Chapter 11








Chapter 11




I took 5 minutes to get to the door and opened. Damn. That girl was standing in front of me again. I look at the sides of her to check of other people are around. Lucky she was alone so I just ignore her and slam the door in front of her face.


I went back up slowly back to my room. “OPEN THAT DAMN DOOR!” she shouted. I simply ignore her and return to my room. “I hate her!” I said to myself softly.






I went back up slowly back to my room. “OPEN THAT DAMN DOOR!” she shouted. I simply ignore her and return to my room. “I hate her!” I said to myself softly.


She continuously shouted for me to open the door but I just refused. I just don’t want things like last time (flashback on Chapter 10) to happen again. But it was a Sunday and neighbors are still in bed at 8:45am as I look at my room clock. “Damn, I really hate that girl!” I thought to myself while getting up to the door. I have no choice but to shut her up first.


I opened the door and yelled at her softly, “SHUT UP!” She just brings herself into the dorm and sat at the sofa. She sat down like a queen and ordering me to sit beside her forgetting I was injured because of her.


 I just walk away from her and sit near the windows. Our sofa was an L-shaped sofa.


SH: “Now, wanna tell me why you slam that door in front of my face!?” she was trying to start an argument or rather a war between us.


YOON: “You should know.” I answered in a chic, coolly manner.

SH: “Tsk.” That was what she did.


She came up to me cornering me with her face right in front of mine.

SH: “Listen, no one orders me and you (pointing to me) are just one trash that only can let me vent my anger so that’s why I’m here. And I’m gonna take my revenge now!” Poking onto my chest and my face.


I stared at her in shock because I knew she’s gonna do something even worse that can cause my life. I then smartly diverse her attention as I said I go to the kitchen to get some drink for her and myself.


At the mean time in the kitchen, I took my phone and message Feby and Doogi oppa. I then called Doogi oppa and put my phone behind me with the volume real low.


I came out of the kitchen limping with a glass of water in both of my hands.


YOON: “Now what?!” I sat down on the sofa with a glass of water drinking it.


SH: “Ok, after this sip, I’m gonna kill you! Since you made me lose my dreams as an idol!” staring at me while putting her glass of water down.


I totally flinched and quickly put my glass down and tried to run upstairs.






We were practicing and I got a message from Yoon. I open it and I was shock by what she sent. I gathered the girls and read the message together while Han read it out loud.


Doogi oppa then called us over since Yoon called him. We all listen to what was happening while heading out of the building.


We got into the van and we shouted to Doogi oppa to hurry since we knew Yoon was going to be killed by Shin Hee.


HAN: “Damn! That Shin Hee!”


LYN: “DON’T TOUCH MY OMMA!” she yelled.


MIN: “OPPA!!! BBALLI!!!!” rushing Doogi oppa to drive faster.

EUN: “I’M SO GONNA KILL THAT OH SHIN HEE MAN!” making us staring at her. She quickly use her hands to cover .

KYO: “Don’t say that Eun! But I really want to reach our dorm now oppa! I don’t want to see unnie hurt even more.” Worrying for Yoon.


Jo didn’t say a thing and we look at her. She was really pissed off at the fact that Shin Hee wants to hurt our leader even more. We have finalized our votes or decision for our leader and it was Yoon unnie. Jo’s scary look was like about to rip Shin Hee apart.


Within ten minutes, we reached and opened the door and hurried in. What we saw was Shin Hee trying to stab unnie but she failed because unnie was defending on the stairs. Blood was flowing out from unnie’s hands and Doogi oppa snapped Shin Hee’s hand holding the knife.


Jo and I quickly pulled unnie out of the way and check if she was alright. But unfortunately, she need to head back down to the hospital again with an injured right hand.


Una started crying at the sight of our injured unnie and I comfort her. “I seriously don’t want her (referring to Shin Hee) to be anywhere in front of us.” I thought to myself.






A week has past and my hip injury was healing real fast but my hand was still bandaged. Today is the day where I head back to the hospital for appointment to take my bandage out, hoping my hand is really healed.


Finally, the bandage was taken off but I need to put on something light for my wound which is still healing. We have left around 35 days left before our official debut but I’m still not able to dance which make me really worry.


