Chapter 10








Chapter 10



“Hmm...” I humbled out to myself. “Who was that?” but I quickly divert my attention back to the sign I am creating.


Doogi oppa came up with…. a girl?! Doogi oppa only see me around so he introduces me to her.






“Hmm...” I humbled out to myself. “Who was that?” but I quickly divert my attention back to the sign I am creating.


Doogi oppa came up with…. a girl?! Doogi oppa only see me around so he introduces me to her.


DOOGI: “Jeoungeun, meet Oh Shin Hee. She’s also a trainee in Pledis Entertainment. The CEO wants you girls to get to know each other.” He said smiling and his vision always turn to Shin Hee.


I pause for a moment and thought of that name. “Hmm…” I thought to myself since the name rings a bell to me. But I can’t remember anything with that name. But surely, I do remember her somewhere. She’s just too familiar that I could not relate anything I thought of.


“What is she here? What does she wants?” suddenly these pops out in my mind. The girls suddenly came out of their rooms and washrooms respectively and were almost ready so I decide to head to my room to get my bag.


I felt weird while dragging my body to my room. I put my handphone into my bag and carry it while thinking what was wrong. My memories started to come back and I screeched. The girls heard it and came running in.


“Oh Shin Hee! That Shin Hee! ARGH!!! WHAT THE HELL?! Seriously, what’s she doing here!? That ! She better stay away from me man!” I said with hatred and anger.


ELLY: “UNNIE! Are you alright?!” she opens her eyes wide while rushing in.

LYN: “OMMA?! What’s wrong?” she questions looking confuse.

FEBY: “EUNAH! CHILL! What’s wrong?” trying to calm me down while I was looking really pissed off.


Obviously all the rest saw my expression and was scared of me and they backed off. “What happened?” Doogi oppa came banging in my room worried about me.






Back in the states in Middle School, I was 14 years old I met Oh Shin Hee. She was really pretty and the boys in our school were her fans and pursuers. I had to admit cause she’s really pretty and she gives off this charisma like Naeun from A-Pink.


She was that pretty. I got to know her and we became friends. She was a year my junior which she was born in the year 1994.


We knew each other and became close friends in just 2 weeks. I look after her and took care of her. We spend our times together for a year and things started to change after that.


So she was just acting in front of me, just trying to use me as a shield. Ever since she stabbed me in the back, I didn’t have a good feeling of her. She slowly changes to one that would use ways to get what she wants.


 Then I found out that some things she did, I was horrified. She betrayed me, stabbed me in the back and actually tried to put the blame on me for not doing anything with what she have done.


What a scheming and a horrible . I totally flipped and cut ties and contact with her. I went to confront her by myself but ended up being beaten up by her followers with her watching sarcastically at the side. I swear to myself that I won’t even get near her or befriend her anymore.


I trust her so much and yet she betrays me. I was so hurt that day and couldn’t bring myself to school the next day.


After that, she keeps on coming to me for problems and almost makes me explode. I went up to her and yelled. [All conversations below were being spoke in English.]


YOON: “You . Stop coming to me or else I will report to the principal and the cops. One more move I will make sure you and your followers will end up in court!” I yelled in her face and walk off without turning back.


SH: “Yah…. Hope you will really do that.” She said with a smirking and sarcasm tone and giggled like I wouldn’t do it but I was really determined to do it as I clench both of my fists together.


For the rest of my last year in middle school, it was TOO HAPPENING for me since she kept on barging on me. I hate it to the core that all the things were just incoming just for me. “FREAK SHIN HEE!! BASTARD SHIN HEE! SHE WILL HAVE HER KARMA SOMEDAY IN TIME MAN!” I thought angrily to myself and bang my table while I was at my study desk.


Her personality and character some much at the thought of reflection with her as a friend, no, a close friend. I was so stupid that I fell for her trick. DAMN!


*End of flashback*





Since some of the girls are in my room with Doogi oppa without Shin Hee, I decided to tell my past to them.


They quietly listen to me and Doogi oppa was the first to speak up.


DOOGI: “Don’t think that way, maybe she have changed and you don’t know.” Obviously he was siding Shin Hee since he likes her and finds her really pretty. I knew it when always turn his vision to her.


