Chapter 7






Chapter 7




After all, I was able to tell that each of SVT’s members was looking at someone they have their eyes on. It was that obvious. But I was surprise that each of our bias are looking at us. “I’m gonna faint again.” I look around and found myself dropping down to the floor. Now not because of Jeonghan but my body just act by itself. Bang! My body fell and I out.





YOON’S POV – SVT’s Dance Studio




My body fell and I out. It was tiring for me since I was the leader and eldest in the group. All the girls regard me as the leader so I have no choice but to go with it. During the week while we were practicing and learning the languages, I was down with flu but I went to doctors’ and was on medication. I was so much better today but seems like my body could not take it.


Everyone was crowding around me as I could see from waking up. My visions were so blurry that I don’t even know who is who.


HAN: “OMMA!!!! NOONA!!! OMMA~” she yelled.

LYN: “UMMA!!!” she cries.

“NO!!!!!” both Han & Lyn cries at the sight I was down on the floor. Han kept on shaking me as I could feel it when I was waking up.


HAN: “NO!!! DON’T LEAVE ME OMMA!!! I DON’T HAVE APPA SO PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” being dramatic and over reacting and fake crying at the same time. Feby just could not stand it and slap Han’s head. Han then turn around and look at Feby with a stare.


FEBY: “She just pass out. Don’t be so dramatic, Han!” while looking at Han and shaking her head at the same time. The boys just look confused to what we are saying and just focus back to me.


Han was about to shake me again but Jeonghan and S.Coups stop Han and say to bring me to the sofa first. S.Coups was about to carry me up but Jeonghan was a step faster and carries me up. Doogi was like bending down in front of S.Coups to carry me but Jeonghan beats him too.



With Jeonghan carrying me to the sofa, the girls were trailing behind Jeonghan. When he puts me down, the girls crowd around me and push Jeonghan out of the way.


Han then started to shake me again to try to wake me up but instead she got scolded by Doogi oppa. “Gosh! Im Jung Han! Stop that! She’s gonna be fine so will you please stop with those dramatic actions?!” Doogi oppa couldn’t stand Han anymore.


Han did not care Doogi oppa and the rest and just continue with her actions. She shake me real hard that I was starting to wake up and waking up from the noise.


HAN: “OMMA!!!! WAKE UP!!!!” she yelled as she shake me.

YOON: “I’m not dead yet so don’t be so over & dramatic. Hannie, what the hell is wrong with you?!” I said softly and try to bring myself up.


The rest of MOUNTEEN were really worried and look at me as if I am really sick. “Girls, I’m fine so don’t need to worry so much about me alright?” I assured them but they look in disbelieve. Feby help me up and I signal to them that I am really fine.


Doogi oppa was also worried and insist me on seeing the doctor. Well, the girls as well as Doogi oppa does not know that fact that I hate to go to the doctors’. I refused and Doogi oppa was kind of pissed off.

The SVT boys look at me and asks, “You were sick and you still can do all those just now?” I nod and they continued, “You are amazing but you REALLY need to go to the hospital right now!” S.Coups and Hoshi commanded and emphasized on the ‘REALLY’ part.


I still refused and Doogi oppa was looking really irritated. The quiet Jeonghan suddenly just took action into pulling me up and helping out of the studio door where I was totally unaware of. I looked dumbfounded and look up to my members mouthing to them to help me away but they just let Jeonghan help me out. Of course I still reject the fact to go to hospital but then Jeonghan look serious into my eyes and carried me up.


JH: “You are so going to the hospital, my precious fan!” he sounds really serious and angry at that time where I was so taken aback by Jeonghan’s angry look. I flinched and listen to him. The girls were giggling softly at the back with the boys.


Before the door closes, I heard someone saying, “Looks like Jeonghan hyung has feelings for her, S.Coups hyung.” It sounds like DK talking to S.Coups.


Just seconds later, the girls giggle ends and their worry faces came back. Mingyu was comforting Rin while Vernon was assuring Feby that I will be fine.


Woozi was beside Han and telling her not to do any over actions again and reassured Han that I will be fine at the hospital.


Wonwoo and Hoshi were both holding Jo and Kyo’s hand to make them feel at ease while DK gives Jean’s hand a peck telling her how safe I will be with Jeonghan.


Joshua and The8 hugs Lyn and Eun respectively trying to comfort them. The rest of the boys were kind of jealous that they don’t have a girl to look after and take care off. Seungkwan look at Joshua and pouts with his arms folded.


After a while, we all head to the hospital to find me and Jeonghan with Doogi oppa tagging along.





-At The Hospital-


I was admitted to the hospital with Jeonghan beside me. After the doctor examine me in A&E, I was pushed to a room. The rest then came coming in.


Doogi oppa: “What did the doctor say?” asking Jeonghan.

JH: “The doctor didn’t say a thing but just push her here.” He replied.


Just as they finish talking, a doctor came walking in. Before the doctor could talk, he was stopped by Doogi oppa. “How is she?” pointing to me. “I’m her manager so please tell me her condition.” Doogi oppa say in a worry voice.