Doogi oppa drove us back to the dance studio and saw Seventeen inside also.


The girls come running to me asking about my hand injury. I keep on repeating saying that I was fine until S.coups stood up asking what was going on. Obviously, the girls didn’t tell them about what happen while they were away.


Jeonghan came to me and hug me and I pat him back with my left hand only. He felt strange and pull me a bit further from him. He examines both of my arms and saw my right hand being covered with some wrist cover. He took the cover off and saw my injury making him flinch.


His eyes were starting to get watery and a tear almost drop. He was heartbroken to see me in pain with a new injury.


JH: “Baby, what happen?” he ask while tears flowing down.

YOON: “Well, Shin Hee came to our dorm and tried to make a scene a week ago. I find it off when she came in so I was on alert. I did send a message to Doogi oppa and Feby first then I called Doogi oppa. Just after she took a sip of the water, she went to the kitchen to take a knife and tried to stab me.” At that time, all the boys gathered around us and heard what I said.


All of Seventeen were in shock to hear that and came to hug me. “Luckily you only get away with a hand injury, not a stab in your tummy.” S.coups said.


My tears started to fall as I see Jeonghan crying. I wipe his tears off and he did the same to me. We both hug tightly.




-After another 12 days-


There was 3 weeks left before we debut and all my injuries are fully healed. I was so relieved that I am able to dance! We practiced and practiced everyday to get it correct and today are the day where we record our songs.


In the morning, I was woken up by Una who is filming with the video camera. But I was lazy to get up so I lay in bed.


UNA: “Now, let’s go and wake up our members.” She said happily jumping with joy and headed to my room.


UNA: “Unnie, wake up~” she called me and I turned. “Wow, you look so beautiful even when you just wake up unnie. And by the way unnie, we are filming our reality show starting from today.” Smiling and filming me.


I smiled at the camera and check my phone. “Yeoreobun, she’s our leader, Jeongeun unnie. Our only angel of the group.” She intro me and I smiled again with embarrassment. “Wake the others up and film them too.” I told Una and she nodded.


She went away and films the rest and introduced them to the viewers. As expected, Han was hard to wake up and the girls tried ways to do it but failed in the end.


KYO: “Unnie! We need you! Han wouldn’t get up!” she shouted to me went I was washing up.

YOON: “Okay! I’ll be there in a minute!” I yelled back.


After washing up, I went to Han’s room and wake her up with a hug and a whisper at her ear. She totally woke up in an instance. “Wow!” all of them exclaimed as they saw Han waking up after I called her.


ANN: “Unnie, what did you say to Han unnie?” she asks.

YOON: “It’s a secret.” I jokingly replied with a finger at my mouth.


The rest washed up and I went to the kitchen and prepare breakfast for the girls. Jo came into the kitchen with the video cam and started introducing the kitchen. I was making French toast for the girls with some cereals for them. Jo came closer and films the French toast I was making, making me embarrassed.


JO: “Unnie is an amazing cook and all of us love her dishes. Look at these toast and cereals, they look so yummy! Just like our mother.” she was hosting and introducing how well I cook and I stared at her when she said the last sentence.


After all of us finish our breakfast, we wash the dishes and head to the company building. Now the video cam is with Elly.


ELLY: “Now, we are going to the company and record our songs.” She says in a joyous tone.


We all waited outside the dorm and hop up into the van. We reach the company in no time and went straight to the recording studio. We open the door and saw a familiar back view.





Hi everyone! Sorry for the wait. I was busy with stuffs and now I finally got to update a new chapter. So how is it? Hope you guys like it although this chapter is shorter. I’ve tried my best to write it longer but this is where I decided to stop since if I continue, it might end up nowhere. Haha. XP Thanks for the subscribing and voting! Do comment below and follow on this fnafic! XOXO :D   

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Junrikim8 #1
Chapter 1: the last one tho ........ my name is una and im from malaysia ...


Take care~~~

Dunot stress yourself~~~

Love you~~~

P/s not Han. ㅋㅋㅋ
Yinrie #3
Chapter 2: Unnie fighting!! <3