Chapter 4






Chapter 4




Just then, their manager came in and tells them that they have to leave. So SVT bowed and said goodbye while their manager stay in the room with us.







“What are your handphone numbers?” the manager asks directly.


Wow! I didn’t know that he could be that straight forward. The rest are scratching their head since they do not understand. “I thought you….” I was asking then he cut me from asking. “Please be fast. I can’t leave the boys alone. And I need your number now.” He said with a stern voice. That scared me. I gave him and he left. A staff from the venue shoo us out of the room.


“Okay, where are we going now?” Jo asks. “Back to the hotel?” I reply. “It’s really late already and you still want to go out and play? All the stores and theme parks are closed by now Jo.” All of us then get a taxi out of the arena and head back to the hotel for bedtime. We were tired from all the sudden surprises and we dose off after we wash up back in the hotel.


Ring Ring


My room telephone suddenly rings and I pick it up. “Wakey wakey~” Eunhee called. I look at the clock and see that it was only 8:50am in Korea time. “Fir~ No, Eun ah…. Why are you calling so early in the morning?” I said in a sleepy voice. “*yawns*…. Oh, sorry eun.” I apologise. Everyone of us are trying to remember and call our Korean names.


EUN: “I want to go shopping~”

She aegyo’ed to me and I kind of feel annoyed cause I just woke up. The next thing I thought was why not buy the phone cards so it’s easier for us to communicate since we only can communicate with each other when all of us are around. If we split up, how are we supposed to call each other?


YOON: “Ok. Help wake others up ok?”

EUN: “OK!”

Eunhee said happily and hung up the phone.


I slowly push myself up and head to the washroom. After 15 minutes of wash up and changing, I go near angel and wake her up.


YOON: “Wake up Yeon ah…..”

I her head this time like a mother. What!? What the hell am I doing? Haha, guess it is just my parental instinct.


Slowly, she woke up and get ready.

LYN: “Where are we going?”

She asks with making her own puppy eyes.

YOON: “We will buy phone cards first. Then go shopping I guess.”


Knock knock


Knock knoccck knockkk knock.knock.knock.knock


The knocking on the door is like trying to break my room door. I ran to the door and swing open it.


YOON: “SHH!!! Don’t be so loud. You will wake the neighbors up!”

Telling the girls who are standing right in front of me.

YOON: “Come in. You girls are early.”


JO: “Where do we want to head out first?”

JEAN: “Hongdae!”

LYN: “Dongdaemun!”

EUN: “Insadong!”

KYO: “Itaewon!”

EUN: “Ewha!”

FEBY: “Apgujeong!”

JEAN: “COEX Mall!”

FEBY: “Times Square Mall!”

YOON: “WOW! All of you did your research huh. Well, we will put all the places on a list first then we decide which the nearest first and we go there, alright?”


Everyone nod in unison and look at the written list. We are in Gangnam so COEX Mall? Everyone said ok and took our belongings and leave.


We reach COEX Mall and it is REALLY big!!! “WOW!” everyone exclaim and looking around. “How big can this get?” Kyo said. “Definitely bigger than you.” Jean said jokingly. Everyone turn and look at Jean. “What? I’m just joking.” Jean smiled. “Okay. Don’t split yet. We all go to the telecom centre and buy the phone cards first then we split, is that alright?” I said.


We all head to the telecom centre and try to buy the phone cards but we ran into some problem. Language problem. I was trying very hard to speak in Korean but it failed.


“Geu jeonhwa kadeu.” I said pointing to it. The salesperson still does not understand. “Gosh! Can someone help?” I thought to myself feeling a bit irritated. The girls don’t speak Korean so I can’t suppose to ask them for help.


Then someone come up speaking in English. “Oh. Thank god! Our life saver.” I thought.


“Hi. Do you need help?” seems like a salesperson come up speaking in English.


“Yes. Yes. We just reach Korea yesterday for holiday and now we want to buy 7 phone cards so that we can call each other.” I told that person.


“Ok, I will help and translate what you want.” He said with a smile. “Oh gosh.” I heard from the back. I turn and ask, “What?” “He’s so handsome.” “He’s so hot.” Both Jean and Eun exclaim. I face palm myself and turn back to the guy.


The salesperson then took 7 phone cards and asks whether the phone number is okay for us. The guy translates for us. We all nod and paid for it.


YOON: “Thank you for helping us.”

I bowed to the guy. He shakes his head and reply, “Don’t worry. It’s my pleasure.” He smiled and puts his hand out. I shook it and bowed again showing my gratitude. “By the way, I am Shin Jae Hyuk. May I know your names?” he asked.