FEBY: “I’m with Yoon! I trust her. Who’s gonna listen to her?” staring at the rest, signaling and mouthing that Doogi oppa was totally immersed with Shin Hee. The rest didn’t know what to choose so Feby speaks up again.


FEBY: “Listen. Has Yoon hurt you girls before? Have she did something behind your back or stabbed you behind your back? Did she betray or bully you all before?” she became really serious with this topic. The rest shook their head in agreement and decided to back me up.


HAN: “We will be with you omma! We trust you.” She hugs me.


All of them are making me touched and started to tear up because Shin Hee who started the cause made everyone in school hate me like I am the worse human being on earth. But all the cause started with Shin Hee doing everything by herself.


 We all tried to act in front of Shin Hee and went for our practice. At the mean time, Han and I were busy with composing for our debut album.


Things went fine for us with Shin Hee with us. However, I still hate the fact that she is with us now. But not part of MOUNTEEN so I am really relieved.




-Dinner Time-


We were having our dinner together and the boys came in with another girl. “Oh gosh! How many members will there be?!” I thought to myself. At this time, it was husna who came in and we called her by her nickname; Una.


Once Shin Hee left the room, we all drag the boys and Una near us and tell them everything about Shin Hee. Some didn’t believe since they already knew her before us. I told them that I knew her when I was 14 then they gave me their wide eyes.


Some were immersed with her beauty too and some just stand at our side. Jeonghan was one of them. I was flaring up and getting irritated at the fact they didn’t listen.


JH: “Baby, chill. I will always be there for you.” my back to calm me down. My eyes were filled with hatred and anger and the boys suddenly notice the change in my face.




Tears started to fill in Lyn’s and Dino’s eyes since they didn’t know I can be this pissed off. I excuse myself to calm myself down so that I won’t end up shouting and hurting them. It’s true that ever since Shin Hee came, I couldn’t control my emotions well and I get emotional easily.


I step out of the building and take some fresh air in. Jeonghan was trailing behind me since he was shock by the way I behave.


He hugged me tightly and said, “Baby, I don’t know what’s with you now but I know you need some support now so I’m gonna stay by your side now.” Tears filled in my eyes and I started crying. I couldn’t stop cause at any time Shin Hee may come up with something and I need to protect the girls.


I fell onto Jeonghan’s chest and started crying out loud. He my head and pats my back to comfort me since he knew I was going through a lot of pressure and stress with the debut album and Shin Hee. He felt so bad and didn’t know what to do since he never been through any of those.


JH: “Baby… I didn’t know that you are feeling so down and tied up because of all the happenings now.”

Seventeen was busy with their schedule and they will be away for filming for around a week. He feel so bad cause he didn’t have enough time to spend with me. I felt the same because I was busy composing and choreographing the dances for our debut.


JH: “I promise that I will spend more time with you after the filming.” Hugging me tightly with his voice choking.


We went back to the studio after washing up with Jeonghan by my side. We step into the room and saw Shin Hee flirting with Mingyu and Wonwoo.


SH: “So, would you be my boyfriend?” playing with Mingyu’s necklace.


I started to feel fire coming out from my body and Jeonghan sense it. He quickly my back to calm me down. Mingyu left and she went up to Wonwoo.


SH: “Hi cool guy~ Would you be my boyfriend?” also playing with Wonwoo clothes and bit her lips this time.


YOON: “Tchk. So desperate for a boyfriend?! Which would get a boyfriend at this rate!?” I said with hatred softly and Joenghan heard it. I felt a short slap on my back and turn my vision to Jeonghan. “Don’t swear babe.” He said.


This time S.coups came in after his visit to the washroom. She walks up to him with Min running towards him but stop because Shin Hee was in front of him.


SH: “Hey cheollie, mind being my boyfriend?” turning around him and playing with his small tie. Obviously, Min, Jeonghan and I saw everything she did to S.coups and she just ignores that fact.


Min was obviously mad at her for flirting with her boyfriend and went up to her. She pulled Shin Hee away from Coups. She then slaps her face for flirting with her boy.


MIN: “Another move from you, I will hand you straight to the CEO, GET IT?!” she yelled at her and walks away. Coups was shock at the scene where Min slapped Shin Hee. Huh, guess woman’s jealousy is really scary.