The doctor just says that I just fatigue and I need to be hospitalized for just a day to strengthen up my body. Lucky I am not in any critical condition. All of them were relieved hearing that.





-The Day After-


I was discharged from the hospital and feeling really great. MOUNTEEN was in the dance studio learning new dance moves and choreography. Seventeen was there too to help us. Instead of me running around and playing around, I was being watched by my members as well as all of Seventeen. This really spoils my mood. I don’t like being treated like a patient that still needs care. We were being scattered around in the studio.


Jeonghan, Joshua, The8, Lyn, Eun and me are in a group at a corner of the studio practicing after our dance practice. S.Coups, Dino, DK, Kyo, Jean and Rin were together while the rest were in another group.


My group was basically learning the basics of vocal training so as to firm up our vocal base. S.Coups group was learning the basics of rapping and Hoshi’s group was learning korean.


We change groups from time to time and the members do change along. After all the learning and practicing, we all gathered together in a huge circle. It was 8:50pm and S.Coups asks, “What do you all want to do?” I interrupt by saying “How about sorting out our age order first?” since ever since we get together, Seventeen did not greet us by our age since I was admitted to the hospital so suddenly.


Everyone nodded in unison and we started sorting out. I was the eldest among all 22 of them. Then followed by Feby and then Kyo. The three of us or older then then rest so we will be called unnie or noona. While the rest of the girls will have to call the boys oppas. So, our age order has been settled.


“Now, what do we do?” Hoshi asks. We had nothing to do so we were really bored. We just look around in the studio and that’s it.


YOON: “Can we go to the park or the beach?” I ask carefully.

Jeonghan just then give me a don’t-you-dare glare upon hearing what I comment.


“NO!” “No way.” Almost everyone give the same reaction and answer. I was disappointed upon hearing that.


SC: “Noona, it’s not that we don’t want to go to the beach or park. It is just that you just came back from the hospital and you just recover. We don’t want you to get sick again. It’s too cold out there. Plus, even if I agree, Jeonghan wouldn’t let you out.” He said worrying about me and tells me the truth.


Jeonghan was just glaring at S.coups after what he said.


LYN: “Unnie~ Please just stay indoors alright? We don’t want that scene to happen again. We were so worried and scared that day.” Shaking me lightly and persuading me.


FEBY: “Yes, Yoon. We really hate that sight, you know.” Showing me her worried face.


HAN: “Omma, I hate to see you in that state. Please, pleaseeee just stay with us, okay?” she aegyoed and pouts at me making me flustered.


KYO: “Who’s with me in carrying our angel leader back to the dorm?” she suddenly asks the girls. Jean, Eun, Jo and the rest excluding me raised their hands and suddenly plopping me up with their arms bringing me out.


I was surprised and dumbfounded so I wanted to jump off but I was stopped by Han. I look at Han and she just smirks at me. Oh damn I hate it when Han does that.


Jeonghan, Woozi, Hoshi, Mingyu, DK, Joshua, The8, Vernon and Wonwoo quickly stood up and came near to us.


Jeonghan pulled me down and said, “She’s with me. Don’t steal her away from me.” Startling the rest of the boys by pulling me near his body and back-hugging me. My eyes became so big and my stomach has butterflies flying all around. My heart was beating so fast that my face was turning so red.


Everyone mouthed “Oo…” at us. Then all the rest the boys who stood up did the same to the girls. This time it was me mouthing to them. Just by looking at this scene makes me feel so warm since Jeonghan was with me also.


My vision turns to Seungkwan because he’s just too cute by just pouting. The rest just finds it irritating and too dazzling because there are too many couples here. “Let’s go.” S.Coups interrupts since he couldn’t take it anymore.


Seventeen and us stay in the same building but different unit to our surprise. They walk us to our dorm first then they walk back to their dorm. It was so far yet so close. Their dorm is just 2 units down on the right for us.


“So, aren’t you gonna stay in our dorm for a while?” Lyn asks Joshua but he shook his head. Lyn then looks at the floor but Joshua use his hand to hold Lyn’s face up. “We will one day. But not for now, sweetie.” He smiles and gives Lyn a peck on her cheek.


We all waved goodbye to them while Hoshi, Woozi, Mingyu, Vernon, Wonwoo, DK, The8 and Jeonghan take a step forward and hug us before they leave. They gave us a peck on our cheek also making all of us blushing.


We closed the door then head to our rooms and the washroom to change and wash up. Not long after, all of us fall onto our beds and fell asleep.





-The Next Day-


Knock knock


Ring ring ring~


The door bell rings while we are still asleep. I woke up half asleep to get to the door and open it. I was surprise by their visit. “What are you doing here, guys?” pointing to them at the door.





Hey guys, here is the chapter. Sorry if this story is too cringy. Sorry for any mistakes too~ :P So Seventeen & MOUNTEEN got together and there are 9 couples now. How is it? Please do support and vote!  ^^

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Junrikim8 #1
Chapter 1: the last one tho ........ my name is una and im from malaysia ...


Take care~~~

Dunot stress yourself~~~

Love you~~~

P/s not Han. ㅋㅋㅋ
Yinrie #3
Chapter 2: Unnie fighting!! <3