.

''Jonghyun!'' Onew yelled.

''Hush. But she's really cute.''

''Ugh'' Onew shakes his head.

Not Jonghyun too.


You stand by the window, and watch the rain trickle down the window planes.

This is it Eun Hye. The start of your new life.






That's the end of Chap Two! Seems likes Key has finally made his appearance! And our SHINee boys seem to be slowly falling for you. But which exactly will be true love? And who will the him be? The one, your fated to love.

Hope you enjoyed he first two Chapters! More twists installed. The next few Chapters are going to be longer.Do give some comments(:  You may mention who you want  Eun Hye to end up with as well.



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Oh gosh, something's gonna happen! Can't wait for your next update! ^^
omo omo omo~ MinCole or KeyCole~? XD XD
Update soon~
Yaaay a new update!! ^-^ on the day i hav finshed exams.. I LOVE U UNNIE! <333 oh oh is key the one who saves her? :3 cant waaait ^.^
You're so lucky to be able to go to Beautiful Show!! I wanna go but I can't. :(
Maybe do a blog post about it? ^^
update soon eonni ><"
by the way, the poster is so cool <3
I like the poster <3
I actully held back my studying when i sow that ther was an update.... The smile was soooo big..u shouldve saved me unnie!! Physics is killingme T.T <<looking for ways to escape studying... ><