One tight slap was given to Min on her cheek and it immediately became tomato red. Her tears started to fall from her eyes and Coups came up running towards her. I wanted to rush to Min by was stopped by Jeonghan. “Let Coups and Min handle this by themselves. They can’t always need you there.” Jeonghan explained.



Coups held Min’s hand and turn her over to his vision. He held her head up by her chin and wipe the tears from her eyes. His heart aches so much to see the fact of Shin Hee doing that. He then thought twice of what I’ve said and tells Min, “I’m sorry for not listening to you and Jeongeun. If not, this would not have happen.” Feeling guilty while wiping his girlfriend’s tears.



He rubs Min’s red cheek and blow on it to subside the pain. Shin Hee saw it and pull Coups away.


SH: “He’s mine. Who says that you can get near him you !” she said loudly.


Coups snapped off Shin Hee’s grip and walks to Min, pulling her to his body and hug her.


SC: “She’s mine and you are not gonna get cause I will be with her forever. And I really mean FOREVER!” he said really loudly making the rest turn.


SC: “I didn’t know you can be this y. Glad that I am not that CLOSE with you!” emphasizing on the ‘close’ word.  


Shin Hee flinch a little and Jeonghan and me went to a corner of the studio. She saw me walking pass so instinctively she grab me to pour her emotions out.


She grabs me, pulling me to her and gave me punch in my tummy. Then she forcefully pushes me down causing me to fall hardly on the floor. Everyone saw in shock and came rushing up to me. “Why am I always her punching bag!?” I shouted and screamed in pain.


I fell hardly on the floor. I wanted to use my hands as support but I fell too hard that I hurt my hip and my head. Bang! I was flat on the floor cringing in pain.


Jeonghan ran to me and see if I was alright but obviously I was not. Those who side with Shin Hee in the beginning change their mind after they saw what she did. All of them gave her hatred stare and rush over to me.


The girls are much more pissed off with the sight of Shin Hee pushing me down. “!” I heard Kyo saying. “You--” Ann pauses as she points at Shin Hee with an angry face. “BASTARD!” Han said.


Doogi oppa was surprised by what Shin Hee had done and he rush over to see I was alright. Upon seeing me in so much pain, he called the ambulance and escorted Shin Hee out of the room.


DOOGI: “You are not staying with them anymore. I will tell the CEO everything that has just happen and just wait and see.” He said with anger in him and told Shin Hee harshly.


Everyone said sorry to me and I shake my head to show that I don’t blame them. They try to help me up but Doogi oppa say not to since I knock my head.


The ambulance came and I was brought to the hospital. I was discharged in the afternoon the next day since I was fine after that fall.


I got three days of rest because of my injury and I didn’t hear a thing about Shin Hee after that day.


Ding Dong


I heard the door ring and want to go downstairs but my injury was hurting too much. I get up really slowly and get out of bed. The girls are in the studio practicing their dance while I am resting at the dorm.


I felt really bored so I took my laptop and start again on the lyrics. The door bell rang so I put away my laptop but I couldn’t move much.


I took 5 minutes to get to the door and opened. Damn. That girl was standing in front of me again. I look at the sides of her to check of other people are around. Lucky she was alone so I just ignore her and slam the door in front of her face.


I went back up slowly back to my room. “OPEN THAT DAMN DOOR!” she shouted. I simply ignore her and return to my room. “I hate her!” I said to myself softly.




Hi! Here’s chapter 10 and I hope you guys like it. :D Firstly, I apologize for those cruse words in the fanfic. Secondly, sorry for the violence. I just want to add dynamics in the storyline that’s all. So, how is it? Is it too dramatic? Although Oh Shin Hee just appear in the chapter, but she will appear in other chapters too. I was thinking of a character that can cause uproar within the boys and the girls, so here it is. I would like to thank those who subscribe and vote for me! XD Please continue to support! <3

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Junrikim8 #1
Chapter 1: the last one tho ........ my name is una and im from malaysia ...


Take care~~~

Dunot stress yourself~~~

Love you~~~

P/s not Han. ㅋㅋㅋ
Yinrie #3
Chapter 2: Unnie fighting!! <3