YOON: “Leena Yoon Jeongeun”

FEBY: “Shin Ah Rin”

JO: “Jo Se Young”

JEAN: “Lee Soo Jin”

KYO: “Han Ji Kyo”

EUN: “Jung Eun Hee”

LYN: “Youngest here, Lynnette Hong Ji Yeon.”

EVERYONE: “Nice to meet you and thank you once again.”


We head different ways with Jae Hyuk oppa and I suddenly bump into someone. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…” I paused for a second. Both of the girls seem familiar but I could not get it. “Han? Rina?” Feby asks. “Wow.” They both echoed. “What are you… You all are from the LINE chat?” Han and Rin ask at the same time.



I screamed and hug her.

YOON: “Mummy misses you so much!”

I said jokingly.


All of us smiled and hug together.

EUN: “So, why are you girls doing here?”

Eunhee refers to Han and Rin.

HAN: “SVT concert.”

RIN: “Same”

She said and smiles.

JEAN: “When? Yesterday?”

As she tilts her head.

HAN/RIN: “Yup!”

FEBY: “Then why didn’t we see you?”

YOON: “We saw Jihoonie at the concert yesterday.”

I said as I point to Kyo.

HAN/RIN: “WOW! No, today’s concert.”

YOON: “Which hotel are the both of you staying then?”

HAN: “Evermount Hotel”

FEBY: “Same”

EUN: “How lucky we are!”


We walked together and chat for a while with introductions. Now, we have 9 of us here. Such a big group. We then split up since everyone wants to shop different things so we have decided to meet up next or near to the telecom centre if we ever get lost or something. We did save each other’s phone number including Hans and Rinas.


6 hours passes so fast and it’s time for dinner. We met up and head to a restaurant for dinner. We are so hungry that after the food came, we all gobbled it down and finish in 15 minutes. Around 7:30pm we all paid and left the restaurant. We left the mall and head back to the hotel.


“Can we like change bedroom partners for a day?” Lyn sudden asks. All of us agree and changed.

Yoon & Feby in a room, Jean and Jo in a room and Eun and Lyn in a room.






-On the 4th day-


Since we had our shopping spree for the past 2 days, today we are just taking a walk along the park and the streets. Although SVT just finished their concert, we still want to meet them. It was nice talking to them personally.


While the 9 of us walk down the path in the park my phone suddenly rings.


Unknown caller

It was shown on my phone. I wondered whether to pick it up for a second and my hand just slide the green button as a habit.


“Hello?” I ask as I pick the call.

“Who is this?” I ask in English.

“Yeobeuseyo?” the other end answered.

“Yeobeuseyo?” I suddenly changed.

The girls look at me wondering who it is.

“SEVENTEEN manager imnida. Yoon Jeongeun ssi matjayo?” SVT manager called.

“SEVENTEEN manager?!” I shouted as covered my mouth at the same time. The girls look shocked and surprised at me and I had the same expression as them. Then I realized that I gave their manager my phone number…… wait, not my Korea phone number. Where did he get it? A question pops onto my mind. “Ne…” I stuttered.  


“May I know where are you girls?” SVT manager ask in Korean.

“Seonyoo Park” I answered in Korean.

“How many of you are there now?” he ask back.

“There is 9 of us now. Why do you ask?” I replied.

“Okay. Stay where you are. Don’t leave.” He said making me confused and he hang up.


Approximately 20 minutes later, a van came. A big van which is like a small bus. SVT manager come down and bring us up the bus. “Where are we going?” all of them echoed after one another. There was silence throughout the journey until we stop in front of a tall, big building.


“Where is this place?” Han asks followed by Eun in English. SVT manager still didn’t answer but ask us to follow him instead. What is with the instructions? What is he trying to do? as I thought. We followed him behind him. He open the door. “What the….. What is….. What is….” everyone started talking.





Hi there. Well, I know this chapter looks really long because of the conversations. Well, it took me quite a while to think and write since I need to research too. :D I also want to thank Rina for the covers and thank the subscribers too! Sorry if there is any grammatical errors or mistakes please forgive me. ^^ It will take me some time for me to write the next chapter cause I have things to do so sorry for waiting. Do remember to vote and subscribe! XD

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Junrikim8 #1
Chapter 1: the last one tho ........ my name is una and im from malaysia ...


Take care~~~

Dunot stress yourself~~~

Love you~~~

P/s not Han. ㅋㅋㅋ
Yinrie #3
Chapter 2: Unnie fighting!! <3