Chapter 2








After around 14 hours of a long flight, I have finally reach Korea!







“Yes!” I said as I put a fist into the air. “Finally I have reach Seoul!” as I stretch myself. I look around and try to find the Starbucks café. I look at my watch and thought “The girls should reach Seoul at anytime now. I should head there now.” showing a wide smile on my face. I’ve walk and stop, walk and stop finding the Starbucks café. “Weird. I research it on the net and it should be around here.” I talk to myself and scratch my head.


Suddenly someone jumped onto me. “Wooh! You scared the hell of me! Wait, you are?” I ask and calm myself down. “Remember me?” a girl who is slightly taller than me. “Oh! Oh! It’s you Feby~” I smile and hug her. She is Feby and is the closest to me in the group. “You’re so pretty!” I scan at her clothes and her. “Ok, where’s the rest?” both of us said at the same time and we laugh. We tiptoe a little to see if there are any familiar faces coming nearby. Then we walk and find the café again together.


After for a short while, we still can’t find the café. I went to someone nearby that looks like a staff in the airport and ask, “Excuse me. Do you know where Starbucks café is?” The staff smiled and kindly point to the direction where the café is. “Thank you.” I said in Korean smiling widely. “Let’s go” I said to Feby linking our hands together.


After 15 minutes, slowly one by one all gather. I was counting and naming them out, “Feby, Jo, Jean, Angel and Firdha. Nice to meet you all! I am so happy that we are able to meet up like this!” I was smiling so widely and I wanted to hug the girls but they avoided me. I pout at them and all come up hugging together. Firdha then said “Call me Eun Hee instead, ok?” We all nod.


“Let’s head to the hotel now, ok?” I ask and all gave thumbs up. We took our luggages and head out of the airport. We got onto the taxi and head straight to the hotel. Since all of us are tired because of the flight, we checked in and rest for the rest of the day but we do chat together before we go for our bedtime.





It was a great time with the girls that we have been chatting on LINE only but it was really fun to meet everyone in person. Well not everyone in the fan group. I met Cath first then the rest of the girls came coming in. They are all so pretty in person, well all of us I believe. Cath was the one who helped me when I was down. Now as I meet her in person, or even online, she’s still such a nice girl. I do not get it why no guys like her. Oh well, I cannot change it as that’s the fact.


Now, since Cath is in the washroom I call the girls to gather closer. “Girls, remember what Cath message us before on LINE that she didn’t have a boyfriend before?” All of them nodded and chat about Cath for the few minutes while she was in the washroom. When Cath came out, we all act as if nothing happen. “What’s with you girls?” Cath asked. “Nothing.” All of us answered in union smiling.


“Ok… Something’s definitely going on here.” Cath suddenly said. We all look in shock at Cath and stared at her for a few seconds. “She’s really a psychic.” I whispered softly to the rest with my hand covering from Cath’s vision. “Never mind.” Cath said then she asks, “Should we do some intros?” Well, that was sudden. “Sure.” I said. “At least we will know more of each other now.” Smiling at the girls.


“I’ll start.” I volunteered and stand up. “I am Feby from Indonesia, born on 26 February 1994 and standing at 165cm tall. You all can call me Shin Ah Rin or Feby. Ok, now you Cath.” I point to her and sit down.


“I am Cath from USA, LA, born on 29 July 1993 and standing at 163cm tall. You all can call me Yoon Jeongeun or Cath or Leena. You all know it since I intro myself in the group.” I smile and signal to Jo to stand up.


“I am Jo from New Zealand, born on 5 May 2001 and standing at 156cm tall.” Looking down while saying her height. “You all can call me Jo Se Young or Jo as you wish.” She sat down and I said comforting her “You’re not short. It’s just that Angel is TOO TALL!” All of us started laughing and I am happy that Jo look better now.


“I am Jean from USA, born on 30 June 2001 and standing at 160cm tall. I am not that tall either so Jo, don’t be sad. I’m with you. You all can call me Lee Soo Jin aka Yin.” I smiled at all of them and our maknae stood up. She really is REAL tall. Her figure was like… OMG!


“Wow! You’re so slim like a model.” I heard Firdha talking. “Thanks. Now, let me introduce myself. I am Lynnette Hong Ji Yeon aka Angelina as you all know.” Angel introduced. “Hong Joshua’s sister?” Jean jokingly asks. “Nah… Back to the topic, I am from Singapore and born on 16 August 2003. My height is 168cm. I know I am tall but I didn’t want this.” Angel pouts and sits down. Cath then her head like a mother comforting her. What a scene.


Lastly was Firdha. “I am Jung Eun Hee aka Firdha or Tohka. I am born in Indonesia same as Feby and my height is the same as her too, 165cm. My birthday…. is on 22nd January 2001.There, I’m done.” All of smiled and look at the clock. It’s 00:06 hours. Cath being the mother character then shooed everyone back to the room for their bedtime. I just laugh at the sight and leave the room. Well, Cath and Angel share a room while Jean and I share one and Firdha & Jo share one room. All of us head back to the room and wash up before we all sleep.





It was 9:26am and I have waked up naturally. I go and wash up quietly not wanting to wake Angel.  Around 15 minutes later, I go near Angel to wake her up. “Yeonie yah~ Time to wake up.” I call Angel. “Err… Let me sleep for some more.” Angel said sleepily. “Don’t you want to go and see SEVENTEEN?” I tease Angel awake. She suddenly got up which startled me. Angel slowly wakes up and get ready and which she finds that it’s still early in the morning. She then glares at me when I just laugh it off.


Its 10:10am in the morning and all of us gather at the lobby. We ask each other what we want to do for today before heading to SEVENTEEN’s concert.



LYN: “To the beach!”

EUN: “Park!”

JEAN: “Gangnam for shopping!”


There was a stop of silence. Everyone turn to Jo and stare at her for a few seconds.

LYN: “Seriously, Jo. Pledis? Do you think we are able to GET in there?”

FEBY: “Don’t be serious about that Jo.” “Okay,

YOON: “Okay… we go to the park of a while then head to Gangnam for shopping. How’s that?”

All replied “Yes.” or “alright.”

YOON: “We will come back to change or put our things down then head to SEVENTEEN’s concert, alright?”

The rest gave thumbs up or an ok sign.


Around 15 minutes later, we arrive at the park. “Wow. It’s really beautiful here.” Everyone exclaimed. We all walk around for 20 minutes then head to Gangnam for shopping. Well, while shopping, I can say that the clothes we saw were expensive. Gosh. But we did not know that time passes so fast as we shop. I look at my watch and it is 5:02pm. I urge them that we need to go now before we are late for their concert. We all finish up with our last shop and head back to the hotel.


It was a 30 minutes ride from where we are back to the hotel. We went back up to our rooms to put our things down and change to our outfit that we have prepared before hand for SVT’s concert. We head to the concert arena and found many fans waiting in line already. It was fast that we got in the arena and guess what, we are standing near the stage. OH MY GOSH!!!!!


Minutes past and the concert just started. We are so lucky that we get to see all of SVT members so up close. I am never so happy in my life before. The next is I see my bias Jeonghan on stage and screamed! His eyes and my eyes met with my face starting to turn red.






Hey! So this is chapter 2. It’s really long and draggy here so hope u guys won’t mind. J Sorry in advance if there is any grammatical errors or mistakes please forgive me. :D Well, guess what. More romance and comedy will come out from the next chapter. Please do vote and comment! Thank you all for reading my fanfic. *Bows 90 degrees*

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Junrikim8 #1
Chapter 1: the last one tho ........ my name is una and im from malaysia ...


Take care~~~

Dunot stress yourself~~~

Love you~~~

P/s not Han. ㅋㅋㅋ
Yinrie #3
Chapter 2: Unnie fighting!! <3